Journey to Another World pt2 ch51
The four friends go through many trials and face off against team galactic time and time again.
Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 4 - "The best friend I've ever had"...
So after the nagging and the whining for a trial lesson, simo n and catherine agreed... blain and i were training together ever since... it involved a lot of discipline, determination and motivation...
A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 6 - The Temple -
I wouldnt let you go through that trial by yourself! not alone!" "then i wont go alone," he said, kissing her softly.
That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 5: Loved Ones... (part 4)
** **whoah, so i never want to leave you, and the memories of us to see** **i beg don't leave me** **seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost** **it's empty, and cold without you here, too many people to ache over** **trials in life, questions
The Road Of Life - Chapter 12
Time passes so quickly when trials end and happiness begins.
Swining in the Wind
"no, i ran out just now...wait this is crazy, we need to get back on the dang trial and get her to a ranger" gourd yelled at thad.
Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 11
You were simply given a trial by god to try and find a unity between your human and animal like natures." "why nust i hath deen githen such a condition? why do i hath to go through this trial?" i continue, complaining at my state.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 23
"the corridors are too busy currently, we must wait till the trials begin and then we make our way to the constructor.
Mistaken Identity (chpt 2)
Chapter 2 (the time of trial)((switches over to first person.)) i didn't know what i was going to do, here i was now following a fae, and no doubt her mate. they were watching me very closely.
Poem: The Twilight Dawn, Souls of the Morning
The winds flow throughout time, leading the birds of tomorrow through the trials of hope, revealing the true nature within the world's everlasting heart called love.
We went through such trial and error, but it never fazed us. we were abused and neglected, but we always spat in the face of such negativity and laughed. we poured out hopeless loves and shattered dreams into this world we built.
Age of Heroes Ch11 Fear and Intimidation
Can kinus and the rest of class-1a successfully overcome the trials and tribulations before them? or would their dreams be cut short?"