Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 21
It was soft and chewy, only lightly cooked, just the way he liked it. it awoke the hunger that had been building in the pit of his stomach all day long, supressed by the endless rigours and stresses of the morning. he suddenly felt ravenous.
Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 21
It was soft and chewy, only lightly cooked, just the way he liked it. it awoke the hunger that had been building in the pit of his stomach all day long, supressed by the endless rigours and stresses of the morning. he suddenly felt ravenous.
What Will Happen To The Innocent?
Hard and crunchy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside. he swallowed, smiled and looked at mimi. "you should really try the bacon. it's pretty good, and it goes well with toast. though, admittedly, i don't get much toast while i'm traveling."
Daisy and Boss: 5 - Noble Intentions
He bit into the fluffy slice, and made a short murr of pleasure when the slightly chewy fresh baked goodness hit his taste buds flooding his mouth with the flavors of honey and butter and oats.
Aiden's *Trip* Home
The almost chewy liquid crawled down his throat and lit a small, cold fire in his stomach. aiden coughed, then tried another sip. the second wasn't as bad, and when it joined the first, they appeared to agree to stay down. for awhile at least.
Fair Tales
Kaji got the side with more of the doughy and gooey treats thanks to an unyielding affinity to all things soft and chewy.
Maycor and Demaeter 3
And be careful with food that is tough or chewy," atlas said. "alternatively, you can feed them traditional way." jarzyl made eye contact. "the what way? did i do this wrong?" atlas reached over for the jar of dried meat and took another strip.
Sneak Treats
Rae shook his head as he snatched his treat into outstretched arms and grabby paws, wasting no time in nibbling at its chewy chocolate shell. "this one... mmf... was effort enough." corben huffed, blasting him with warm air.
The ABC's of BFF's
It was the best kind--crispy around the edges and chewy in the middle. the sugar was grainy in his mouth at first, but quickly melted like the rest of the sweet confection. "thith ith reawwy good!" he said with his mouth full. "how did you make these?"
Birthday Binge
With their sticky paws caked in syrupy sauces, they picked up a utensil for the first time all night and vigorously stabbed their forks at the heaps of succulent pork, messily slurped up the chewy noodles, and guzzled down the heavy broth.
Alabaster and the Ring of Winter - Prologue
Several tiny hairs had been stuck into the chewy substance; spider's hairs. the fennec swallowed the fuzzy stuff and the spell took affect.
Consortium 1-2: Chekov's Gun Chapter 9
It's a bit spicy and can be a bit chewy if you get a bad one, but it'll definitely make you feel more at home and clear your mind," eric says before moving off back into the crowd, waving at richard as he does so.