A wolf's first love Part 3: A Date?

Story by Vesper the fox on SoFurry

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#3 of A Wolf's first love

_Good evening readers, well it is evening for me as I post this. Alright so this is part 3 once again I ask for comments and criticisms. Also since no one has been pestering me about nothing really sexual happening I have decided to add a little sexy action into the next section (truthfully I realized as I proof read this section that I could add something into the next without breaking the flow and feel of the story and who am I kidding I love writing the erotic scenes). So that should be going up tomorrow so keep reading and keep commenting. _

For Will the remainder of the day passed by quickly and before he knew it he had arrived at the coffee house. There was no sign of Jake yet, which did not really surprise Will that much, as he had arrived half an hour early. The coffee house was nearly deserted which gave Will the opportunity to put his plan into action.

Will's early arrival was not unplanned; he had hoped he would be able to get here soon enough to select the perfect spot to sit. Will still wasn't sure that Jake was gay, agreeing to come to coffee was a good sign, but it wasn't enough. Will had spent his remaining classes devising a plan to test Jake a little more. He knew that there was a section in the coffee house with couches and arm chairs all bunched together. Will figured he would ensure he arrived first and take a seat at one of the couches, if Jake sat next to him on the couch it would mean that he was probably gay and liked him and he would proceed to ask him out, but if Jake took one of the armchairs it would mean that he probably wasn't gay or interested and Will would just have to make himself content with being Jake's friend. With everything all set Will grabbed a coffee and settled down onto one of the dark brown leather couches to wait.

Jake walked in through the coffee house doors exactly at 6:30 and was greeted by the smell of freshly ground coffee. Jake felt his stomach sink when he first looked around and didn't see Will. He began to panic fearing that maybe Will figured out that he was attracted to him and decided not to show up. The sinking feeling however subsided as soon as he took his second look and noticed Will sitting over by the couches all alone. Jake got a coffee and headed over to sit with Will.

As Jake approached the couch his fist instinct was to sit down next to Will, but he hesitated and began to worry that it might scared him off. Jake could feel his heart pounding in his chest; he only had another second to decide what to do before he was right in front of Will. Will had smelled the fox long before he had walked into his field of vision; Jake's scent, mixed with the aroma of coffee was completely irresistible. Will could feel the tension building, and twisting uncomfortably inside of him, only a few more seconds and he would have his answer about Jake.

"Hi" said Jake trying to hide the excited trembling in his voice.

"Hi back" responded Will a sheepish grin forming on his face. Jake knew the moment had come he had to make his decision about where to sit. He decided he would sit on the couch he could do it he thought, but before he sat, he hesitated for just a moment, and that was all that was required to break his confidence and make him change his mind once again. Without any further contemplation he collapsed into one of the leather armchairs.

Will's ears drooped, but he quickly corrected them hoping that Jake hadn't noticed his disappointment; Jake had however noticed the wolf's disappointment and this gave him some hope, but it also made him regret his decision to sit in one of the armchairs. The two sat in silence for a while neither sure what to talk about.

"Sooo how about those awkward silences" said Jake attempting to ease some of the tension. Will laughed, even if he couldn't be Jake's boyfriend he could at least be Jake's friend, because after all it was better to have Jake in his life as a friend than not at all. With the awkward tension broken the two began to chatter casually, not really taking about anything of real importance.

Jake knew that he wanted to find out for sure if Will was gay, but he didn't want to be too obvious, he knew he would have to be clever. "So you and Sarah are pretty close, how long have you two been dating?" Jake asked hoping to lure an answer from Will.

"Oh. No," blurted out Will, "we're just friends we have never been anything more and I doubt we ever could be because." Will having just realized what he was about to say cut himself off. Jake felt himself smiling he was now almost certain that Will was gay, but it would take a little more coaxing to get a definite answer.

"Because why?" enquired Jake.

"I don't want to say" replied Will hoping that would be the end of it, even though he knew it wouldn't be.

"Please" pleaded Jake, making his eyes as big and as sad as possible hoping to break Will with his big sparkling eyes. It worked Will found himself completely at the power of those emerald eyes, he tried to resist, but he knew he couldn't hold out much longer.

"Well promise you won't be weirded out or anything but I'm gay," admitted Will, before Jake could say anything Will blushing said "I have to go to the bathroom," and ran off. Will was gone to the bathroom before Jake had a chance to realize what had been said.

Perfect, it was perfect Jake thought. He knew that now would be a good time to set himself up to make a move on Will. He slid with a light-hearted grace from the armchair to the couch so that he would be able to sit next to Will when he came back.

While Jake was sitting happily on the couch waiting, Will was in the bathroom freaking out. "He is going to be gone when I get back I know it, and he will never speak to me again why did I have to open my damn mouth and tell him everything?" Will asked himself in the bathroom mirror. He splashed a little cold water onto his face and that helped him get back under control. He convinced himself there was no need to panic he hadn't seen Jake react too badly, now that he thought about it Jake looked pleased to hear it. "No, must have just been my imagination, but he certainly didn't freak out" he reassured his spotted reflection. After drying his now damp fur with the air dryer he walked out.

Will's stomach felt like it hit the floor when he didn't see Jake sitting in the armchair anymore. He could feel tears stinging his eyes, and then he saw it. Jake had just moved onto the couch to sit with him. Will's tail began to wag as he walked over to sit on the couch with Jake.

As Will sat down on the couch Jakes spoke, "Glad to see your back and I am guessing that you have probably figured out that I am gay too."

"Yeah, I must admit I am really glad that you are, I have been trying to work up the courage to ask you out for a while now, but I didn't know if you were gay and I didn't want to freak you out if you weren't" said Will.

"You are going to laugh when you hear that I had the same problem with you. I was going to try a couple of times, but you were always with that Sarah so I didn't think I would be able to, and then today you came up and asked me" said Jake smiling. "I almost started jumping up and down on the table when you asked me for coffee today, but then I was afraid that you were just being friendly and that I would only get to be your friend. I am glad that you want to be more" finished Jake, as he let his paw rest on Will's leg.

Using this as his cue Will slid closer to Jake snuggling up to him and letting the fox's scent wash over him. The two continued to sit and talk for a while, discussing which classes they were in and what sort of things they like and what they didn't. It turned out they both loved Chinese food, and scary movies. Before they knew any time had passed the coffee shop was closing and they had to go.

"So uhm do you want to go for dinner tomorrow, you know like a real date?" asked Will, knowing that he wouldn't be able to last the entire weekend without seeing Jake again.

"Yes!" exclaimed Jake "I would love to, and I know the perfect place that we can go to. It is the best Chinese place in town and it is always deserted so you get amazing service. But I must place one condition; you are to let me pay."

"Okay" said Will laughing at how happy he had made the fox, "I will pick you up at say six. Except where do you live?"

"I live on campus in those dorms that are like little apartments; here I will give you my number so that you can call me whenever you want" Jake said winking. Will handed over his phone so that Jake could program his number in. Will burst out laughing when he saw that Jake had put Sir Sexy as his name in Will's phone, well Will wasn't going to disagree that the fox was sexy, so he left it as it was.

"Well I should get going back to my room" said Jake regretfully not wanting to part company with his new sexy wolf boyfriend.

"Well I do think that I might be able to walk you back to your apartment, seeing as I am parked over there" said Will smiling, Jake just smiled back completely ecstatic. As the pair began to walk off in the direction of Jake's room Will grabbed his new boyfriends paw.

They walked in silence each savouring each other's scent and the mild night. The walk ended much too soon, as things that are thoroughly enjoyable tend to do. Jake and Will stood outside the building not wanting to go their separate ways so soon.

"Well this is me" said Jake wishing that they could stay together longer, but he didn't want to move too fast. He could sense that he was probably Will's first boyfriend and didn't want to scare him away by being too aggressive, but he wanted to kiss him so badly it was almost unbearable.

"Yeah so it is" said Will shifting his weight nervously from foot to foot, "So I will pick you up tomorrow then for dinner at six." Will wanted so desperately to kiss Jake, but he didn't know if he should. "Why do I have to be so damn nervous you know he likes you, just do it" he thought.

"Yeah six sounds great, I will be waiting. Just come up and buzz me when you get here and we can go out for dinner" said Jake trying to prolong the conversation so he could decide whether or not to make his move.

"Well I had better get going then" said Will turning to leave, but before he could walk off Jake grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a deep kiss. At first Will was didn't understand what was happening but as soon as he felt Jake's warm breath caress his face as the fox went in for kiss he understood. The two let their lips meet and spread so that their tongues could pass. Will savoured the tastes of the fox he let their tongues dance smoothly darting and gently caressing. Will had kissed some other people but he thought none of them were as amazing as Jake.

Will savoured every scent and flavour that came from Jake. Will could feel himself becoming aroused and he knew that Jake was too because of the hard bulge rubbing against him from Jake's pants. Will wanted so badly to go upstairs with Jake and have a little bit of fun, but he was far too worried that it was too soon and that it would ruin the relationship that he wanted to happen. So with deep regret he ended the kiss.

The disappointment in Jake's eyes was very easy to see, but there was also an understanding. Will felt somehow Jake knew exactly how he was feeling and understood. With a few more parting words Jake went inside and Will walked over to his car.