Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 17

Not many other wolves used ranged weapons, but those that did used bows of a single, solid piece of curved wood. not ander, though. he took many strips of wood, glued them together with resin, and tied the ends together.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Two

The unexpected noise caused the springhare to snap up his short-ranged weapon in the direction of the sound but there was nothing there. black darkness covered him like sheets that blocked out all the light.

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Mission Parameters Updated

The last unit, seeing how ineffective long range weapons were, drew it's own sword and lunges for the white blur. the white blur quickly dodged, takes ahold of the sword arm and crushed it.

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The Cat's Stroll 10

She transformed a close range weapon into a middle range style, something only possible with the snake race's unique body. bi gong slashed at the grizzly's body with a raw power that would turn whole boulders to dust.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Two

Gather up everybody with a bow and arrow, a sling, anything that can be used as a ranged weapon, and have them form up a line between the town and the gang. get the women and children indoors on the other side of town, and any man that has... _get down!"

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Star Fox: The Unexpected Mission, Chapter 8: Tales of the Reptile ones.

These members also wielded various weapons like swords, axes, spears, morning stars, and any other melee ranged weapon you could think of. it also showed their air ships, which looked similar to large sized pirate ships, cannons and all.

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(Chapter Five) From the frying pan...

As if he'd been in close combat situations before with a long ranged weapon, the coyote threw an open palm out and grasped at the rat closest to him.

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Part 11 - Unexpected Happenings

I want to see how well you have become with ranged weapons, and if i had told you, you would've practised and trained to the max, just to make sure you wouldn't fail. and now, you have to be confident only and your aim must be true." he explained.

The Three Kingdoms - Chapter One

Each soldier had a ranged weapon, four had crossbows and spark, plus the other three, had normal bow and arrows. the four soldiers with the crossbows loaded a bolt and aimed. spark raised his hand, "on my mark!


He awoke...

Unless the enemy had ranged weaponry. "i'm ready for a small fight, but nothing large scale. you prepared to go out?" "i just want to find my purpose of being here. if it's a mission, i'll carry it out as well."

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"The Thin Line," Part GG

Counting aethelwulf, there were exactly two in the platoon who had long-range weapons capabilities, and i was the other with my bow. for what i wanted to do, this was not ideal.

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