Unwanted Chapter 4

Story by TigCub247 on SoFurry

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#4 of Unwanted

"Danny, stop, you're hurting him!" Jay ran into the room and pulled the panther off of Jake. Jake fell to the floor, rubbing his neck and coughing. Jay helped him up and set him on the couch. "You know him?" The panther said, staring at Jake. "Yes, he doesn't have a home, so I decided to take him here." "So... he's an orphan?" Danny sat beside Jake, but Jake backed away, now scared of the panther. Danny sighed and stood back up. "It's okay, sweety, Danny won't hurt you." Jay said, cuddling the dragon. "Really?" Jake said, through the cougar's furry chest. "Yeah, he's a really nice cat." Danny snuck up behind Jake and gave him a hug. "What's the cute little guy's name?" "This is Jake, and Jake, this big guy is Danny, he's my husband." The sentence gave Jake a good surprise. "You're gay!?" Jake's grip on Jay tightened. "Yeah, but so are you so it wont be a problem, will it?" Jay said, rubbing jake's head lightly. "The little guy is gay too?" Danny said, now rubbing Jake's back. "Stop calling me little." Jake said blushing, still cuddling Jay. "I'm sorry, you're just so cute and huggable." Danny grabbed Jake, hugging him tightly. "That kinda hurts, big cat." Jake struggled to get out of the panther's hold. "Sorry." Danny dropped Jake, giggling a bit. "Come on, Jake, I will show you around the house while Danny cooks dinner." Jay said, standing in front of Jake. "But you always cook dinner!" "Yeah, and this will be payback for almost killing this little guy." Jake and Jay walked out of the room, leaving Danny to himself.

The house wasn't the biggest. There was only one hallway that led to every room. Jake could tell the walls were paper thin, so there was almost no privacy. They both stopped at a room, with the door already open. "This is our room, feel free to come in if you need anything." Jay turned around and walked into another room. It had just a bed and closet, nothing more. "This is where you will sleep." The walls were pure white, unlike the other rooms. "Don't worry, we left this room completely untouched so whoever wants to stay can paint the walls and put whatever they want in it." A tear dropped from Jake's eye and he hugged Jay, his fur tickled Jake's scales. "Thanks... Dad." Jay was surprised at the word, but happy. Jake thought of him as a father, not just a disposable parent. "We can take you out to get some stuff to put in the room this weekend, ok?" "Yeah, that sounds great." The two walked back to Danny, who was sitting on the couch. "I thought I told you to make dinner!" Jay said as the doorbell rang. "There's your dinner." The door flew open and a huge silver wolf stood in the doorway.

He was holding a box of pizza and walked slowly into the house. "That, Jake, is Brandon, aka, "The Master"." Danny said, blushing. "What makes him so special." Jake said, studying the wolf. His fur was sleak, shiny, and soft. His eyes were a beautiful shade of green and his muscles were clearly shown. "He is the hottest guy around, single too." Jay said, hugging the wolf. "And you forgot completely straight, too." Brandon said, giving Jay the pizza he held. "Who's the little one?" Brandon said, now looking at Jake. "He's our ado-, he's our son." Danny stopped himself before he could say adopted, he knew it would hurt Jake, so he decided to avoid the word. "If memory serves, Brandon has an equally cute son. Maybe even cuter." Jay said, setting the pizza on the table. "I thought you said he was single." Jake said, opening the box. "He is, he just devorced his wife a couple months ago. She let him keep everything he wanted." Jay said, finally letting go of the wolf. "Speaking of, here he comes." A smaller wolf walked into the room. He looked the same age as Jake, but cuter, more muscular, all around "better". Jake instinctively blushed, trying not to stare at the fine wolf. "Hey, dad we need to hurry if we wa-". The wolf stopped when he spotted Jake. The wolf just stared at Jake, to dumb-strucked to look away. "Trace, are you ok?" Jay said, shaking the wolf lightly. He snapped out of his daze and shook his head. "Yeah, I am fine, thanks." He rushed out of the house, taking Brandon with him. Jake just watched as the wolf walked away, wagging his tail uncontrollably. "Wow, did it just get hot in here?" Danny said, hugging Jake from behind. "Shut up, I don't like him..." "Oh, I am sure you do." Danny sat on the couch, taking a slice of pizza. "No I don't!" Jake said, sitting behind him. "Oh well if he does or doesn't, just leave the kid alone." Jay said, sitting between them. They ate quickly, completely emptying the box.