Face Your Fears

I agreed, i wanted to be with him. i didn't want to lose him. i was overjoyed to know that he wanted the same thing. occasionally, we would revisit the lake, at the same time we did that night. just to relive that one moment...

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Of Noivern Doubt

Sylvia got off the car and headed inside quickly, wanting to occupy herself with her tablet. "hey, sylvia? what do you want for lunch?" kelsey called her before she went upstairs. "huh?

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"i want to get it out but i'm afraid of what will happen. but i don't want to hide it anymore. i trust you." he took a deep breath staring at the white wolf. "i'm gay."_ _the white wolf was shock.

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The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Thirteen: With A Friend Like This...

"but i don't want to be free. i want to be with devlin. i want to be with my master." "forget it eros. that is not going to happen." "you can't force me to do anything." "i can. i am the only family that you have.

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Zara 4

"'if you want me to help, then just tell me what's wrong! i don't know what to do because you won't tell me!'" she sniffed, shuddering as she exhaled. "'do you just want me to say 'sorry?!' are you just looking for an _apology_?! what, zara?!

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No, he wanted to use his own ego to push the hybrid's out of the way. he wanted sex, he wanted words of submission, and he wanted power. greed was pushing him to that, and it was all that he knew how to do. it was also going to be his downfall.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - CH 101 - "Wish you were here..."

But a part of me kept feeling guilty to keep having sex with you, knowing you had feelings for me while it wasn't mutual...'** **'it's what i wanted...'** **'yeah... it's what you wanted...

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Bear's Legacy

I especially did a lot of thinking about what i wanted to do with my life, where i was going, and who i wanted to be.

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Hell Fights Back story one - The Demon's Chance

But you'd still lie 'cause you want to take me with you and put me in the lake of fire." razielphustar shook his head. "that's not what i want at all. i want you to be happy, marissa. i want you to not have to be afraid anymore.

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I did not want to listen to these two anymore. "fine!" he snarled loudly. swiftly i stood up and began to walk away. in no way did i want them to mess with right now.

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The Birthday Blues

As much as he wanted them to get back together again he didn't want alpha's friends to catch whatever winter bug he had. god, all the things he'd planned was going down the drain.

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