A Journey Begun - Epilogue
#30 of Saga the First - Book One - A Journey Begun
"Master, the young master shows promise, as had his predecessors."
"Yeah yeah, I know. It's good that he's making progress."
"Aye, up until the point where you-know-who decides to show up. Then the party's really over."
"Can it, old man, he knows what he's doing. Besides, I've got back up in case things go south. Plus he's got all those new friends of his, he'll be perfectly fine."
"For everyone's sake, I hope you're right, lad."
"Max, I need a favour."
"Not again. What is it now?"
"Relax, nothing criminal, jeez. All I need you to do is to compile a list of potential Guardians."
"And how will I go about that, Daniel?"
"Use the Watchlist I gave you. Do some research into individuals that you believe are Guardians. If you can confirm that yes, these guys are definitely Guardian material, then take their info and put it in a separate list. Compile a list of people whom you think would make great Guardians that aren't, y'know, too young, or dead, and then send it to me. Sort them by country, America being priority."
"Well thank god that isn't too hard. I'll have the list to you soon, Daniel."
"Thanks Max. Then once you're done, I'll need you to do a few more things."
"What now?!"
"Jeez, relax man. Take a chill pill. I just need you to get your door."
"I've got pizza."
Meanwhile, in the depths below the Earth's surface, in what might constitute for its core, a primordial being arose from its slumber. Awakened by a deep yearning, it lit its surroundings with flame and fire, enough to ignite the rock and surrounding landscape, turning it into a sea of light and fire. It was in this harsh landscape that the being shed itself of the countless years of stone and rock that had grown over it, revealing itself as a man. For eons he'd laid, dormant, under the rock, letting his servants roam free to do his bidding aboveground, while his minions and lackeys toiled away in the chambers above, maintaining the atmosphere he'd strived to build for millenia. They were doing a very good job too, he had to commend them for it. After he'd retired to regain his strength, his best minions had expanded his empire so that it encompassed the whole planet, a vast network of tunnels, caverns, chambers and chasms, all full of fire and brimstone. Now that he was awake, he could return to his business.
The business of grim dealings.
He returned to his throne and commanded his best to be before him, and thus was the exchange that would begin a new tale. One of triumph, of sacrifice, of battles won and lost.
But most importantly?
For Lucifer always collected on his debts.
He always did. Without fail.
Even if that meant he'd have to condemn a few thousand people to do so. He'd have his prize.
A death.
And a soul most pure.
But, more importantly, a death.
Yes, a simple, single death.
The first of many.