The Eyes

Back Story: Amazing how life goes by so fast. It has been eight months since my first submission. And that is way too damn long without adding a new story. This one is different. It's a poem. I never though of myself as a "Poet" and I really don't....


A little back story: This was to be part of a contest about a month ago. But life got in the way and I couldn't give the story what it needed. I didn't want to delete it so here you go. This is my first story to give to the public so I want...

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Broken Man

Broken Man I come to you today a broken man. I wish I could say there is always tomorrow... But now I don't know if there will be. Today proved it to me in the curliest way possible. All the work I've done for so many years, The peaks, the...

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Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time there lived a King. The King lived in a grand castle on top of a mountain. He had land, money, power, and all the people to adore him. The sun always shined in the castle, the birds singing can be heard through out the halls, and the...

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I Don't Know How To Love

Forgive me for I don't know how to love. You wouldn't think it would be that tough. I've seen it in movies a thousand times. I've heard it in songs a million times. And yet when I'm sitting next to you. My mind goes hazy. My mouth goes...

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Fears of a Newbie Writer

I started writing this after I submitted to an anthology, and feeling I didn't give them my best. I felt at best I only gave them a "polished" first draft. Already thinking I got rejected before the letter even came. (I'm still waiting as of writing...

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