Day Of the Dragon chapter 1

Story by shadowstrike on SoFurry

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this is a combined effort Hologramshrew and myself

The dreaded Malefor has been gone since dawn- though as inspirations pass down traits to admirers, masters pass down traits to their minions. Thus, at day, an evil mission forms by those minions of The Dark Master left to roam. As expected by the legendary Cynder and Spyro (and who can forget dear Sparx), their fate contains the fight to prevent this possible unfortunate future

made by Hologramshrew and myself plees coment and give us feed back

Day Of the Dragon

chapter 1

"Do you think there's many more?" Cynder questioned Spyro, just after tail striking a shadow ape. There were only so many left after Malefor's defeat, so the adventures for these two courageous dragon's weren't over. They had planned to rid the land of the remaining enemies- as well as find their buddy Sparx the dragonfly, whom they had been separated from for Sparx's own safety before defeating Malefor. "No, I think we'll clear them in a matter of time." Spyro replied optimistically, "And then we have to find Sparx, who I think is still with the Elders." "Ok then," Cynder agreed, smiling as she destroying the last of the shadow apes in the area. They were at the swamp, clearing the land from danger for their dragonfly friends and other creatures who lived there, and were about to leave, when... "Ambush!" Spyro cried as numerous shadow apes and other deadly monsters attacked the two from all angles. Although completely unexpected, these dragons were so used to situations like this, that they immediately had their defences up. Cynder swiped a number of snarling attackers with her wings, and caught one in thin air with a swipe of her tail. "Hah, not that an ambush is a problem or anything." Spyro said smugly. Though he was starting to get a little too brave, in fact he was almost becoming less careful. He didn't notice a swamp giant reach it's grubby hand from below the ground, and take hold of Cynder by the horns, twisting her painfully as it attempted to pull her underground. "S.. Spyro!" she shrieked. Spyro turned and saw half of Cynder just above the soil ground, and instinctively darted at the large, moving area just in front of and below her, horn diving it. A muffled grumble could be heard, and the rumbling from below rose then calmed down. Cynder pulled herself out from the ground, shaking off the dirt like a dog after a wash. "Thanks," The black dragon nodded "and... where did they all go?" Indeed, all the enemies which were previously swarming the area had disappeared from this particular part of the swamp. "Heh.. you must have scared them, Spyro." Spyro, not noticing the complement, was more concerned about why they had disappeared.