Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 1 - I choose darkness

Story by The Grand Master on SoFurry

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#1 of Kyurex

Note: Kyurex and all the characters are my own property. Pokemon does not belong to me tho...

Note: Kyurex and all the characters are my own property. Pokemon does not belong to me though, it belongs to the company Nintendo. But I think thats obvious.

This series is old, very old - so keep that in mind when you stumble upon various mistakes and weird phrases. ;)

"I'm so hungry....that...I...I can't feel my paws anymore..." Flak grunted, rolling onto his back with his tongue stuck out.

"I want some berries and a nice...big-uhh........" The rest of the sentence was literally impossible to understand.

Kyurex quietly sat next to Flak watching him gasp for air. He had to admit it was rather hot today, but this was just exaggerating.

"Flak...How the hell do you want to become an electric type if you haven't even got the will to move?" he asked. Flak didn't bother opening his eyes. The shadow of the tree he was next to cooled him down after a hard days work.

"Ah yeah? At least I know what I want to be!!"

They were on their training. The place where they lived was called the "Star Forest". It was known for its high population of Eevee's. Flak and Kyurex were still both Eevee's who attended a Pokemon school in the forest. There were lots of other Eevee's who trained and evolved into the type of Pokemon they preferred. Flak already knew he wanted to be a Jolteon, and Kyurex also knew what Evolution he would like to be but he didn't want his friends to know about his decision. Why? Well because the type he picked wasn't a type somebody would prefer to choose...

He wanted to be an Umbreon. The problem was simple. He would have to adapt to night time and he wouldn't be able to spend time with his friends, because they would be sleeping while he was awake. Nevertheless he knew that an Umbreon was a truly powerful Pokemon, and desired nothing else than to become one himself.

"I should be a fire type!! That would rock!!" Flak got up, looking at his friend. Kyurex didn't really have a happy face. He knew that the season of evolving was soon, and that that would be a whole new life. A life in the dark. Flak raised an eyebrow. "Your probably going to take psychic like Revy, right??? I know you are, because then you two could retty much train together, makes sense right?" Revy was also a long time friend of Kyurex. Not only that, but he secretly admired her. Flak was the only one who knew. "And Sruliana is taking the leaf we've all got different tastes..."

Flak, Revy and Sruliana were all best friends of Kyurex who he really didn't wish to leave. He grew up with them. But he just had a dream of becoming the strongest Umbreon of all time. His father was an Umbreon while his mother was an Espeon. Due to the differences his parents had he only knew his mother, and she always told him how legendary his father was, that he once saved the Star Forest from a raging Moltres. He only heard tales about him and whenever he asked his mother why his father wasn't with them she only answered with a "I truly...don't know". After studying under his Teacher, Blugsdorn, who was a Noctowl he quickly understood that he truly wanted to become an Umbreon, a dark type. Since that day he would get up every night and train under the moon, slowly adapting his genetics to the darkness.

"Ok I'm fit to go!! Come on Kyu we're going to miss lunch!! Hey, are you listening to me??" Flak jumped up, remembering how hungry he was. He looked at Kyurex. His friend than shook his head and also got ready to go.

"Sure...I was just dreaming..."

Finally the day before the final training came, and Kyurex, Flak, Revy and Sruliana al thought they should enjoy their last day as Eevees at the lake together. They enjoyed swimming around in the water while laughing every time they saw a dumb Magikarp jump around. Eventually they sat together on the grass, discussing how cool it would be once they would evolve. Of course Flak boasted the most, while Sruliana only laughed at his statements, Kyurex would tell Flak that his imagination was wild and Revy would always try to understand which type Kyurex had in mind.

"I'm telling you...once I learn how to use thunder you'll all'll have no chance!!" Flak lay next to Revy, who was watching Kyurex. Sruliana was getting impatient. "Like I'm scared of your stupid grass type attacks, best you can do is smack me with some flowers hahaha....."

"Oh yeah? Well wait till I use moves like Solar Beam!! Your thunder will be nothing!!" she snapped, while pointing her paw at Flak, who was also getting impatient with arguing. Kyurex knew he had to stop this.

"Guys, guys....come on we won't fight each other...why don't we discuss something else..." he said, and it worked. Though what came next didn't really brighten him up.

"Come on tell us...Kyurex we want to know what you've chosen! Pleaaase..." Sruliana pleaded, waving with her cute little tail. Kyurex blushed, he had to tell them something otherwise they would figure it out too soon, and that wouldn't mean anything good.

"Well, I mean....uhhh...I could tell you after all.......emm..." he gulped. Revy moved herself close to Kyurex, placing a paw onto his. He know panicked even more. Flak grinned.

"For me....please.." Revy whispered. She really wanted to know what he had in mind to become. The poor Eevee just said something. His friends rose their ears for maximum understanding.

"Well...I thought about this and I think I'm going to go with fire..." he lied, and as he did he felt bad, he felt shame fill his mind. He just lied to the most important people in his life. But than again, with a good intention. They wouldn't speak with him, they wouldn't even let him fulfill the final training, so he had to lie. Flak laughed, smacking the ground with his paws.

"Awweessooome dude!! We'll be an unstoppable team!!" Flak jumped around, while Sruliana nearly lost her temper, wanting to hit the crazy young Eevee into the ground. Revy smiled at Kyurex who felt better noticing that his friends didn't suspect anything.

"That's so sweet, a Flareon!" her happy face made Kyurex nervous, because he knew that the next time they would meet she wouldn't be happy at all, if they would even meet. They both were attracted to each other but due to Kyurex's choice he knew they couldn't be anything more then friends, because the thing that he least desired was to break the heart of a girl he loved most. Flak saw the two and thought it would be best if he and Sruliana left. He stopped jumping.

"Well it was awesome spending the time with you guys but ehh...I've got to get some rest before the final test...see ya!!" he was about to leave but Sruliana grabbed his tail, pulling him back.

"Yes...good idea...but..." Sruliana grinned. "I was thinking...this is the last time we're seeing each other as Eevee's and so tomorrow we'll look totally how about we meet here again to show off our new powers huh?" she said. Kyurex thought he was cursed. This was not good news!! Flak smiled.

"Yeah!! Why didn't I get that Idea? Awesome...I'll show you guys thunder!" he said. Kyurex had to do something. He got up.

" know we'll be tired after the evolution, maybe it's best if we do-"

"Hahaha....what a joke, you'll be tenfold stronger!! Everyone knows that!!" Sruliana laughed. "So and Flak are going...let's say tomorrow exactly at midnight...right here...ok?"

"Sure!!" Flak grinned.

"No problem.." Revy said. They all looked at Kyurex. He gulped once again.

"Yeah...of course!!" he smiled. Sruliana smiled back.

"Well bye you two....see ya tomorrow!!"

"Yeah...I'll greet you with a nice thunderbolt dude! Haha-"

"-Oh shut up..." Sruliana smacked Flaks face, making him obey her will and follow her home.

She and Flak were gone.

Everything was quiet. The Magikarps stopped and only the wind could be heard rushing through the trees. Kyurex felt a tail wrap around his own. Revy. He didn't know what the hell he should do. Tell her the truth? No...he couldn't. Normally he would reject her advances but now, he just let it happen. Revy smiled while looking at him watch the ground.

" look worried...what is it?" she placed her head on his shoulder. The poor guy struggled with his feelings. He knew he loved her but, why didn't he just tell her the truth? There was no denial in his feelings towards her. And he also knew she loved him but...

"Revy..." he forcefully withdrew his tail. Revy sighed, and also looked at the ground wondering. Why couldn't they be together. "I'm sorry Revy...I've got to go..."

"Why?" she asked with a low volume in her voice. Kyurex got up getting ready to leave.

"Because...I'm afraid we can't be..." he looked at the ground again. Revy came up close to Kyurex, looking deep into his eyes. Before he knew it, Revy kissed him passionately giving him a type of shock. He jumped back immediately.

"Revy! No...don't..." he panicked. Revy looked confused.

"If you don't like me then just say so!! Why tease me all these years we've spent together, can't you see that I l-"

"Revy...It's not's just that if I let this'll suffer later on..." he said. He knew that Revy wold be confused, but he had to tell her at least partially. Revy indeed didn't know what the issue was. She took a step forward.

"Kyu...I don't know what the problem seems to be but...have you ever thought about..." a tear trickled down her cute face. Kyurex looked into her eyes, noticing the desperate will to be cared about."How I would suffer if you don't let this happen?" she whispered. Kyurex was touched but nevertheless didn't let Revy approach him, taking a step backwards. Revy was struck. Didn't he care at all?

"I'm sorry Revy...I'm so sorry..."

Kyurex ran, ran home as fast as he could, leaving Revy alone while she cried, feeling her tears run across her cute cheek.