I Met a Modhuman Once

I greeted her, and complimented her choice of wine, as is my wont.

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Brothers in Arms

"it wont happen again... soon." the exasperated platoon leader, a decorated veteran of the gulf war, just shook his head and left the tent.

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A song for....

~k~your right and it wont ever get eayser to say good bye" ~n~and if it dose... that makes us heartless" i look at the ground ~k~\*nods\*what do you want to do with this?

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An expression of anxiety

No it wont, maybe i should check the settings. i know the settings. i can't come over because mom hates me. but everyone else can come over? everyone else is fine?

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Chapter 1: The Exile and Vengeance

'these fools will take any female they see wont they?' i thought disgusted. i stepped back and he started after in a chase. for him it was to catch a female who was interested, for me a game, a death toll more like it.

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Outside The Walls

So she wont hear the arrows rattling around. i walk out the door and start heading to james's house.

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lost in the evergreen forest chapter 10 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)

Sampson inquired "hmm from the injuries...i'd list it as severe rape....nothing a few magicks wont cure...." he smiled.

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Shade's Memory File 1

"thats right and by the sound of things you could use a could home cooked meal and i wont take no for an answer.


Unfortunate Fortunes

Aden aproached the bike cautiously, looking it over and found a small note attached to it "to whoever reads this i'd like you to know this bike now belongs to you, i wont have much purpose for it where i'm going anyway.

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Unwanted Chapter 4

"yeah, but so are you so it wont be a problem, will it?" jay said, rubbing jake's head lightly. "the little guy is gay too?" danny said, now rubbing jake's back. "stop calling me little." jake said blushing, still cuddling jay.

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chapter 2

But if i leave then i will be letting those scientists control my life i wont let that happen i'm the only one that controls my life know. if they dare come here then i will show them my true power.

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The Journal: Spira, Chapter 1

\*why wont he just say something?\* kimahri looked like he was going to cry as he opened his mouth to speak. \*he's acting like he did something wrong\* "that was not the reaction kimahri was expecting from red.

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