The Last Dream 2/2

Soon dante and johnny were in a hospital in afghanistan, the doctors cared for dante's wounds. "i.. want to see rose.. i want to go back to her... please fly me there.." he pleaded the docs...

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Brothers in Arms - She's a Rainbow

"Wake up Princess, you're home" A mans voice that she didn't recognize woke her up, she opened one eye and saw a rather handsome young black cat glaring over her. He was leaning on a pair of crutches, and it looked like he had been shaved recently, and...

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Ch2 : Change of plans

I asked , urge to hear answer "you know that your brother was sent to afghanistan right?" "yea... so? he's tough one , he can take care of himself..."

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Fursecution- Part 1

The three un doctors exchange uncomfortable looks with each other, the nurse approaching and kneeling at my bedside, "look," she starts, "you are not in afghanistan, us forces pulled out." i frown, "how long was i out?"

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Fursecution- Part 3

"i was hit in afghanistan, i was in a coma until today. i wake up and i'm some fuckin' animal," i sigh. "damn," he responds, "well this must be confusing as hell for you, but the world has changed.

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Brothers in Arms

Tim unlaced his boots, "I hate this, the sand, the heat, the endless patrolling." He picked up his boot and tapped it on the side of the chair he was sitting on, prompting a shower of sand to fall beside him. He looked up at...

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Soldiers of War pt 2 Rangers Lead The Way!

It sure was radically different than iraq or afghanistan where you were lucky if you saw a single tree. another thing that was different from afghanistan was the cold.

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Soldiers of War pt 3 Three Rangers and a Princess

Although she had seen them in afghanistan, she had never personally flown in one. "these damn choppers can handle anything thing you shoot at them," the australian wolf exclaimed.

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The Unwilling Soldier

In between pauses i could overhear the soldiers, talking about the war in iraq, afghanistan, and syria. it was horrible!

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Political Corruption

Obama promised the american people that he would withdraw troops from iraq and then afterwards stated that he is going to move those troops into afghanistan instead of having them return home.

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A Jump To The Left

It was a hot day, on the heavy gravity of earth, on afghanistan. a place so very hot. rather opressivly so. ironic of course, considering that liam was himself from what would be accuratly called a 'desert world'.

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Parabellum - The Beginning

He is currently assisting the german ksk in counter insurgent operations in the abrahm valley in afghanistan." he clicked again and the projector shut off.

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