The Dark Streets - Reboot Preview

#1 of the dark streets i came back to the project i'd abandoned, and decided it was time to rethink the first few chapters, and to rewrite out a lot of the small errors i'd made.

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Cinder and Shadows (Chapter 1)

Chapter one: Were it all began I think I will start the story from the beginning. So our story will start with my childhood. I never knew my parents, the first thing I remember is the god awful orphanage. The orphanage itself looked bright and...

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Suddenly: "Adrenaline inducing, testosterone filled, dangerous, stupid, illicit, loud, these are all a few words that sum up how I ruined my life." "It's not surprising really, if you're a nobody and you're good; you attract attention. Usually it's...

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Walking Streets

#1 of walking these streets one here i was, slowly cruising along 4th street, just along the edge of the red-light district, when my comp beeps intrusively.

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You don't know me...

You pass by me, every day, on the crowded streets. you say hello; i say goodbye. you serve me food, ring up my beer, tax my cigarettes. i give you money, and your life goes on. we see each other often. but you don't know me...

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Chapter 1: Street Convo and Street Tacos

street tacos. and some awesome mexican soda." he waited for a moment, looking for some sort of acknowledgement in brennan's eyes, but got nothing in response, so he continued, "so i figured i may as well ask if you wanted to go.

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No Darkness In Your Arms

No darkness in your arms by draconicon the snow swirled around the lampposts along the street, the already cold night air made colder by the unpredictable gusts of wind that blew down the streets.

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A Shark of Land and Sea

Hopefully he wouldn't run into any crazed street sharks fans when he got back, too!

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life with a dragon chapter three

I shift through the gears fluidly as we haul ass down the street. as we near the end of the street and the highway i put it in neutral and stop the car.

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One-Way Street

Not envy but i can't wait any longer and i long to be in her place but life has other plans i'll have to find someone else who loves me back the same way because love is not a one-way street

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Cinders and Shadows (Chapter 4)

"they wanted to put me away for three years, then they found out i lived on the street. they probably thought they were doing me a favor or something.

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Cinders and Shadows (chapter 2)

Feel free to comment about what you think, i love to hear feedback ^^ chapter two: life on the streets life on the street was great. it may sound weird, but i loved it. i wandered around the first day, pondering on how i was going to get a decent meal.

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