A Wolf's first love Part 6: The talk

Story by Vesper the fox on SoFurry

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#6 of A Wolf's first love

_Hello, first I would just really like to thank everyone that has been reading, commenting, favouriting, and rating. This is the first time that I have ever let anyone other than myself read anything that I have written and I am glad to have gotten the warm reception that I have especially seeing as this isn't just a sex romp. All the helpful comments are I think improving my writing, but really I have no idea. I have posted a journal about a few things regarding this story that I don't think really fit in my preamble to the story but should none the less be known, so check it out if you want or don't it won't detract from the story but I think it is just stuff I wanted known. I am not especially happy with where this section ends but if I start the next section then it will be a really long post so I chose to forego that. Thanks again for reading and comment comment comment and of course enjoy. _

As the smell of the food wafted towards Will's nose, he heard a low grumble from his stomach and felt the colour rise in his face. He quickly looked up hoping that Jake wouldn't have heard it but that sly smile on the fox's face immediately dispelled that idea.

"Sounds like someone is hungry" teased Jake.

"Well I didn't want to spoil my appetite so I had a light lunch" joked back Will.

"Don't keep starving yourself on my account" said Jake laughing, and with that the pair began to pile food onto their plates. The moment the first bite of food reached his tongue Will knew that Jake had been right, this probably was the best Chinese food in town, hell it might even be the best food he had ever eaten.

Both Jake and Will were so hungry that they didn't really speak while they ate. Will was half aware of the silence yet it didn't bother him, he was just happy to be in the company of Jake. He enjoyed being around Jake so much that he thought they could have been doing just about anything and he would have been happy.

After a while and several plates of food Will leaned back in the chair and groaned. "Oh I think I ate too much, but it was so I good I think that I would still be eating it if I wouldn't burst" Jake had managed to keep pace with the wolf and unfortunately he too understood.

"I know just how you feel" said Jake "now how are we meant to go and get dessert if we are so full from supper."

Will just smirked and said "well I suppose we could always head back to my place and watch a movie and maybe by the time it is over we will be able to move under our own will power, and then we can walk down to the ice cream shop that is a couple of blocks from my place."

"That sounds perfect" said Jake, "just let me pay and we can get out of here." The two got up from the table with more difficultly than it should have taken and walked up front to pay. As they waited for their server to come and ring up their food Will grabbed hold of Jake's hand and look over at the fox. Feeling Will take hold of his hand he gave it a gentle squeeze and gave the wolf a reassuring smile.

"He is so wonderful I don't think that I ever want to be with anyone else" thought Will. After a minute or two the waiter came up and rang them through.

Throughout the transaction Will kept catching the waiter give them what he thought were dirty looks, at first he just thought it was his imagination, but when the waiter neither told them to have a good night or come back again despite the generous tip that Jake had given him Will was sure it was because they were holding hands.

As soon as Will realized the way the waiter was acting he began to look around self consciously. He noticed that many of the couples at the tables near them were staring, or whispering to each other and shooting Will and Jake occasional looks of disgust. He began to feel embarrassed by all of the staring people and quickly dropped Jake's hand.

"Hey what's the matter?" asked Jake as he examined the shame that had risen on the wolf's face.

"Nothing, look I don't want to talk about it right here, can we just get out to my car quick," pleaded Will. Jake thought he knew why Will was acting so funny; he hadn't after all been oblivious to the waiter's attitude nor the staring couples, but he was use to it.

"Alright, but we are going to have a serious talk on the way back to your place, assuming you still want me to come over" said Jake hopefully. Will gave a noncommittal grunt which made Jake very nervous.

The two left the restaurant in a much darker mood than they had entered. Will walked stiffly up to his car unlocking his side then popping the lock so Jake could get in. Together they sat in silence for what felt like hours; Will keeping his eyes straight ahead on the road and Jake keeping watch on the wolf trying to find the necessary words.

"Look I know that a lot of people can be really uncomfortable when they see two guys together" said Jake breaking the silence "but you need to get over what they think okay. If they have a problem with gay people then that is an issue with them, because there is absolutely nothing wrong with being who you are; with being gay." Will just kept his eyes straight ahead showing no evidence that he had even heard the fox speak.

"I know it is tough when you are first coming out" continued Jake trying to reach Will, "but it is easier if you just accept yourself for who you are and don't try and be someone else. I should know because what I didn't tell you was that when I was first coming out I was afraid; afraid of what people would think and say not to mention how they would treat me. In the very beginning I tried to be someone else, pretending I wasn't gay but it just made me more depressed because I knew it wasn't who I was, and you know what? When I finally decided to accept myself I was a lot happier.

Also once I was okay with being gay I discovered that more people are okay with it than not and lots of times the whispers and stares are just because people have never seen a gay couple and are just curious; it isn't that they hate you or think that you are doing something wrong. Yeah there will be some of those people who think what you are doing is wrong but guess what you have a great guy who really likes you and you need to realized that it is the people who support and care for you that you should listen to; not some homophobic idiots who aren't smart enough to figure out that there are people out there who are different from them."

Jake looked over hoping he had cracked that wall of stone that was keeping the wolf from him, but all he saw was Will keeping his eyes straight ahead apparently oblivious to the speech which had just been delivered to him. Despite his stony exterior inside of Will was a raging battle. He knew that Jake was right and that he was being foolish but he still couldn't fully get over those looks from the waiter and the whispers from the other couples.

"Fine" said Jake with tears beginning to sparkle in his emerald eyes "if you can't accept who you are and be okay with it then you can't accept me and care for me the way I know I do about you. You can just leave me at my place and never speak to me again and then you can be happy and go on living some stupid lie because you are too afraid of what you really feel." That final barrage was enough, the thought of losing Jake over something as stupid as a dirty look from a waiter and some idiots whispering was too much for Will to bear.

"I know that everything that you said is right and I couldn't bear to lose you so soon. Especially after finding out you are just as amazing as I thought you would be. It is just really hard for me because I know my parents wouldn't approve and I know that it shouldn't be what they think that matters. It does seem to matter though, they me raised for so many years telling me that what I was secretly feeling was wrong and I guess just seeing that disapproving look in the waiter's eye made that all come back. Please just forgive me and I promise I will do my best not to let those looks or whispers make me forget how much I like you and want to be with you" said Will his words broken occasionally with sobs. "Really I don't want you to go home I want you to come and watch movies with me at my place and I just want to be with you in general. Please come over if you are willing to forgive my stupidity."

"I forgive you" said Jake with tears running down his face "I just want you to be happy and I think that you accepting yourself is the best way, and don't worry it will be easier with time and with me there to help."

Jake put his paw on the wolf's leg, Will feeling that reassuring touch took one of his hands off the steering wheel and placed it over the fox's, giving it a gentle squeeze that helped to comfort both of them. Neither Will nor Jake said anything on the remainder of the drive. The silence gave them both time to think and realize how important that talk just was. Jake sat there revelling in how much he realized he cared for Will despite this only being their first real date. He couldn't understand how it was possible but he thought that he might love Will, but knew that it was too soon to say anything. Will knew that he wanted nothing more than to be with Jake, but he could still hear that cruel voice in the back of his head; the voice of his father, saying how those damn faggots would all burn in hell for what they did.

Will pulled up to his house and killed the engine but made no effort to get out other than pressing the button that would release his seatbelt. Free from the constriction of his seatbelt Will turned in his seat to face Jake.

"I know you said you forgive me, but I want you to know that I still feel like an idiot for acting like I did and I want to promise you that I will never act that way again because I think that you are the best thing that has ever come into my life, and I wouldn't ever want to do anything that would compromise the integrity of anything that we build together" said Will sounding much more sure than he felt.

"Look just forget all about it. The restaurant is in the past and all I want to do is keep looking at the future, the one that we can share together," said Jake in a gentle tone.

Will sat there staring at the fox; the fading light of the setting sun made Jake's fur sparkle and glow like each hair was tipped with gold and filled with red fire. In that golden red aura Jake was absolutely irresistible and Will leaned over and kissed him; just once, gently on his lips. With that kiss everything that had just passed between the pair faded into nothingness, the doubt and uncertainty had passed and all that remained was two people falling deeper into love.