The jackalope yawns and sits up with a start, grabs the eevee, and the mudkip. he brings his head and snout up between them, "oh no. who's this?"
you look at the jackalope at length and then the mew looks over at him for a few moments.
Cuddle, Dream, Eevee, Eyes, Fiction, Jackalope, Mew, Mudkip, Pokemon, Story, Thoughts, big, hold, interactive, telepathic
The eevee, mudkip, and mew immediately get up and move alongside the jackalope at the disturbance. the jackalope still holds you and gets up and tosses your appendage that stirred it aside.
"are you a dream? did i do it again?
Beach, Ears, Fiction, Flaps, Jackalope, Pokemon, Stir, Story, ask, grab, interactive, question, towel
One had a shape of a mudkip on it, another had the shape of a torchic on it, and the last had the shape of a treecko on it.
"having to chose between them is hard," i said to myself.
Crossover, Digimon, Fanfiction, Pokemon
Under a set of them is a mew, an eevee, a snorlax, and a mudkip. they are cuddled by a sleeping jackalope that is laying down on beach towels.
a pregnant bear lays against the snorlax looking on a cell phone.
Beach, Bear, Cat, Dog, Dragon, Fat, Fiction, Green, Jackalope, Mew, Naga, Pregnant, Samoyed, Sleeping, Snake, Snorlax, Story, Tarp, ginger, interactive, massive
Under a set of them is a mew, an eevee, a snorlax, and a mudkip. they are cuddled by a sleeping jackalope that is laying down on beach towels.
a pregnant bear lays against the snorlax looking on a cell phone.
Beach, Beak, Canary, Dragon, Feather, Fiction, Rainbow dragons, Story, Talon, Yellow, caress, hold, interactive, sit
Under a set of them is a mew, an eevee, a snorlax, and a mudkip. they are cuddled by a sleeping jackalope that is laying down on beach towels.
a pregnant bear lays against the snorlax looking on a cell phone.
Belly, Boulder, Cardia, Cat, Dog, Dragon, Dreams, Eyes, Lover, Naga, Samoyed, claw, diamond, girth, growling, gut, mouth, scaley, snout
"well, looks like a pair of mudkip come to play on the beach."
cyrus was soon able to stand in the water and began walking out of the water. "mudkip? that's all you think of me as, xatu?"
Aura, Dungeon, Eevee, Mystery, Pikachu, Pokemon, Riolu, Sableye, Scyther, artomis, cyrus, kadabra, xatu, zaphiel
He was a sharkip: having a body of that of a tiger shark, although the orange gills on the side of his cheeks and the blue fin on the top of his head pointed to his mudkip genes.
Battle, Blue, Bondage, Decro, Dusty, Games, Kip, Kippy, Niall, Rhogar, Royale, Slyblue, Teryx, Teryxc, Victor, Victors, cup, hunger, the
A faint memory rose up, of mark hugging me tightly after our incident with mudkip. "and mark too!"
ashley bent down to examine it closer, tracing her fingers over the burnt bark. "you can smell your friend, can't you?" i nodded vigorously.
Chikorita, Clean, Eevee, Pokemon, Quilava, Seviper, Vaporeon, flaaffy