College Life: Chapter 2

Story by The_General_Wolf on SoFurry

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This one is a little bit much longer. I f you notice i miss something don´t give it circles to it and tell me.

I head up to the front of the bus and get out the more quickly that i could but outside the bus something stopped me. It was that Wolf that I saw in the bus stop, and he was in front of me! I was so surprised that i accidently drop my books. He heard the noise and turn around.

Hey! he told me. I was freezed and my ears get red.

Hi! I respond in a very shy way "Don´t screw this Rebecca, don´t do it!" i thought for myself

Need help with those books?

Yes! thank you!

You´re welcome. And he winked to me with a smile. This time i get i was completly red. "Plese don´t, please don´t......" and yes, it happened. while i was helping him to get up my books we accidently try to grab the same book and he hold my hand trying to get the book. This time both of us get reddned. i hold the book and I try to ran out but something inside me stopped that action and don´t let me go.

Hey! hummm I-I-I could help you to put your books in your classroom if you want.

Y-Y-Yes, it would be nice. then i think for myself again "Please tell me your classrom isn´t the 112"

I´m in the 112 classroom, in which one are you? I freezed for a second but meanwhile i saw how handsome he was.

Are you okay? he asked me after a minute waiting for an answer

Yeah, I´m fine.

Ok now, changing the subject of school, how many years have you been with your friends?

For a while, since we were on kindergarden.

WOW! that´s a very long, long time! he answered surprised, like if my friends were something like my brothers. But near us it was Sophie, i saw her and i could read he was trying to say "I see your tastes have not changed you little Roxy". Roxy was a name that Sophie use to call me when i was being really naughty.

Yeah, they separate us in primary school but we join together again in junior high! suddenly i heard someone was shouting "Good job Roxy, you almost got it!"

Ha! what will that girl is doing to someone shout that?

I-I-I don´t know. maybe someone is being very naughty! He began to laugh and i saw again Sophie but this time she wasn´t alone she was with 2 more of our group of friends from the junior high and then this time all of them smiled and winked at the same time to me. I was becaming to get, at the same time angry and a little bit shy. He saw something was going wrong with me and he asked if that person was me. I answered that maybe they were my friends or maybe it was anybody else. After that he became a little bit serius, i noticed that so now i changed the subject.

And you, any of your friends are here?

Hum, yes but they´re quiete different

Different? i don´t understand

Yes, humm 2 of my friends are lesbians and 1 of my friends hes well........


and they´re your only friends?

No, they´re 3 more but they still on vacations. Menwhile we were talking we arrived classroom and he helped me to put my things on the locker He sat 2 chairs in front because he can´t se very well in the classroom but in the outside he see very well.

In front of me it was Daniel, he can´t se very well to so he must go in the front and in the back, my side and the back of my side they were Sophie, Samantha and Sarah. W e talked over what we done in our vacations the first our because the proffessor was absent and the rest of the day we had a meeting on the auditorium. It was boring, they were telling us things that we already know that they said the past meeting, that was on Sunday. But during the meeting i only could think abaut Joel. that was his name if I could remember. I was thinking about if he has girlfriend, if he was gay, if he do excercise, if he was that atractive.

The school finished and I ask if we swap numbers, he said that it was okay, he leaved with his friends and i go with mine

After talking and walking I arrived home and i told mom eeverything that happened. we laugh, we discussed and we had dinner watching tv.Then i had a bath and i go to bed." Maybe I was wrong, high school isn´t to bad" I switched off the light and i sleep very well