Ledyba's Story - Chapter One

It was the position every ledyba wanted, and the one every ledyba pushed themselves harder for.

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Ledyba's Story - Chapter Two

Made up of stationary ledyba holding various cloth flags.

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Ledyba's Story - Chapter Three

I struggled, but the other ledyba held me down. "that's not true; the older ledyba told me the matriarch wants you to join up! she's going to bring you into the nest; she knows how strong i am!"

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Sinori's Tale - Chapter Two

The ledyba still looked frightened, but hope started to enter her eyes at opal's words. "other ledyba... they did this to me. they..."

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The Twilight Army; Friendship

The umbreon followed the ledyba to a large cave, called the cave of origin.

Chapter 1

Off balance, kali tumbled face first into the dirt, kicking up a small cloud of dust and startling the ledyba away. "but don't focus so much on the heat that you lose your footing, though," i added.

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Phoenix's Story - Chapter Four

Going to do a chapter for clara's story next, then work on the ledyba's story. i'm really excited to ~finally~ be finishing this series. two and a half more stories to go!

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Sinori's Story - Chapter Three

In front of the ledyba that had chased phoenix off... she would have to be careful with what she said.

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