{Pokémon/Babyfur} From Bully To Baby
A few moments later, indeedee walks into her classroom and plops umbreon's crinkly tush onto the carpet. as he looks around the classroom, his cockiness is quickly replaced with a sense of utter dread. "no...i'm in the kindergarten classroom?"
Burdens - Chapter 132: Gather
More students began to filter in, and as roger had predicted, some of them had been going from classroom to classroom to find hunter. the bold ones sat as close as they could possibly be, while the bashful ones sat in the corner, viewing him from afar.
Tales From Switch City: Kickaha's Tale
And what would you be doing to my classroom?"
Westfurd University| Chapter 1
I leave my dorm and swiftly head down the hallway to the classroom. fortunately i don't encounter anyone along the way and quickly get there.
College Life: Chapter 2
Menwhile we were talking we arrived classroom and he helped me to put my things on the locker he sat 2 chairs in front because he can´t se very well in the classroom but in the outside he see very well.
Confusion and Complications
I turned to walk out of the classroom before she stopped me. "colt, can you come back here please?" _'damnit.'_ i thought before walking back to mrs. kash's desk. "did i do something wrong mrs. kash?"
The Egg Assignment, part 1
He used his shoulder to nudge open the classroom door, then the drake strolled into the classroom. jarzyl followed, and at her teacher's bidding, the two carts and all the cardboard boxes were left at the front of the room.
Chapter 7
Clyde sat in the back of the classroom. a few more students walked into the room, most of them being humans, with the exception being one completely black-furred bunny.
Forgotten Pawprints Chapter Two: Classroom Confusion
Crow, "welcome everyone t-" his voice cut off when he heard the door open, and he turned to see lin shyly stepping within the classroom. "i'm glad you decided to join us," he remarked, placing his wings on his hips.
Rough Day
The very thought of stepping into her classroom filled the young fox with an overpowering sense of dread and anxiety.
Swirly Eyes and Sugarcubes [Comm]
To his relief, none of them paid him any heed as the two quietly exited the classroom. ollie sniffled, feeling upset that he had not been able to hold it during his very first day of class. ms.
Zippy Zipperdale--Moderately Mad Scientist: The Thrid Experiment
Zippy and lizzy both gritted their teeth as their carefully made project demolished part of the classroom. in a second, the floor had been eaten through by the particle ray, which continued downward into the empty classroom below.