Chapter 4: Decisions

Story by Jason Davis on SoFurry

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#4 of Best Big Brother

After food, Jamie and Jack have a pretty serious conversation about Jack's expectations.

So I finally got my head out of my ass and continued this story. Many thanks to Diapergoten over on Inkbunny. His conversations really helped me figure out where I wanted to go with this. If anyone wants to see something that I haven't mentioned, let me know in either a review or a PM. I really want to know what everyone thinks.

Again, there is no smut to be found here. I have decided that I won't ask anyone to sexualize these two, so don't expect to see these two getting it on with me either behind the pen myself or by proxy. So kindly leave these two alone.

Now that he wasn't upset, Jack's appetite had returned with a vengeance. Jamie watched in amusement as the little cheetah put away half the pizza and most of the breadsticks before leaning back in his chair and sighing in contentment, rubbing his slightly bloated belly. "Thanks for leaving me some," the wolf said dryly. "Though I think that's only because they were already on my plate."

Jack grinned lazily, unrepentant. "Yup."

Jamie snorted. Looking at his watch, he saw it was almost 9:30. "When do you usually go to bed?"

Normally Jack would try to fib a little, but Jamie was helping him do something he'd always wanted to do. Better, he thought as he glanced at the diaper around his waist, he didn't have to hide it. "Around 10 during the summer." He gave a pleading look to his brother. "Can we watch a movie?"

Jamie chuckled. Between the look, the diaper, the baby blue shirt, and the fact that the little kitten was clutching his tail, Jack looked adorable. "That depends. When is your next practice and when?"

Jack was now quivering. He was less excited about the movie and more about spending more time with his brother. "Day after tomorrow at 5."

Jamie was silent for a few seconds, thoroughly enjoying Jack's squirming. Admittedly, he was also looking forward to spending time with the cub. Finally he grinned. "Go pick one out while I clean up in here."

Jack cheered, gave Jamie a quick hug, and waddled out of the kitchen as fast as he could only to crash into a wall with a yelp. "I'm okay!"

"Be careful," Jamie called back. "Slow down until you get used to moving in your diaper."

It didn't take long to clean up and put away the leftover pizza. As he entered the living room, the TV was flashing the title screen for Power Rangers. "Good choice. This was my favorite show when I was a cub. Who's your favorite?"

"The Red Ranger!" cheered Jack. "The other rangers are cool too, but Red plays sports and is a cheetah like me! Too bad his name is Jason. Though my teammate loves that fact."

Jamie chuckled. "There was a Red named Jack in a later season, but he was a coyote." He sat on the couch, muting the TV and patting the seat beside him. "Take a seat, kiddo. Let's talk before we get started."

"About what?" Jack asked, his ears drooping as he slowly waddled over.

"Nothing bad," Jamie said hastily. "I just want to know how far you want to take this."

Reassured, Jack plopped down in Jamie's lap and snuggled close. "What do you mean?"

"Let's start with the obvious," Jamie answered. "What do you want, as far as this," he poked Jack's padded hip, "for the next two weeks?"

"Oh, yeah," Jack said happily. "I want to wear and use them the whole time if I can."

"I figured that," Jamie said, smiling. "Does that include pooing them too?"

Jack blushed. "Is that okay?"

"I'm willing to change your stinky butt," Jamie replied teasingly, enjoying Jack's deepening blush. "What about wearing them in public? You're coming with me to the shop when it's open. While I haven't taken stock of the kitchen yet, I expect we'll need to do some grocery shopping too. And what about practice?"

"Not practice!" blurted Jack, looking panicked. "What of the guys find out? They would never stop teasing me!"

"Easy, easy," soothed, Jamie, rubbing the cheetah's back slowly. "You don't have to if you don't want to. This is about what you want, remember?"

Slowly, Jack calmed down. "I...I wouldn't mind wearing them at the shop. Maybe if we go shopping too. Just not practice," he finished firmly. Then he blinked. "How will I get changed at the shop?"

"I have a small lounge in the back that the public doesn't have access to. That's where you'll be the entire time since legally I can't let you near my stock. I can change you there." Jamie took a hit from his vape as he considered his next question. "Other than diapers, what else did you want to use?"

Jack's brow narrowed in confusion. "What?" Then he brightened. "Oh! You mean like bottles?"

At Jamie's encouraging nod, Jack began ticking his fingers. "A bottle and a pacifier for sure. I know mom gave away my crib and high chair before she even met dad, so that's out. Can I try baby food?"

"Not recommended," Jamie said quickly, shuddering. "I had some during my stint, and it was disgusting."

"Oh, okay," the feline shrugged it off easily. "Just an idea. What else?"

"How about clothes?" Jamie suggested. "Onesies, footed pajamas, and such."

Jack frowned. "Do they make baby clothes big enough for me?"

"They do online," Jamie answered easily. "You would not believe everything for furs like us that I've discovered online. It's where I was going to get your bigger diapers. I can easily get you a couple onesies that fit you. Even better, some come in solid colors , so they'll look like you just tucked your shirt into your jeans."

"Cool!" Jack beamed. "Yeah, can you?"

"If I order them tonight, they'll be here by next week." Jamie said. "Anything else?"

Jack sat in quiet thought for a moment, then shook his head. "I don't think so."

Jamie nodded. "Alright, I'll order the stuff tonight after you go to bed. I'll check the attic as well to see what baby stuff our parents didn't give away. If I can't find anything, we'll leave a bit earlier and pick you up a bottle and a paci. I must admit, you got really excited when I asked that question. Did you want to act like a baby?"

As Jack looked thoughtful, Jamie continued. "Obviously, that means crawling, making baby noises, that kind of thing. But that also means that I bathe you, I dress you, I feed you. I make a lot of decisions for you. You'll be giving up a lot of independence if you decide to do this. Also, no talking. We wouldn't be able to talk to each other like this."

Jack frowned. "Yeah, I don't think I like most of that. I wouldn't mind you dressing me though." He blushed. "Or maybe giving me a bath once in a while."

Jamie laughed. "I've said it before, but you are too adorable." He finished with a kiss to the top of the little cheetah's head.

Jack blushed harder. "Stoppit!" he giggled, leaning away.

"Enough serious stuff," declared Jamie. "Let's enjoy our movie."

"Awesome!" Jack cheered as his big brother unmuted the TV and started the movie.

Chapter 5: Silence

As Jamie expected, Jack didn't make it through the whole movie, falling asleep during the training montage. Jamie continued to watch, snarking quietly to himself and even giving a quiet cheer when the famous theme song came on. After the movie, he...

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Piano Man

**A late Friday afternoon found Jake and the twins at Jake's house. The events of Jake's first stint of babysitting had resulted in a fast friendship between the three. Jake and Jason were currently playing Halo while Dakota was reading. Jake was...

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Chapter 3: Acceptance

Jack blushed and glanced away shyly. "Yes, please." Jamie laughed and ruffled his head-fur. "Gods, you're too adorable." He teased lightly. "Where are your supplies? Your room?" In answer, Jack turned and opened the closet. Jamie laughed again. "In...

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