The Egg Assignment, part 1
_Author ramblings: I think I said in the last journal that I was going to write a story mini-series for Jarzyl's parents, but writing explicit scenes is honestly kind of boring for me. Worldbuilding or silly character development stuff is much more...
Cutie Academy - Chapter 1 "Over the Wall"
We continued to talk about other things as more people got on the bus; like how his older brother is now married to a really cute girl and briefly about how we're both turning 19 soon and how we'll be placed into the sexual education course.
Kairos Backstory
He struggled with this odd fascination with boys and have never received any sort of sexual education he kept these feelings and fascination to himself not knowing quite what they were.
What is hope?
I did plan to go over stuff for an internship, but a student's comment turned it into an impromptu sexual education lecture." "yes i am aware that is what happened but the issue is what you said during the lecture."
Cutie Academy - Chapter 6 "Reset"
The class after that was general math and afterwards i get my 1 hour break, followed by history and sexual education. once math was over i made my way outside to the far corner of the field. already there was kal and leo kicking a ball back and forth.
Maverick Hotel Part 5
sexual education pamphlets were placed in the teen romance (in the devout states, teen romances fell into two categories: tragic horror stories of girls foolishly falling for a rebel only to endure suffering and death, or saccharine stories of soldiers and
Aion's Rebirth - Kouta, Chapter 2
I'd gotten the full sexual education from a young age, given what we specialized in, and there wasn't really much that was taboo with them... but... the _guards_ knowing about them... mom snickered softly, then held a paw up again.