Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:11)

Bowser`s minions find you. your arrows scratched up your legs, and your arms have been cut by branches. you`re bleeding pretty bad. the minions take you to the castle. you start feeling dizzy. when you get inside, you fall in the floor. you fainted.

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:22 Near Death

"i`ll call some minions" "please..." bowser calls minions. jewelia hurts every one of them. "try me." bowser says. "i...i couldn`t`d die..." "do it!!!" jewelia throws ice everywhere. some of it strikes bowser. he falls to the ground.

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Of Vampires and Men

"attack my minions!" the various minions all got up and ran at steel. he easily dispatched six of them with shots to the heart, and on the reload he ran around and dodged all of their sloppy attacks.

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The Early Morning Rays

Not that she'd paid too much attention to it, rather more focused with keeping her wits about her as the minions swarmed. maybe that was it, she considered as a double-palmed strike sent one of the minions skittling through a number more behind him.

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A Diminished Sense of Christmas

The minion was popped in easier, and nursed on, like a gumdrop. morpheus stared after dominion's form as the wolf stooped to pick up the feline's shrink ray.

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Day Of the Dragon chapter 1

Thus, at day, an evil mission forms by those minions of the dark master left to roam.


Molo's Slimy Encounter

Are you ready to become one of my many minions little yoshi?" molo growled in anger, "no i am not!"

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A Journey Begun - Epilogue

After he'd retired to regain his strength, his best minions had expanded his empire so that it encompassed the whole planet, a vast network of tunnels, caverns, chambers and chasms, all full of fire and brimstone.

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The Curse of the Sacchariferous Queen: A Tale of Bubblegum and Greed

minion seventy-two!" and with a sugary green-tinged breath, she exhaled on the steadfast boy, the sight of him lost in the sparkling haze. but when it lifted, a boy no more, he was made kobold this day!

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Crow Hunter, The Lich King

I look up from the frozen ground and see the ruins of a once great empire, now reduced to an icy wasteland with no life and no sign of my minions.

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About four to five minions came out walking out of the stacking hills of junk and scraps, the boss was an abomination of a rynar and a cyborg wielding a long machete blade, and its minions were equipped with blunt or sharp weapons.

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chapter3: who dafuq is bolt?

"he's whimper to a picture that must be his owner i wonder why he's sad it must be the war of the gods the war happend a couple weeks ago god vs the devil the devils minions were zombies they must have infected the people including my owner!

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