chapter 2

Story by Eeveechamp on SoFurry

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#2 of vois adventure

chapter 2 of my story vois adventure

chapter 2

I do not own Pokemon Nintendo does

I awoke to the sounds of birds chirping their annoying sounds. I tried getting up but I felt a throbbing pain in my shoulder where I got shot. I reached out with my psychic powers as far as they would go. I could see the area around me was surrounded by plants and trees. That makes no sense though I passed out in the middle of a dirt path. As I finished that thought a small four legged animal with a leaf for a tail appeared on my psychic radar. I quickly realized that even In my weakened state the leafeon was no threat to me so I allowed it to come closer. As the leafeon approached i could sense it hadn't noticed I was awake yet. I decided to make my presence known. I coughed to draw the leafeons attention. As soon as it heard me the leafeon was by my side in an instant. " your finally awake i was so worried about you my name is leaf"

The leafeon now known to me as leaf said. The voice was definitely female an from what I could get from her mind she didn't work for the scientists I decoded to trust leaf for now. " my name is Voi would you mind telling me how I got here" I said in a raspy tone from my vocal cords barely being used. The leafeon hearing how dry my voice was brought me a leaf with a bowl like center filled with water. I drank as fast as I could almost choking from how cold the water felt going down my dry throat. " To answer your question another Pokemon by the name of Luna carried you here and you almost didn't make it with all the blood you lost" leaf said with a worried look on her face. " Oh " that was the only thing I could get to come out of my mouth I didn't realize just how close I was to dying. " if you don't mind I have to ask why do you have fingers and toes like a human " leaf asked examining my hands and toes. " Well if your really want to know I wasn't born in the wild like a normal Pokemon I was created in a lab the scientists there used espeon and human DNA to create me. After creating me the scientists spent everyday poking and prodigy me with sharp needles "

I said a sad look coming to my face as I was reminded of all the tortures I had to go through. Leaf looked like she was about to cry from hearing about my experience I did the only thing I could think of I scooted as close I could to her and embraced her in a hug. That moment all the pain and discomfort I was feeling just melted away into a feeling of pure bliss. We sat there In that warm embrace until she composed herself and pulled away. It was hard to let her go out of my first hug. " Are you okay?" I asked with concern. " I'm sorry when you told me that story it reminded me of my teacher she was captured by humans" leaf said with a small frown on her face as she walked around me to look at my wound. " What happened to your teacher?" I asked. " I don't known after she was captured I never saw her again" leaf looked like she was going to start crying again.

" I'm sorry for bringing it up please stop crying" I don't know why I act this way around her but when I see her cry I just can't be mean to her I thought to myself. " it's okay I needed to tell someone it's not good to hold things in anyway your wound is almost healed it's healing pretty quickly at this rate you just need to stay here another day until it's fully healed. I'll get Luna to show you around the forest if you choose to stay here " she said a blush appearing on her face near the end. After that she left to gather some berries for dinner. I laid myself back down on the cold forest floor. maybe I should stay here I could start a new life and be happy out here maybe make some friends. Then I remembered the man who shot me. If I stay here men like that would hunt for me and I don't want that kind leafeon getting hurt because of me. But if I leave then I will be letting those scientists control my life I wont let that happen I'm the only one that controls my life know. If they dare come here then I will show them my true power.