Living With Yourself
I was studying all alone in the Great Hall for the upcoming exams. I am what you would call a model student and yet I still find myself struggling in Charms and Potions. Yeah, call me whatever you want but the fact is that I'm desperately needing for...
Live Cargo
She'd have to add damages to her bill, and she prayed the live cargo advance would cover both. one more night on this world, and she'd have to take on more than she could carry just to get off planet. but live cargo... man.
Living Tails
We blended our technology with nature; we lived in villages in the trees, and cared for what was around us and provided for us.
Kazufox Interview #6
Note: Dear everyone, I am sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry...sorry. I will do better in the future leaving behind my old pre-2007 'humor' behind and learned from my horrible mistakes. It's interview #6 ===== # ~Prologue #6~ **----** # ~Location:...
Asiza´s Story
No other angel like her so she live alone. she did not learn how to love or being loving. she only know how to be political, politely, friendly and a little about angry and aggressive actions.
You don't know me...
I decided to post it here, since it seems to me that it still applies, to anyone and everyone who simply goes through the motions, living out our lives indifferently as we pass each other every day. you don't know me. i don't know you.
Just a short abstract story
Clock is ticking so fast and so slow My paw twitches with excitement What's going to happen next? Life sure is amazing Nothing more or nothing less The summer breeze invades my fur As I feel its whispers "You're alive" My head keeps...
Live and let live: A novel: Ch.2
My heart sinks into my stomach, I look down at my paws, ashamed of what I've said. "Look, Amy I'm sorry," I'm trembling as I try desperately to find the words, - "That's what you've said every time this has happened," Amy is almost in tears "I've...
A phoenix will live again!
Dragon of Ossogoth: Part 4
The living ship, or whatever it was, told us to go to the captain's office beside the bridge.
The reason I live.
Another day, just put on a smile. Make a joke to keep up appearances. Just have to be strong for a little while. Drown myself in music; long distances. Put on a show, false wit on the forefront. Giggle, laugh; enough to dispel questions. Look...
Skylands: Large Living
**skylands: large living** by david j rust macaferty jahn didn't understand newcomers and hated their slang. he knew it probably wasn't the universal but they all seemed so ...insulting.