A little back story: This was to be part of a contest about a month ago. But life got in the way and I couldn't give the story what it needed. I didn't want to delete it so here you go. This is my first story to give to the public so I want your honest opinions. Thank you and have a great day.
It was the witching hour, nothing so crude as midnight of course. Anyone can be a witch at midnight under a full moon. It was past 3 am and he had been awoken by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him urgently. His eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling and the usual questions of "Who am I?" "Where am I?" "Am I wearing clothes?" filled his head and were promptly banished. A finger pressed against his lips and words were whispered into his ear barely above the threshold of hearing, the voice one of a distant memory his sleep addled brain could not yet recollect.
"I want to tell you a secret."
He looked around the car as the events of the night caught up with him. The words began to sink in as he realized this could be big." What is it?"
"Can't tell you. It's a secret."
Jason couldn't believe what he heard. His head finally started catching up with him. "Wait you said you wanted to tell me a secret."
"Yeah, I wanted to tell you I HAD a secret. That's all," said Alex.
Jason still couldn't believe what he was hearing. Alex his best friend told him he wanted to tell him a secret and that was it? "You can't do that!"
Alex stop the car with such force it cause Jason to slid down the passenger seat. "I need gas," said Alex a bit upset. He got out of the car leaving Jason on his own to figure out what the hell just happen.
While Jason tires to put two and two together lets take this moment to catch up. Jason and Alex are both wolves. Jason is the black one and Alex is the white one. Both had been friends since middle school and right now are sophomores in college. Tonight was a usually Friday night. Hitting down town, checking the clubs, trying to find a partner, and failing miserably. But this is beside the point of our story. Alex has a secret and he won't tell Jason. At least not without a fight.
Alex finally came back. As he started up the car, Jason began thinking of a way to pry the answer out of him. If he wasn't so deep in though he would of realize he was staring at Alex like a piece of meat. It started to creep Alex out. "What?"
"What?" said Jason snapping back to reality.
"You're staring at me like some serial killer person." To be honest Alex couldn't think of anything better to say. He was never the sharpest tool in the shed but sharp enough to know what is going on.
Jason on the other hand was sharp and I mean sharp. Unfortunately he was so sharp it made most people stay away from him. Making Alex one of a very limited list of friends. "Sorry, just thinking."
"I'm not telling you."
"Come on. We tell each other everything."
"Well there is something I do want to tell you.
"So what's holding you back"
"I'm just not ready to tell you just yet"
"Oh god your gay."
"What?! No." Alex couldn't believe what he was hearing.
As far as for Jason there was no better explanation, "That's how it all starts. 'I have something to tell you but I'm not ready to tell you yet'. Fast-forward, 'I love you. I can't get you out of my mind. I just want to fu..' '' SMACK. The sound of Alex's slap echoed throughout the car.
"I'm not gay goddamnit." Alex shook his paw from hitting Jason so hard. To think he would come out with something so idiotic.
Jason sat up in shock. Alex never hit him before, but if there were a better sign he wasn't lying that was it. 'Back to the drawing board.' What is the secret that he's not telling? "You're moving to another college."
'Damn what else' Jason's mind rack over the most logical answers, "You're a serial killer"
"Yeah for the past ten years since you knew me I kill dozen in there sleep and bath in their blood listening to Beethoven."
'Definably not it.' Come on Jason think of something. "You're a ghost."
Alex slammed on the break but can you blame him? This is just getting too ridiculous. Alex got out of the car to get as far away as his legs can take him. Jason came out soon after.
"Hey where you going?"
"Away from you." Alex picked up the pace into the night. Jason was concerned. Alex never acted like this before. What ever this secret was it's important to him. 'I got to know' though Jason. As he look around he realized they were by the shady part of town and he knew neither of them could stay here too long.
Alex was still piss. He knew he be taking a risk telling Jason he had a secret but he is his best friend. He wants to tell him but why does he keep trying to figure out what it is. "Hey, Alex. Hey wait."
'Just ignore him'
"Alex. Alex! ALEX!"
"Jesus Christ will you shut...up?" Jason was gone. A few seconds ago he was yelling his name like crazy and now nothing. 'This can't be good.' Though Alex. He looked around at the dozen's of building left behind to wither away. Alex realized which part of town he stop at. 'Shit.' Alex ran back to where Jason may have disappeared. 'Please. O God please don't let anyone harm him.'
Jason's head was throbbing from the massive blow. His mind was blacking in and out for sometime until he regain continence, only to wake into a nightmare. Lying on the ground he tried to get up only to find his paws and feet were tied. Looking around he was able to make out two shadowy figures standing close by. "What the..."
"Looks like our friend is finally up," said the cheetah slightly older then Jason. "Well what do you think?"
A middle age gray rat started to walk around Jason, examining him. "He looks perfect. You always find the best ones Eric."
Jason laid in fear. The cheetah, Eric he knew this guy. Why is he doing this? How did he find him? What does the rat have to do with all this?
The rat pulled out a cigarette, "So how did you find this one?"
"Found him at the club. He just walks up to me and said if I wanted to hang out with him. Well I wouldn't pass up an opportunity like that. He was with some other guy so I couldn't take him right a way. He got drunk out of his mind and I was able to get a good idea of what he can do. Then I left, waited, and follow them until he was alone." Eric walked closer to Jason to get a look at his latest catch. "He really is a good one. I'm sure your clients will love him."
"They like foxes more but wolves are always fun." The rat looked over the wolf. He would make many of his clients happy and if they don't want him well he can always give them a good show.
"What.....what are you talking about?" Jason froze with fright as the rat looked down at him.
"Sex what else." Said the rat talking in a calm stern tone. "You are being traded off to me and if you're as good as Eric said you'll be fine and if not, well, we'll get there when we get there." The rat continued walking around him.
Jason was completely helpless 'God please help me.'
"I got a secret." Said the black wolf. "I want to get it out but I'm afraid of what will happen. But I don't want to hide it anymore. I trust you." He took a deep breath staring at the white wolf. "I'm gay."
The white wolf was shock. His best friend told him something that not everyone hears everyday. He looked at his friend, the fear in his eye looking at him. What can he do? He couldn't abandon him because of this. He took a deep breath walked up and gave the black wolf a hug.
Alex has looked around for almost an hour as he though about that night so long ago. Maybe he should of just told Jason his secret, but he wasn't ready. 'God I'm not sure anymore.' Alex couldn't stop thinking, like a million different voices were in his head. It started to overwhelm Alex. 'Come on get your head together.'
As Alex got his head together he heard voices close by. He followed the voices to a warehouse. 'Who would talk in a place like this?' It looks a lot like something you see in a horror film. 'If there were a better place.' Alex wasn't sure if Jason was there, but he had to see. He went to the nearest window and with delight saw Jason with a cheetah and a grey rat. 'Now what?'
"So where's my money," asked Eric. It was getting late and he wants this deal to be over with. He knew the wolf was a great find which means a nice load of cash.
The grey rat pulled out a large ball of cash and tossed it to Eric, "Here you go 3,000 for the wolf."
Eric caught the money and counted it. 'It's going to be a good month'.
It was over. There is nothing he can do.
"Get up," said the rat. Jason slowly got up. The rat pushed him towards the door. "Don't worry you'll be amazed what your life will be now. No worries, if you do everything that we ask from you."
CRASH. Four cops came rushing in. "Down on the ground NOW!!!!!!!!!!" The rat pulled out a gun and pointed it at Jason's head.
"Take one more step and I blow his fuckin brains out!" They were at a stand still. Eric and the rat knew they couldn't go anywhere without starting a firefight. One wrong move and it's over. Jason life began running though his mind. To think this could have been avoided if he didn't push Alex to hard.
As the gun push against his head he knew he was the deciding factor. Jason mind rack over the best possibilities. It was now or never. Jason pushed his body back making the rat lose his balance. His grip loosened and Jason got out but couldn't go far with his feet tied.
Once out of danger the cops ran to catch the men. The rat tried to fire his gun but the cops stop him. Eric ran towards the other side of the warehouse. 'Damn if rat boy keeps them busy I'll get out of this no strings att..." He tripped. Eric looks up to see who knocked him down only to see a white fist.
Alex stood over Eric. Without waiting he runs up to Jason. "Jason!" He gave him a big hug. Jason was in delight to see his best friend. "How did you find me?" Alex told Jason about hearing their voices. The second he found them he called the cops. Turned out the rat has been wanted for a sex trade operation but before had nothing on him. Now catching him in the act will put him in jail for a long time.
Two of the cops took Eric and the rat into their car and drove off. Alex untied Jason as he told the remaining cops everything that had happened in the warehouse. Once everything was over the cops accompanied them to their car and left. Jason and Alex stood silent in the car. After everything that has happen tonight things still didn't change. Jason doesn't know his secret, but it didn't matter. Hopefully Alex won't break up their friendship.
"Sorry." Said Jason. "I should have kept my mouth shut or none of this would of happened." Jason hoped it would be enough to patch things up. Alex didn't answer for a while.
"Do you remember when you told me you were gay?" Jason looked at Alex with confusion.
"Yeah but..."
"How long did you keep that secret from me till you told me?"
"Six months."
Alex looked at Jason. "The reason I told you I had a secret was to let you know that I wanted to tell you something but I wasn't ready yet. When the time comes I will tell you but please it's still something I'm not conformable with."
Jason gave Alex a hug. "Your sure your not gay?"
"Yes. I'm still straight."
"So we good?"
Alex turned the car on and drove off. Jason still wish he could know. 'Maybe one more time.' "You sure you can't tell me."
"I told you. It's a secret."