This Valentine part 2

Story by Dcatkuro on SoFurry

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#3 of This Valentine

This is the part 2 of sweet lover story This Valentine.

The two pokemon love is growing same as their confusing and scare

THIS VALENTINE part 2: The 2nd Valentine

· by dcatkuro, 22 hours, 19 minutes ago

· Literature / Fan Fiction / Romance

After that event, I and Dan are more closer than before. We share a lot of thing together and do a lot of thing. Since that day, Dan haven't sticked into any fights. After school, we go to the same place to watch the town in sunset and go home together.

14th February again, the same as every year that I know I gonna hear those word from other boys in class. But I not afraid any more because of him. That is my second Valentine with Dan. The thing is this Valentine is not like every year. The morning of 14thFebruary, like everyday, I go to school. Suddenly I feel something hit very hard to my head, everything gone black before my eyes.

I blackout for a while. Some very noisy voice wake me up.

_Hey, wake up you brats!-Mystery voice talk to me.

I can't see any thing. My eyes blindfoled, they tie my up into the chair, I can't move or do anything. But I know this voice sound like one of the Gorgon'gang that I and Dan have fight before.

_Who are you and what are you planing to do with me?-I ask him.

_Why?! I just want to pay back what you and Dan do to my good brother! My name is Organ, Organ the Serviper. When Dan read the note we left he'll come and both of you'll die.hahaha...Is that not beautiful!- He threat and laugh in madness.

_You monster!-I shout at him.

_Hehe...., Yes, I'm a monster like you said and this monster gonna play with you!-He say with scary and lustful voice.

I can sense his darkness aura, he gonna do something to me.

_Hehe... are you ready?-He ask me with that voice again.

_Ah...Gra...Ah...Gra...-I scream in painful.

After a while, All my strength is gone, my body is hurt so badly and saliva drip out of my mouth. In a moment, I thought I gonna die until I heard that voice.


The shout is so familiar, it's Dan. I can sense his aura, so warn and shine.

_Hehe...Dan! So you decided to join us! You see I and your friend Kul here have a little conversation and right now he...-Organ talk sudden been interrupted.

In the speed of wind, Dan use Fire Punch on Organ. Organ fell down to the ground and break all floor tiles.

_Graaaa! WHY...YOU...?-Organ speak in painful.

_Are you ok Kul?-Dan untied me and ask.

_Ya, a little sore but ok.-I smile and reply.

_You stay here and I deal with them.-He say the crazy angry look it on his face. He walk toward Organ.

_YOU DARE TO PUNCH MY FACE! YOU GONNA PAY FOR THIS!!!-Organ shout with the angry voice.

_LISTEN you nasty poison snake! You pick wrong one to mess with! You dare to kidnap my friend! Now i'll make all of you pay!-Dan roar with all his strength and anger.

I can sense Dan's aura, it getting warmer and bigger. It like burning flame cover all his body, it dispel the darkness around me.

_KILL HIM!!-Organ shout.

All of them heady to Dan, he knock out one by one just with one punch. He break all wall and flood. Sudden the craking sound come from all around. The warehouse is collapsed, everything is falling down. Organ and his gang is run away. I stuck under rubble and I think this is the end for me. I close my eyes and accept the fate. Sudden, I sense that familiar aura. It's no mistake, that is Dan, he cover me from all of those rubble. Dan grab my hand as quick as possible, pull me out and drag me to run out side.

_Hah...hah...that was close!-Dan's tire, lie down on the floor say. Are you ok Kul?-He worries about me say.

_Ya, I'm ok!-I rud my arm say. Dan...!-I call him.

_YES!- Dan enthusiasm reply.

_Can you let my hand go?-I look at him say.

Dan quickly drop my hand in awkward.

_Dammit! Those bastards is runing away!-Dan speak in angry. A! Uhm! I guess we can't go back to school now.-he rub his head say.

_Wait! What! Why we can't go back? Have we been expelled?-I panic ask.

_Hey, calm down! It's three o'clock. You have been kidnaped for all day!-Dan calm me down.

_And My school bag! where is it?-I ask in hurry.

_Your parents are going out, so I take you school bag to my home. Wanna come by and get it-Dan tell me what he have done to my school bag and suggest me come with him to get it.

_Ya, ok!-I smile and agree with him.

Dan pull me up and we go to his house. Dan's house look kinda old, it was built up from magma rock. The house is oriental style. It look neat, not messy like I thought.

_Hey, Dan you live here alone?-I sit down the sofa and ask him.

_None, I stay here with my parent. They work all day so I always stay home alone.-Dan tell me his story, his eyes look sad and lonely. Here your school bag catch!-Dan speak and throw me my school bag.

_AH!-I yell because the school bag hit my wound, it hurt a lot.

_Oh, I forgot. You stay here and I'll go get the barrel medic.-Dan worries about me and want me to stay still.

I appreciate what Dan done to me. In a moment, I must do something to return a favo. I don't know when and why, but when I near him my heart beating so fast and my face feel very hot and turn red. I don't know what wrong with me.

_Hey, give me you hand!-Dan give a care look it so warn and sweet.

_A...Uhm! You bangdaging technically!-I smile and say.

_Haha...! It kinda normal with the one who always fighting like me bandaging techniques is very important. I always bandaged myself.-His laugh and tell me the reason. But suddenly, his eyes look sadly.

Both of us stay in silent, until I finished bandaging.

_Done! That should do it! How do you feel?-Dan say.

_Oh...Yeah! I feel better now.-I smile and reply. Uhm...Dan! Why are you come and rescue me?-I dropped my voice ask shyly.

_Well...Organ's gang toss me a note and said something about revenge kidnap you and I beat that guy up and run to save you.-Dan answer but he miss the point.

_NO!-I yell. I want to know the true! I'm just a regular friend I'm not that special to you. Then risk of you life to save me?-My tear start to drip out, I say.

Suddenly, Dan drag and hug me, he say:

_Don't say that! Do you know how special you are to me? Everybody around scare me...they deser me like garbard no more no less. But you are different? You know in our first meet, I'm planing to kill myself at there. But when I want to stand up and jumb down, you have come and rescue me by your word. Right that moment, I know you are very special to me.-Dan tell me the true with a low sweet voice.

I close my eyes and keep crying for a while. The silent is filling the air, Dan's arm is so solid and strong, his warm chest and smell make me feel so peaceful. When I still deep in that feeling, I feel something warm and sweet on my lips. I open my and see the horror, Dan is kissing me. I shock and panic I try to resist and break out. Dan release me, I falling down to the ground and cover my mouth. My legs is melting, I can't move. My ear is deaf for a moment can't hear anything. I try to move, I grab my school bag.With all my strength left, I want get out the here as fast as I can.

_Kul, I'm sorry! Please listen to me.-Dan try to apology.

Dan is yelling behind me, I can't hear I just want to go home. I run, and run, and run. I still cover my mouth. My tear is drip out, I'm so afraid. I don't know what just happen, I just want to go home.

After that day, I try to avoid Dan. I'm not going to that mountain since then. A week has pass since he kiss me, I still can't forget that. One day, after school, Dan grab my hand and pull me to follow him. We stop at the moutain near school.

_Ah...uhm! Dan...W-why you drag me here?-I rub my hand and ask shyly.

_Kul, Are you hate me?-Dan ask with a serious voice.

_No! I just...just don't know how to face you, I'm scare and confuse when remember that day.-I turn away and reply.

_Kul, I'm so sorry, I don't know what get into me that day, I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore.-Dan give me a piece of his mind.

_No! I still be your friend now and forever, I don't want it to break.-I hurry reply.

_So, friend!-Dan give me his hand.

_Friend!-I grab his hand smile and say.

Even though, I say that but it can't be the same. TO BE CONTINUE