PoolSide - FurStory

He sighs softly and starts to walk the opposite direction of the first-aid room. left standing on his lonesome, coulah couldn't help but look disappointed and slightly upset.

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Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 1

Lucario care for him while i get the first aid kit." zoroark said pointing a claw at me. "ok. just hurry!" lucario replied. his attention went back to me as the illusion pokemon left the room. "why did this have to happen?

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Choose your own path Pt1

You are allowed to call me to give you the answer or right choice once per week, so just imagine it's a one shot for this adventure) shield (see armour excuse) torches (automatically chosen) first aid (if you are fighting then a method of healing would

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Breakfast of Corn (Otherwise Untitled)

He eyed the splotches of blood on the patches of gauze, held in place to the nubs where the jackalope had cut off his antlers by all of the medical tape left in the apartment, "i suppose i need to head to the pharmacy, to get more first aid stuff...", musing

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Night Flight

She headed to the master bathroom where she kept her first aid kit. she stripped out of her ruined shirt and turned her back to the mirror to assess the damage. in the mirror she saw three perfect slash marks parallel to each other across her back.

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Forgotten Ch. 5

I went to dig the first aid kit from my closet. stepping over the bean bag i stumbled and had to stop to balance myself. gingerly i opened my closet door with my left hand and brushed passed the clothes to pull out the small kit in the back.

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Where's the Radio?

After a few minutes, nala came back with an ice pack and the first aid kit. she hummed a gentle song as she bandaged up her friend. "care to tell me what happened?" "sure. where to start..." "the beginning is always good."


Choose your own path Pt2

Then the essentials, you pack a small first aid kit and also a few days worth of dry rations, just in case. once this is all done, you see a glint in the corner, your ring of guidance. you pause as you look at it. it's an odd thing, this ring.

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Rubicant was about to yell for help, when someone came up and gently poured fresh water all over her from a first aid bucket. he looked at them to thank them and saw tarina there.

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A Shifters Tale part 16

I saw the grimace that came over serenity's face as she looked at him; i quickly pulled the tailgate down and grabbed the first aid kit for under the cot that had been tossed there almost as an afterthought.

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Battle Royale part 1

Falco and slippy had nearly been beaten senseless and had each received bullet wounds on the side but by the look of things it wasn't fatal as fang took out the first aid and began patching them up as best he could.

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Abandoned Chapter 1

I gently lifted his limp form and moved him to the side of the creek before fetching a first aid kit from my pack. as my panic faded, my training suddenly took control and my hands moved of their own volition.

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