_The main author blurb is at the end because it might ruin the idea of the short short story if I put it our front. Well enjoy (it's really short)._ I collapsed down into the leather chair in the antique store when I felt it, although I suppose that...
A wolf's first love Part 3: A Date?
_Good evening readers, well it is evening for me as I post this. Alright so this is part 3 once again I ask for comments and criticisms. Also since no one has been pestering me about nothing really sexual happening I have decided to add a...
A wolf's first love part 2: A question, a confession, and lunch
_Okay so here is part 2, it ended up going up a bit later than I had planned but life happens right. Unfortunately there isn't any yiff in this part... or in the next few parts going up but it is coming. Once again I would love any feedback...
A Wolf's first love Part 6: The talk
_Hello, first I would just really like to thank everyone that has been reading, commenting, favouriting, and rating. This is the first time that I have ever let anyone other than myself read anything that I have written and I am glad to have...
A Wolf's first love Part 5: First date
_Okay so this took a little while to get up, stupid life being busy. Hopefully this is better than the last section but if it isn't I will probably need to take a while and do extensive rewriting of the rest of the sections before I post them....