Molo's Slimy Encounter
This is a request from my friend notmolo
Molo the Yoshi is traveling through an abandoned city, though it may not be as abandoned as he thought it was...
I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you all think! ^_^
Dirt crunched underfoot as Molo walked down a dirt path, the Yoshi was happily humming as the sun shined down on his green skin. He had been traveling for days now, on the way he had met other Yoshi who had seemed nervous as they walked in the opposite direction than him. When he had questioned them, all he got back was odd glances at one another before hurrying past him.
Not one to be deterred, the Yoshi continued on with a cheerful disposition. As Molo walked down the path he didn't notice that the sky had an oddly purplish look to it, as did the grass surrounding the path. A river nearby the road ran with a putrid smelling purple goo which in no way looked healthy for drinking, Molo's face wrinkled up as the smell of the goo carried past him. "What's that smell...?" He muttered in disgust while he waved his hand to waft away the smell.
Although disgusted, the Yoshi could not be deterred and continued down the path. As the sky became obscured with the purple smog; Molo finally started to realize that something odd was happening around him his gaze carrying around his surroundings. His pace had slowed considerably, but still he carried on with a suspicious glint in his eyes.
A city slowly grew up in front of the Yoshi; Molo brushed his orange hair out of his eyes as his gaze slowly rose. The city was dark as if no one was living in it, "Whoa... that's not on my map..." The Yoshi muttered as he pulled a map out his shell and held it out in front of him, in the spot where the city was it only showed a road. "Well... this is odd..." Molo muttered before putting the map back and pushing up his glasses and continued on.
The city was quiet except for the sound of Molo's feet hitting the ground, the sound of his humming was dulled by the buildings oddly nullifying presence. The Yoshi was trying to keep a cheery demeanor but something about the city was making him nervous, from behind him he suddenly heard a trash lid hitting the ground and practically jumped a foot into the air.
Twisting around Molo shouted, "Is anyone there?!" But he saw nothing but the trash can lid on the ground, for a moment he thought it was nothing before he realized. There was no trash can around... Molo's heart beat started to rise as he started to back up and his gaze flicked from side to side, "What's going on...?"
Molo backed up until he suddenly hit something slimy, the Yoshi's eyes grew wider as the slime slithered over his shoulders. The Yoshi ran forward quickly not bothering to look at what had slimed him. He didn't even bother to scream as he was too worried about getting whatever was clinging onto him from getting into his mouth, he practically gasped in relief as he saw a small fountain with fresh water.
Molo dived into the water, though slightly regretted it as the water was freezing cold. But the fact that the slime that coated his skin was finally coming off was satisfying, "Thank goodness..." He muttered as the slime rushed into the fountain coloring the water a toxic looking purple, Molo was disgusted by the slime. "What did I bump into back there...?"
After washing off for a few minutes the Yoshi finally hopped out of the fountain and shook off the water, though seeing as he was no dog Molo couldn't get all of the water off. Now shivering, Molo passed through the city once more his head snapping from side to side every few seconds. What he didn't notice was that in the shadows of the city were small forms starting to take shape and following him.
As Molo neared the center of the City he had a trail of followers behind him that hid every few seconds, in the middle of the town a large fountain stood proud and tall. The statue was of a seal spitting high into the air, what worried the Yoshi was that out of the mouth of the fountain was instead of water a purple sludge. "What is this stuff?" Molo questioned as he drew near the fountain's edge, from the purple sludge a sudden bubbling sounded.
The Yoshi jumped back as the sludge started to grow up into a huge shape until he realized what it was, before the Yoshi was an enormous Muk. "Oh my god..." Molo muttered in shock as he looked up at the huge purple monstrosity, the Muk looked at him menacingly. The Yoshi slowly backed up but didn't get far as he realized that he was surrounded by a bunch of purple shapes, though they weren't Muk or Grimer but instead they were other creatures who appeared to have become slime creatures.
Behind the Yoshi a group of sludge Pokémon slowly approached with menacing smiles on their faces, in the group there was a Umbreon, a Jolteon, and a Quilava. They each reached out towards Molo, "No! Get away from me!" He shouted in a panic as he stumbled away from them, but he didn't get far as a sludge Pikachu grabbed one arm and a Murkrow grabbed his other.
The Muk chuckled deeply as his minions brought the Yoshi before him, "Welcome little one, I'm glad that you were able to come to my little city... Are you ready to become one of my many minions little Yoshi?"
Molo growled in anger, "No I am not!"
The Muk smiled, "Sorry to say, but you don't have a choice. Mew, come here!" From the group of slime minions around them, a mew floated out which was as purple as his master. The Mew nodded to his master before flying right up the Yoshi and studied him for a moment before engulfing him in purple slime.
Molo gasped in horror as the purple slime swallowed him, "N... no!" But he shouldn't have opened his mouth as the slime crawled down his throat, he tried to throw up the liquid but it pulled itself down coating his insides in slime. As the liquid covered him, Molo felt his body starting to melt down. Everything from his skin to his shell melted down into purple liquid, all the while his brain was drained of all knowledge except of his master Muk.
The Yoshi's eyes slowly became pure balls of white as he was brainwashed by the slime which now was a part of him, now like the Pokémon surrounding him. The Yoshi had become a purely purple liquefied version of himself, completely devoted to his master Muk. Muk chuckled, "Good, welcome to the slime Yoshi. Now come into the mix." Yoshi nodded mindlessly as he and the rest of the sludge slaves walked up to the edge of the fountain and dived into their master's sludge and became one with him.