A Wolf's first love Part 5: First date

Story by Vesper the fox on SoFurry

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#5 of A Wolf's first love

Okay so this took a little while to get up, stupid life being busy. Hopefully this is better than the last section but if it isn't I will probably need to take a while and do extensive rewriting of the rest of the sections before I post them. As always comment, and critiques are appreciated and hopefully are making the story better.

"No you are doing this. It is what you wanted so stop being a coward and go for it," Will commanded himself, and after a minute his feet began to crunch on the gravel as he started to walk over to Jake's building. He had to fight with himself once again as he stood before the door to the building, but this time his excitement for tonight was able to quickly overcome his nerves and he pushed the button to buzz Jake.

"Hello, who is it" came Jake's voice crackling over the speaker.

"Well I will give a hint it isn't the tooth fairy" said Will impishly into the intercom. After a second the door clicked open and with one final glance at the panel to memorize Jake's room number he walked inside the building. Will looked around at the building as he made his way to the second floor, where he would find Jake's place. He wasn't surprised by the lack of personality that the building seemed to display, the walls were an off white and were bare except for the numerous scuffs and dents which Will assumed were from the constant moving in and out of students. The staircase opened up to a narrow hallway that was lined on both sides by doors, which first appeared to be made of a nice dark wood, but as Will walked down the hall and examined them he discovered that it was just a layer of veneer. Jake's room was approximately halfway down the long hallway and Will recognized it immediately as the place that he was heading too not only because of the brass numbers which were affixed to it, but also because it had been left ajar for him.

Will opened the door a little wider and walked into Jake's place without knocking. He was immediately struck with how small the place was, he realized how much he took having all the space that he had in his place for granted. He looked around and was able to take in the entire place from the entrance; it consisted of a kitchenette, a small bathroom with a shower, and a medium sized bedroom from which he could hear some rustling, which he figured must be Jake.

"Hello" called out Will anxiously. Jake came strolling gracefully from the bedroom, and was immediately shocked at how good Will looked. Jake knew that Will was good looking, but he was used to seeing him at school where it seemed Will must not have done anything other than get out of bed. He was so taken by how good the wolf looked that he walked right up to him wrapped his arms around Will's shoulders and placed a gentle kiss on his lips without saying a word. Will's remaining nervousness disappeared as soon as Jake's lips met his. Breathing in Jake's scent he slid his arms around the fox's waist. The kiss ended quickly and the two stare into each other's eyes. Jake could feel himself beginning to blush; he was cursing himself for being so impulsive, and was just wishing that Will would say something to end this silence.

"Well that is the best hello that I have ever had," said Will breaking the silence. Jake breathing a sigh of relief giggled, he was glad that he hadn't over stepped any boundaries and made Will uncomfortable. The pair stood still just holding each other enjoying the warmth from each other's body. "So you're ready to head out for supper then" said Will. He wanted to keep holding Jake, but he was also getting quite hungry seeing as he had only eaten that sandwich for lunch.

"Well let me give you the tour of the place while I grab my keys and wallet from the bedroom. Okay so from here you can see the kitchen, the bathroom and over this way is the bedroom" finished Jake as he walked the short distance from the entrance back to the bedroom. Will followed him hoping to get a little insight into what Jake was like from his room. It seemed that most of the space in the apartment had been allocated to the bedroom, but the desk, bed, and dresser took up most of the room making it cramped like the rest of the place. Much to Will's disappointment the room was essentially bare, and failed to provide him with any hint towards who Jake was. "Well this is it" said Jake. "I know it is kind of small but hey I'm a student" he finished slightly embarrassed. Jake slid his keys and wallet from the top of the dark coloured dresser and shoved them into his pocket. "Okay so let's go" said Jake grabbing Will by the hand and leading back out front.

The ride to the restaurant was a quite one, the only words that passed between the two were turn left here, or take the next right. Jake kept rubbing his hands together nervously, he noticed how Will was firmly gripping steering wheel and was glad that he wasn't the only who was nervous. Jake kept wondering why he was so nervous though, it wasn't like this was his first date with a guy. Before he could give much attention to the thought he realized that the car had stopped.

Will cut the ignition and slid out of the car. He just stood staring sceptically at the restaurant. He knew now why he wasn't familiar with the place, it was tucked away far from the other restaurants in town and the drab look of the front made him question whether it was even open.

Jake noticed the cynical way Will was looking at the restaurant. "Don't worry it might not look it from the outside, but it really is the best Chinese food that you can get" said Jake not sure if he was trying to reassure Will or himself. He reached out and grabbed Will by the hand trying to calm himself, now feeling better he led Will into the restaurant.

Will knew as soon as they walked into the building that Jake had been right, the inside of the restaurant looked much better than the outside. The lighting was dim, but everything was clean even if it did have a slightly worn look to it. The worn appearance of everything though didn't detract from the beauty of the restaurant; in fact, he thought that it added a comforting touch making it feel like a home and not just a restaurant. Almost no time passed before an otter came from the door leading to what Will presumed was the kitchen. Silently the waiter led them to a table in a secluded corner, Will was glad because it would give them some privacy.

The waiter deposited two menus on the table and asked whether he could get the pair anything to drink. "I think I will go with a Coke" said Will hoping they did actually have Coke and not Pepsi. "And I think I will have the same" said Jake to the waiter without any hesitation. "Okay so two Cokes," repeated the waiter, "I will be right back with those." With a swish of his tail the waiter turned around and disappeared back the way they had come.

Will reached out to grab one of the leather bound menus, but Jake playfully slapped his hand away. "Don't worry about it I know just what to get us" said Jake coyly. The two sat silently for a moment before Will broke the silence "You always make me feel so nervous I never know what to say because I am afraid whatever I do say will sound stupid and then you won't like me anymore." Jake just sat there for a second and just before he could continue Will continued with "See I just blurted out what I was thinking and now you probably think that I am being foolish and just probably just want to..." he cut himself off when he noticed that the fox was smiling.

"You know that you make me feel the exact same way, I am always worried about what I am going to say because I just want to impress you some much" said Jake taking advantage of Will's confusion at his smile. "Tell you what" he continued "I won't worry about saying something stupid if you don't and we can both agree to just talk and not be so concerned if it is the right thing to say."

"Alright" agreed Will. The waiter had returned with two glasses of Coke and a notepad. "So are you guys ready to order or do you need another couple of minutes?" enquired the waiter. Will looked over to Jake who began to list off a couple of items for the two to share, "He must really come here a lot if he know exactly what he is ordering without even looking at the menu" thought Will.

During the entire time Jake was talking Will took the chance to examine the restaurant more closely; the place wasn't as deserted as he had initially thought, about half the tables were taken by what he assumed were couples all sitting on the same dusty rose upholstered chairs. He let his eyes wander over the walls, they were covered in a lightly peeling ruby wallpaper which was interlaced with gold swirls slowly his eyes worked back to Jake; he found himself amazed by how attractive the fox was with his glistening emerald eyes contrasting sharply against his red coat. While Will was lost in Jakes appearance the fox finished ordering and the waiter slipped away to the kitchen to drop off their order.

"So" said Jake causing Will to snap out of his day dreams "What do you want to talk about while we wait for our food?"

"Well I mean I know you are cute and funny, but I don't know that much else about you so why don't you tell me all about you" replied Will.

Jake could feel himself blushing because of the wolf's compliment, but he considered himself lucky that the red rising in his cheeks was well hidden by the red of his coat. "Okay but I am pretty boring; tell you what I will tell you about me until the food comes, but then you have to do all the talking when we go for dessert after." Will wasn't too eager to have to share his life story, but he reluctantly agreed.

"Okay where to begin" wondered Jake aloud, "Okay so I was adopted when I was really little, I don't remember anything before then. My mum works as a janitor at the high school in my town and my dad is the gym teacher. We aren't rich by any measure but we get by just fine, they used to get pretty worried that they wouldn't be able to afford university for me because they wanted me to do better than they did, but I managed to get a lot of scholarship money. It's not enough to live off campus but it covered my tuition and residence fees" Will felt a little twist of guilt that his family was so wealthy, but he knew it wasn't really his fault.

"I am an only child" continued Jake "I never really had a bunch of friends as a kid, but I got by okay. The only really tough part of my life was in high school when I came out that I was gay. It wasn't that bad though; my parents were really supportive and actually introduced me to my first boyfriend. We didn't stay together that long but it was kind of nice to have someone during that rough time.

I faced a bunch of problems at school with bullies and stuff because I was gay and most of the teachers tended to look the other way. That is unfortunately the way it tends to be in small conservative towns, but like I said my parents were really accepting which made life a lot better since I had a place I could escape to. Things have been better in university, but the town is still pretty small so there still is quite a bit of prejudice but since I haven't had a boyfriend since I started here I haven't really had to face it at all. Well that is really all that I have to tell about my life; like I said boring" finished the fox. Will was just about to assure Jake that his story had not been boring, when the waiter appeared next to their table balancing numerous plates of food.