Burdens - Chapter 132: Gather

Story by Zerink on SoFurry

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#132 of Burdens

Got finals this week, myself.

Chapter 132: Gather

The wolf and fox sat talking to each other for a few minutes before the teacher returned. He greeted the wolf and asked how his tests were, which the wolf explained to him as he had done with the fox.

Roger caught himself smiling idly now that the wolf was there, which he did not mind so much when it was just two of them, but now that they were around someone, he did not want anyone to catch on, even if it was his teacher that had brought them together. He tried to reset his face to that of a neutral one, but he could not help but smile a little; he was happy.

The skunk paid them no attention, though. If he noticed, he did not show it. He continued typing away on his computer.

Oddly enough, no one else had shown up yet. It was not as if no one was done, Roger guessed, but that they went to different classrooms. Still, with Hunter's popularity, he thought at least some might seek him out.

Roger was a bit relieved for that, though. He thought the classroom currently a nice sanctuary from the gossipy students that often wanted to take the wolf from him. At least here he could be with him, and though not really alone, it was still nice.

The door opened and he heard a familiar voice call out, "Hey there lovebirds."

Roger blushed furiously and looked at who had entered, mostly scared that those words were serious. If someone had found out about him and the wolf, he did not know what he would do.

It was just Hunter's friend, Brandon. He immediately recognized the ferret when he saw him, and he thought that he should have at least recognized how he spoke: never quite serious.

The ferret walked over, patting Hunter on the shoulder and giving a quick greeting to the teacher. He then punched the fox in the shoulder lightly and said, "You aced it, I'm guessing?"

Roger rubbed his shoulder. "I guess."

He turned to the wolf and asked, "What about you, big guy?"

Hunter folded his ears. "I think I did alright. I hope I did."

"You and me both," the ferret said. He leaned back in the chair as much as he could, his legs sliding forward a little. "It's always so stressful."

The wolf nodded in agreement. Roger had no idea what they were talking about, however. The tests were never stressful for him, more of a nuisance.

They began to talk about weekend plans. The ferret had mentioned that he was going to watch a movie on Saturday, and asked if they would like to go with him.

Roger looked at Hunter and shrugged, who nodded in return. They had nothing better to do, so they figured it would be a nice way to celebrate, aside from the ice cream party that the wolf desired. Not so much of a party, but they could probably get some after the movie.

They had nothing to do on Sunday, but Roger wanted to use that day to rest. He had been spending the past few weekends helping the wolf study, but this was the first weekend in a long time, even during his hospital stay, that he did not have to help anyone study, and could just focus on loafing around. He hoped that it would extend for the summer vacation, as well.

Roger mentioned summer vacation, and ideas began to get thrown out into the conversation. So far, Roger had not planned anything, and wondered if his parents would even have time to do something since they worked so much. He wondered if the wolf could afford to do anything.

The ferret said his family was heading off for a vacation, somewhere with a beach. The fox did not recognize the location, but upon searching for it on his phone, it turned out to be a picturesque location. A large beach, rocky cliffs on the side, caves to explore, sand as far as the eyes could see. The water was a nice teal color blending into blue the further out it got, though it was also very clear.

Since the wolf and fox did not seem to be doing anything, the ferret invited them to come along with his family. They were renting out a beach house and had plenty of space. Roger wondered just how much money they had dumped into such a venture.

It sounded good, though. He had not actually been to the beach before, and he could not remember the last time he had gone swimming. Maybe it was a good idea, maybe not. He consulted with Hunter, who looked ecstatic at such an idea. That gave him all the information he needed.

Their families were welcome to come along, as well. The ferret made sure by texting his own parents. Roger still needed to get permission from his own, as did Hunter. They would get back to the ferret the next day.

More students began to filter in, and as Roger had predicted, some of them had been going from classroom to classroom to find Hunter. The bold ones sat as close as they could possibly be, while the bashful ones sat in the corner, viewing him from afar. Roger furrowed his brows and brushed them off.

The classroom had filled just as it was time for lunch. Roger had pulled out his lunch that his mother had made, while Hunter did the same, though it was meager. Hardly anyone else did the same, though. Most were afraid they would lose their spot to view the wolf if they went to get lunch.

The ferret stood up and declared that he would go grab something to eat and bring it back. Hunter put his back on his seat to make sure no one else took it, as it was bound to happen.

Roger looked at his lunch. It was a hearty sandwich with an apple and banana, a box of juice, which he thought was childish, and a bag of potato chips. He then looked at Hunter's meal, which consisted of a plastic container full of plain rice and a piece of bread. Roger gave him his banana and bag of chips.

Hunter looked as grateful as he always did when the fox gave him anything, especially food.

Roger knew his family could not afford to give him too much, and it was cheaper to make the food for him instead of buying it at the school. He looked at the wolf, who looked like he was desperately fighting the urge to lick his cheek.

Paranoid that the wolf might actually do it, he quickly changed the topic to what the wolf wanted to do later that day. Football season was over, so he did not really have to go to practice. They settled on hanging out at Hunter's house this time. They had spent quite a bit of time at the fox's.

The ferret came back with a brown bag. The wolf moved his bag so that he could sit down. He pulled out the unhealthiest looking sandwich Roger had ever seen, but at the same time, it looked delicious. It smelled awful and yet amazing.

They ate their food in what silence they could have, the room having become lively. Nothing else was supposed to happen that day, so they just enjoyed it together. Roger had hoped that his labrador friend would have found them, but it was a bit late. All of the seats were taken.

He really just hoped that everyone could have left the room so that him and Hunter could have been alone. He figured he could just wait for that later, though.

All in all, he did not mind.