Rough Day
#3 of Commissions for Itsdatfox
Story Commission for Itsdatfox
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Rough Day
It was sure to be yet another rough day of school for the young fox. Jake could feel it as he hesitantly stepped onto that familiar yellow school bus and slowly shuffled his way towards the back seat. His nose twitched with the mixture of scents permeating from the bus. With all these young kids aboard there was a barrage of uncomfortable scents that made it fairly unpleasant. Jake found himself thinking that it would be nice to have his permit so he didn't have to get onto such a gross bus everyday, but he had a few more months to wait before he'd be able to get one. Settling into his own seat, the fox tried to drown out the worrying the thoughts which had begun to race around inside of his mind.
Jake had chosen to dress himself in a fairly casual manner for the day. His lithe upper half was fit nice and snug inside of a black Fox Racing shirt which helped show off a bit of his lithe figure. A pair of form fitting jeans hugged his hips the fabric worn out a bit from age dulling it's color. His soft orange ears were poking comfortably out of a Flatbill Alpinestar hat completing his look. The boy's delicate emerald eyes gazed sadly out of the window, staring at the blur of houses and trees as the bus rolled right along.
The bus ride proved to be very distracting for the orange furred youth. His thoughts were being interrupted on and off by the sounds of screaming and shouting coming from the other students piled into the bus with him. At one point he had been hit with a few wedded up pieces of paper as part of the crossfire between two much young kids little war. A few seats above him two teen girls had taken to sharing gossip about all of the guys in their school deemed attractive as well as the girls they viewed as competition. to his right a couple of guys from his own classes were having a conversation about which girls in the school they'd most like to fuck. Jake found his cheeks had started to flush a bit as he struggled to tune out the more lewd details of their perverse conversation among one another.
His ears perked up a bit as he caught one of the students sitting in front of him mention Miss Stevens. The sound of her name being spoken aloud brought a strong feeling of sickness to him as his stomach began to turn a bit in discomfort. Most of the boys in his classes were always talking about how they found her to be attractive, and he was hard pressed to say he disagreed, however she was the one who was always calling him out in front of the whole class and making him look stupid in front of all the other students. He loathed the way she treated him down to the very core of his being, and he couldn't understand what she had against him in the first place. The very thought of stepping into her classroom filled the young fox with an overpowering sense of dread and anxiety. They hadn't even reached his school yet and that familiar cloud of agony was starting to form above his head to loom menacingly over him.
The antics of the rowdy students on the bus would carry on awhile long until, eventually, the bus would pull up to the school. Looking through the back window Jake would gaze up at that large brick building with the well kept grass. The school was sectioned off into two seperate sides. The left half of the building was where all the elementary kids would be gathered for their classes, and the right half was for the older students to assemble. Fond recollections of his time spent of the left half of the building filled the young fox's mind for a while before the depressing realization that he had to go to the right half began to fill his head. Sometimes he wished he wasn't a highschool student so he wouldn't have to worry about things, but unfortunately he was.
The moment that the airlock sounded and those doors on the bus swung open all the students around him began to pour chaotically out of the vehicle, rushing wildly to get far away from the cramped walls of the bus and out into the open where they could stretch their legs a bit. Jake, however, wasn't in much of a rush at all. Casually, he lifted himself up onto his feet when everyone else had finally cleared the area and began to slowly saunter towards the front end. Nervously he began to step off the bus and sighed softly as he had no desire to be anywhere near the school.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, Jake drew in a deep breath of the fresh outdoor air and let it fill his lungs easing some of his feelings of stress. Being away from that dirty unclean bus helped to ease his troubled mind a bit as he began to walk towards the front doors to his side of the school. His mind, against his will, began the process of mulling over what his mother had suggested to him before. Somewhere in his subconscious he knew that she was right. He needed to have a conversation with Miss Stevens at some point about the way in which she was always calling him out in the middle of class. Jake dreaded the very thought of it, but if he continued to refuse doing anything he'd forever be bound to his own misery.
The rest of Jake's morning would be spent shuffling idly back and forth between various classes as that sense of dread continued to build upon itself. Most of them were fairly boring and he'd try his best to avoid falling asleep or drawing anyone's attention towards himself for fear of being humiliated again. Occasionally, he would feel as if other students eyes were glaring right at him, and he worried deeply that they had taken to judging him in some way which made him feel that sickness in his gut. Jake hated that feeling, but there was not much that he could about it as he was bounced around from one class to another.
It was only a matter of time before he would find himself approaching the one classroom that he absolutely dreaded above all the others. He drew in a nervous gulp of air as he slowly inched closer and closer to his English room. The boy's heartbeat was starting to race wildly, pounding inside of his chest as each footstep brought him yet closer to that dreaded room. Miss Stevens was there just behind that door, and he knew that he had no choice but to step inside and face her if he wanted to eventually graduate highschool.
As he slowly and carefully pushed open the door, Jake's eyes began to wander around the room a bit. He saw a few rows of desks set up in the room. It was still early so most of them were empty as other students had yet to show up for class. A few desks were filled with students who had taken to conversation among one another. Plastered all over the walls were various motivational and humorous posteres with little cats and grammar jokes on them. Jake never cared too much for that, but he guessed it made sense for an English class.
His eyes then turned towards that desk sitting in the front of the classroom while he shuffled inside himself. There were papers scattered messily all about it, but more interesting to Jake was the other things sitting on her desk. He happened to notice she had a little plush Yoshi and some other Nintendo memorabilia seated comfortable in her work-space. He always found himself wondering if she'd confiscated those from one of the other students, or if maybe his teacher was a secret gamer. The fox had a good deal of difficulty trying to imagine a version of his teacher that had any interests at all, much less ones he shared in common with her. In his head he could only see thoughts of her as a trigger for his deep rooted feelings of social anxiety and stress.
Finally his gaze would wander the rest of the way up and settle on her. Miss Stevens was a mature woman, with beautiful ebony fur covering her body. Those ears of hers were very pointed with cute little tufts of white fur on the inside giving some contrast to the rest of her. He had never been wholly sure of her species, but she seemed like some kind of mix between a bat and a canine to him. Her eyes were a deep ocean blue and he always felt like they were mocking him. The woman's body was covered modestly in a cute black dress with white stripes that clung nicely to her more curvy figure and showed off her frame rather nicely. The dress did very little to disguise her rather impressive bust the cleavage on full display showing off her rather ample bust size, even Jake had to admit she had a nice pair on her. If he didn't dread the experience of having her as a teacher so much, he'd probably be turned on by the sight of her. The teacher's hair was a cute soft shade of white he noticed as he began to quietly move through the row of desks to find his own in the middle of the classroom and silently sat down.
He would tack the motion of the clock as it ticked by at an agonizing speed, his eyes trailing the small hand as every single second and every horrid minute passed him by. The rest of the students had begun piling into the classroom one right after another until the entire class had been filled with an array of different species all peacefully waiting for their class to officially begin. Jake was hopeful that maybe today he'd finally manage to weasel his way just outside of her notice and slip quietly under the radar avoiding her notice for the day, though he knew this was likely asking far too much from his teacher who seemed to always call on him. Jake's attention turned upwards towards the front of the class as his teacher stood up from her desk showing off the reach of her dress which stopped just above her knees and began to address the entire room full of students.
"Alright class." the teacher spoke, her voice giving off a very delicate and nurtuing vibe. This was a strong contrast to the way that Jake envisioned her within his own mind, and he sometimes couldn't help but to think about the that her voice reminded him of his gentle mother's own in the way words would roll off her tongue, "Did everyone remember to finish reading The Black Cat? I hope so it's a very good work and one of my personal favorites from Edgar Allan Poe."
Jake had a sudden realization strike him in that moment which caused his whole entire body to tense up. He'd gotten so wrapped up in his anxiety the day before that he'd completely forgotten all about the assignment and hadn't brought his book to read it. They were going to be spending the entire class session discussing the meaning behind one of Edgar Allen Poe's works, and he hadn't even gotten around to reading the damn thing. Jake felt a sudden rush of panic overtaking him as he silently began to rummage around through his backpack moving aside notebooks and pencils in order to fish his English book out of the mess.
"Alright shall we begin with a brief over-view then?" she suggested in a warm and inviting manner, the woman's tail dancing gently behind her in a peaceful and soft manner. Turning her back towards the classroom in order to focus on the board, Jake would find himself with a brief opportunity to sneak a peak at that plsuh round little backside of hers. The sight of her rear making his cheeks flush to a light shade of crimson as he thought about her attractiveness, but his focus was quickly stolen back as he flipped wildly through the pages of the book in desperate search of where he'd left off the day before. His ears were perked up as he carefully combed over her every word, the fox's attention being split between his teacher's words and reading the book for himself.
"I would hate to bog you all down with too much detail" She offered in a polite manner as she began to jot down a few notes about the story on the board. The teacher began to explain the way in which the story unfolded. Taking her time she carefully went over the series of events as portrayed by the narrator that would lead up to the police finding the body of the man's wife hidden behind the wall. Jake was paying as much attention to her as he could, but his focus was torn as he struggled to speed read his way through the entirety of the story by himself in the hopes of being caught up enough to keep up with the rest of the class.
"Now that everyone's all caught up and we've had a brief over-view how about we discuss the story itself?" Miss Stevens offered warmly as she scanned around the room for a moment. Her delicate blue eyes scanning for a student to pick out among the group and have join into the discussion.
"Let's start this off with you Amy" she spoke and a droopy pair of long white ears would twitch before raising up. A small white lapine girl would then stand up before the class.
The girl was sweet enough. She had snow white fur that covered her body, and was dressed in a warm yellow top that hugged her small chest nicely. Her lithe little figure on display as she wore a cute skirt that went just below her rear. The girl's cheeks flushed a bit red as she had been called on by the teacher to speak.
"Oh well umm..." She started to mutter out as she gave a shy scan of the room around her, "I'm afraid I didn't like this story very much" she admitted, "I thought that it was really really creepy, and it kind of made me uncomfortable" she added as her ears began to droop a bit.
"Don't worry Amy, it's perfectly natural to feel that way" The teacher offered in a warm and comforting manner, "Sometimes works of art are supposed to make you feel a little uncomfortable and take you to places you wouldn't normally go on your own. It is all a part of how we are able to learn and grow as individuals" the teacher explained.
"Well yeah, I guess umm that makes sense" the young bunny girl offered nervously before she quietly sank down into her desk as she much like Jake was not too comfortable with being the center of attention.
"Thank you Amy" she began before looking around the room once more, "Well how about you Mike?" she suddenly spoke as a brown furred canine turned towards her. He was sitting the back row of the class lazily draped back against his own desk not seeming to be all that focused on what was happening around him in class.
Mike had an unruly mess of brown fur. It was clear he didn't brush too often, or focus much on hygiene. He was casually dressed in a black t-shit and some old ripped up jeans. His delicate green eyes gazing up at the teacher before him as he parted his lips to speak.
"Me?" he questioned curiously, "Well I thought the story was pretty cool or whatever. That dude was totally off his rocker though, ya know?" he added
"So am I take it you don't believe the narrator when he insists that he is completely sane in the beginning of the story" She inquired attempting to get him to shed further light on his thoughts.
"No friggin way. The guy spent the story blaming all of his problems on booze, but last time I checked alcohol doesn't make you hallucinate gallows on a cats fur or whatever. The guy was totally out of his mind, the booze just helped things along." He offered in response.
"That's a very interesting opinion, I'm glad you decided to share it with us all" she offered encouragingly towards the student, who didn't seem to be paying much attention to her anymore, having chosen to return to his lazy idling.
During the various exchanges with the students, Jake had finally managed to catch up as he finished up the last few lines of the story. With a warm smile he closed the book and kept his head lowered a bit. So far she hadn't called on him, and he managed to keep up with what had been going on around him. He was hoping that he didn't get called out in the middle of the classroom again because he was not feeling very confident in his own ability to engage with the story. To him it had been mostly confusing and he wasn't sure he quite understood all of it.
"How about you Jake?"
As those words reached him, his ears would suddenly perk straight up into the air. The fox's heart stopped beating for a brief moment as the realization struck him. His body tensing as he felt a sudden and overpowering wave of anxiety coursing through the core of his being. Had she really just called on him yet again? He could hardly believe what had happened, and yet he felt like some part of him knew all along this was going to happen. Very slowly he lifted his head up and gazed toward the teacher at the front of the class, "Y..yes?" he questioned as he suddenly felt the entire class turning their attention right onto him which only made him feel even more nervous.
"Tell me, what did you think of the story?" She asked of him, "Do you have any thoughts about it? Was there anything that stuck out to you? Maybe you have your own theory about what it means?"
"I umm..well I.." he began to mutter nervously, his voice caught in his throat, as he began to look around the room feeling a bit of sweat dripping down his forehead. His hands had started trembling madly, and his heart was pounding away like a drum inside of his chest. The fox could barely even keep his thoughts together as he struggled to come up with a single thing of substance to say about the story they were supposed to be discussing. He was drawing a complete blank at this point, "I don't umm...I'm not sure." he mumbled out as his ears began to droop down against his head and his cheeks flushed a bit.
Faintly, he could hear the sounds of some students snickering somewhere behind him from the other desks. He knew that their laughter was directed right at him discouraging the poor teen. Once again he'd managed to find himself looking like a complete idiot in front of the whole class. He could feel a rush of humiliation, having all of those eyes staring right at him as he struggled and failed to come up with anything at all to offer about the story they'd been discussing. It was so embarrassing for the young fox and she was always putting him through it day after day. With a frown on his face he sank down into his desk a bit and tried to disappear completely.
"Oh come on now. I'm sure you must have at least some insight on the subject" the teacher offered pushing to try and get him to speak a little more about what he thought and open up a bit in the classroom.
"I well..." he mumbled out trying as hard as he could to search his brain for some kind of thought on the matter, "I dunno, it was weird I guess" he finally managed to blurt out with considerable effort.
"Weird?" she inquired.
"Yeah it was weird" he spoke quickly in an effort to shut down the conversation, which based on her reaction was a success.
"Oh well Okay then..." She spoke softly a slight hint of disappointment in her tone as she turned her focus towards the rest of the students within the classroom. She would discuss a few more aspects of ths story with various students before continuing on to offer the class her own personal interpretation of Poe's work and the thoughts she held about it.
Jake remained silent at his desk for the rest of the class, his stomach feeling twisted up into little knots from what had just happened. In his head, he felt as if everyone was making fun of him again, and he struggled to keep a grip on himself. The fox's anxiety was making it very difficult for him to keep his focus and follow along with the rest of the students as they discussed the finer points of the story. The story was hard enough for him to understand anyways as he couldn't seem to grasp the short story on any deeper level as some of the other students were doing easily in comparison to himself.
It was only a matter of time before he found himself once again staring up towards the clock hanging above Miss Steven's desk. His eyes tracking the motion of the hand as it ticked by so slowly every second passing by agonizing to him. There was only about five minute left for this class period, and he was desperately wishing they would hurry up and pass. He desired nothing more than to disappear far far away from his classroom and to hide away from everyone in a dark corner somewhere, but he had no choice but to wait awhile longer before he would be able to do anything at all. Every second was so slow to him, and he found himself once again running over his mother's suggestion about what he should do to rectify the situation.
As the bell began to ring signally the end of the classroom period, his ears would perk up eagerly. He watched all of the other students as they were quick to fly away from their own desks and begin piling out of the room. The next period was devoted to lunch tim and he figured most of the students would be making a line straight towards the cafeteria wanting to get far away from their own classes respectively. His mind, however, was still thinking about his mother's words and so he took in a deep breath before making his way over towards his teacher's desk, knowing what needed to be done.
"Excuse me, Miss Stevens?" He offered in a polite manner, his voice trembling a bit as his nerves were already getting the better of him in that moment.
"Yes Jake, what is it? Are you needing something?" She replied sincerely.
"I was hoping..or umm wondering if maybe we could umm...maybe we could talk?" He managed to mumble, his legs starting to feel a bit weak as his anxiety gripped him making it difficult for him to keep himself pulled together.
"Oh well sure, but I have a lot of work to finish up now. Papers to grade, you understand?" she explained, "How about you try and stop by my room after school, we can talk then. How does that sound?" she suggested in a warm and inviting manner her tail swishing behind her delicately.
"Oh yeah..that sounds good I guess" he muttered out weakly, "I..I'll see you after class"
Without allowing himself to waste so much as another second, the boy was quick to scurry his way out of her class. With a desire to be far away from her he paced rapidly towards the cafeteria, a small weight lifting from his chest as he had managed to directly address her for the first time since the year began. Still, it was hard for him, and he knew that he was now bound to show up in her room after class to discuss the way that she was always treating him during English. There was no way to get around that now, if he didn't show up she'd just come to him later. He hoped that showing up wouldn't be the cause of too much issue for him in the future, and that all would go well so he might not wind up having such a hard time in her class like he was. Briefly, the thought brought a warm smile to his face before it quickly faded away.
There was a bit of a sour look of anguish on his face as he found his way into the lunch room. The place was jam packed with people all making noise as they chattered loudly with one another. His nose twitched a bit as the smell of food stumbled upon his senses. From the scent he was quick to gather that it was pizza day at the school, but the scent which usually was very inviting to him only made him feel sick on this particular day. With the knowledge of his confrontation with Miss Stevens hanging on his shoulders, his appetite had quickly vanished, and Jake opted out of the option to even get into the lunch line at all.
Finding himself a bit of space in the back of the lunchroom he sat at a deserted table. Jake was very careful to avoid any spots that had already been taken, or were claimed by other students. He wasn't the type who kept too many friends, and honestly he preferred to sit completely alone, or maybe he just did not have too many friends to sit with. Silently he fished around through the contents of his backpack until he found a notebook and some pencils. Idly he began to work on a few little doodles as he killed the time waiting for the lunch period to end. The calming action of putting pencil to paper in order to express his creative side seemed to help him ease his stress a bit as he kept to himself in the back of the lunchroom.
For the rest of the day time seemed to be passing by at a snails pace for the teen fox. Every single minute felt, to him, like an hour had come and gone in its own right. He was keeping mostly to himself trying to avoid any further attention towards himself as he kept low in his seat. For the whole of the day he found himself wishing nothing more than to just disappear and be completely unseen by anyone at all. His stomach continued to feel sick and that cloud of depression was now looming high above him worse than ever before. His anxiety was growing even worse as the thought of confronting his teacher made him feel completely uneasy.
No matter what happened though, Jake knew he had to do it. He was still thinking about just what advice his mother had offered him and he honestly couldn't think of an argument against her. She was absolutely right, if he ever wanted to get this issue of his resolved he'd have to toughen up a bit and talk things out with her. There was no other way. Keeping everything to himself, the way he had been, had only succeeded in making him feel worse and worse. He had a perfect opportunity now to confront Miss Stevens about the way she was always making him feel stupid and calling him out in class and he knew he needed to take advantage of that.
Eventually time would come and go until the school day would come to and end, and Jake would find himself heading to her classroom. Every single step bring those feelings of dread and worry to the surface. A voice hidden somewhere in the back of his mind was screaming and begging for him to just turn around and run for the nearest exit. His thoughts trying to form a rationalization for simply feeling, but he was keeping himself focused on what his mother said which propelled his legs forwards. He could do this, just just needed to have a little faith and be more willing to take some risks.
Slowly the door would push open as he slipped his lithe figure inside. The teacher would turn her focus up towards him and offer a warm smile on those sweet lips of hers. Jake in turn offered a smile back to her and nervously approached her desk. His body was trembling and they were mere inches away from one another now. Faintly he could smell the perfume on her, it was sweet and fruity, he never would have guessed she would wear something like that. In a rather odd way, Jake found it sort of comforting.
"So, you were hoping to see me about something? Is that right" She inquired offering a curious raise of her eyebrow while she gazed at him.
"Oh yeah..." he started to mutter, but before he could complete his tought or finish his sentence she was quick to cut him off completely.
"I have noticed you struggling in my class lately." she began, "You really do need to learn to focus better. You should have your mind locked on your studies and learn to keep your concentration better than you are. I think you're a very bright young man, and I know that you can do better than this." she began to offer him as a form of lecture.
Jake clenched his fist tightly as he began to feel a new emotion boiling within him. As she was lecturing him about needing to concentrate better than he was, he was feeling a rage growing over her. It was not fair at all, she was the one always calling on him in the middle of class and making him look stupid in front of anyone. What never she had to try and talk down to him like he wasn't trying hard enough when she was the one making thins so difficult for him. Just who did she think she was anyways? He didn't deserve this, it wasn't fair at all, at least that's how he felt about it.
"That's not fair!" he suddenly shouted out cutting her lecture short as her ears perked up a bit and she gave him a curious expression, "You're always calling me out in the middle of the class, and it makes me look so stupid in front of everyone. I don't understand, why are you always trying to pick on me like that? I didn't do anything to you. I try so hard to be a good student, but you call on me all the time and I never know the answers, and then everyone laughs at me. I wish you'd just leave me alone for once. I don't like it when everyone stares at me like that. I hate feeling stupid." he admitted boldly.
She was caught off gaurd by his sudden outburst and her ears began to go flat against her head, "I'm sorry." Miss Stevens hadn't been aware of the way that the boy had become so upset by her calling on him in class. She was completely taken back by his sudden declaration towards her. She was surprised she hadn't noticed the signs sooner, "I..I didn't know you felt that way. I wasn't trying to upset you, I swear. I'm just trying to do my job" she explained.
"I just..I just feel so stupid" he offered opening up a bit as he began to water up a bit. A few tears would start to stream down his cheeks making his teacher frown, "I never know what to say, I'm not smart like all the other kids. They always know what to say, and I never know anything. It's just not fair at all!" he exclaimed through teary eyes as he sniffled a bit feeling emotionally overwhelmed.
"That's not true at all" Miss Stevens insisted as she lifted herself out of her chair and stood up to gently wrap her soft arms around him, pulling his body against her own. The boy would bury his face into her chest as he began to sob soaking her dress a bit. The teacher would take to offering him a gentle reassuring rub along the small of his back, "There there, it's alright" she offered gently, "You're not stupid at all" she offered, "You just need a little help and there is nothing wrong with that. How about after school tomorrow you come over to my house" she suggested, "I'll help you study and show you just how smart you are"
He lifted his head up a bit and offered her a curious gaze and a warm expression through teary eyes, "Come to your house?" he inquired as he was still sobbing against her chest a bit. From this new distance he could feel her body heat against his own warming him up. It was very comforting having someone holding him as he wept. That weight which had been holding him down began to float away in that moment as he finally opened up to his teacher about how he truly felt.
"Im going to offer you some private lessons." she explained to the boy, "I know that you're a very bright young man, and I'm sure that if we work together I can prove it to you" she explained confidently to him, "So tomorrow you'll stop by my house and I'll help you study for awhile. Maybe we can even work out a way to make it a regular thing, that way you don't find yourself feeling so stressed out by class all the time. How does that sound?"
"Y..yeah, I guess that would umm be okay" he mumbled against her chest as she let go of him and he pulled away from her bust. His hands would move to rub away the tears from his eyes as he smiled weakly up towards her his tail swishing gently behind him.
"There we go, that's better" she offered patting his head and ruffling through his hair a bit, "I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling this way. I wish you would have told me this sooner, I would have been happy to help you study. I just didn't realize class was so stressful on you" she told him sincerely.
The boy ran excitedly out of the school building after his meeting with his teacher. He was surprised things had gone so well. His eyes were still red and puffy from the tears, but he didn't seem to notice or care. He hoped onto the bus just in time to avoid missing it and found the only available seat in the middle. Despite not being in a seat that he'd have preferred Jake was smiling warmly, having no cares in the world.
The ride came and went quickly for him. He was too busy thinking about meeting with his teacher. He found himself wondering what her home was like. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all? He was beaming with positivity and curiosity in that moment. It was amazing the way that a little communication had managed to turn his entire day around for the better.
The yellow bus would pull up to his home and he'd rush out the door and towards his front door. Throwing up the door he called out, "Mom, I'm home!"
"How was school!?" he heard a voice calling out from the kitchen and he rushed in to greet her.
His eyes glanced around the room. Their kitchen was fairly large with white and black checkered flooring. They had a modest sink and counter with some fairly nice appliances. They weren't the best off financially, but they did just fine and things were good for the two of them. The boy smiled brightly as he wagged his tail a bit looking to his mother.
"It was great!" he offered happily
His mother smiled brightly seeing her son with such a positive look on his face for a change. She had noticed he was feeling worse and worse over the school days. She wasn't yet sure what had happened, but the woman was excited to see that he was doing better and was sure she'd get the full story.
"I'm glad to hear you had a wonderful day" she offered him warmly.
In that moment Jake too a brief moment to take in the sight of his beautiful mother. She had such soft and beautiful brown fur that covered her body. Her tail so long and bushy as it flickered back and forth behind her. Her thick hips stuffed into a pair of short shorts which really showed off her rather attractive body. He blushed a bit when he noticed that she was stuffed into one of his shirts; a blue Suzuki racing t-shirt. Her ample chest size stretching out the fabric giving him a great view of her cleavage.
He closed the distance between himself and her as he wrapped his arms around her pulling himself against her chest, "Thank you" he spoke softly as he nuzzled up against her breathing in her scent relaxing against her as his tail swished and swayed. She wasn't sure what had happened, but gently wrapped her arms around him as well holding him close.
"I'm happy to help, but I'm not sure what I've done" she admitted sweetly.
"I took your advice" he explained, "I talked to Miss Steven's today after school, and she said that she'd give me some private lessons at her house after school tomorrow" he told her happily as he kept himself close to her body enjoying her warmth.
His mother's hand gently began to stroke through his delicate hair exploring his locks as she kept herself close to him, "Well I'm happy to hear that you talked with her" she offered sweetly, "I told you that it could be worked out, and I hope you two have a good time on your little study date" she offered sweetly her tail swishing happily behind her as she held the young boy.
"Me too" he offered excitedly.