Pokemon D/P Journey to Jublife

"noctowl, this is chimchar." "noctowl." noctowl said as if it was bored. "hey, whats your problem noctowl?" "chimchar!" chimchar tried to explain to noctowl. "its o.k. chimchar, he'll come to his senses soon.


Total Trust Chapter Four: A Whole New World

noctowl was now visible again and i fired off my attack without hesitation. however, it did not work because when notctowl emerged from the attack it did not have a single scratch. max consulted his pokedex while noctowl swooped down at me once more.

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Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (6)

I´m here to congratulate you for what you´d done and i wanted to give you this. " the noctowl morph handled martin an envelope. " what is this?" martin asked. " it´s an invitation for a special club. " said the noctowl morph. " a special club?"

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 7 - Team 76

Mr.green stated, making the noctowl look at him in surprise. "woooah... you sure have a lot of faith in kyurex, don't you?" he asked. "of course..." the shiftry stood up."

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It's Just a Game

I yelled for quilava to run as well as noctowl, let me fight this beast! i swear they both looked at me with a smile. i cried, and fell to my knees they didn't listen to me.


Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 2 - Falling apart

The noctowl grinned. if they only had been always so quiet during class. he scratched his head.

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Grand Duel Academy: Tournament: Hudson 1

He eventually gets up, but before he goes off to find someone to duel, he sees a noctowl female on the side, just sitting beneath a tree, wearing a purple blazer. hudson smiles, going over. hudson: hey, mind if i sit here?

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As One-Ch.3: Friends

A noctowl touched down in the center of everyone. nobody knows his real name, but he goes by mister b, or sir. "terribly sorry i'm late. now, would everybody take their seats?" everyone sat down in front of the old owl.

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Ledyba's Story - Chapter Three

I picked a random direction - though not the one that the noctowl's sound had come from - and flew off, excited to see what was out there.

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Journey of an Outcast - Part 3

noctowl ushered the class off to there next location. sneasel handed cubone the paper. "so they took this from you? what is it?" "not sure really." "you're...not...sure?"

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 1 - I choose darkness

After studying under his teacher, blugsdorn, who was a noctowl he quickly understood that he truly wanted to become an umbreon, a dark type.

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Pokemon D/P Off to Oreburgh

Chimchar is happily eating the fire bits i made him, while both noctowl and starly are enjoying their meat bits. froslass is enjoying her ice shards (which are not the move by the way).
