a poem from a broken heart

#1 of poems of a broken heart just a poem of a broken heart ''three years my heart had been, three years my heart had longed, three years my heart has weeped, three years it has grown, and in three years it has shown.

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Time Beats. Hearts tick. - medium poem

The heart beats time and time again. does forever die with the heart? does the heart die at forever? can time feel the heart's pulse? the heart feels every moment in time. for every time we see each other it's as if the heart controls the time.

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Poem Of A Broken heart #3

#3 of poems of a broken heart just a poem of a broken heart. the darkest time has come to pass, for when i'm alone at last, the song my heart so fragile weeps, will cry out in the months to come, my mate has left my side, she no longer wakes.

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In my heart you will remain

Better friend xc, french and guitar we shared but now you have moved on it was sudden and took me by surprise i may miss you and be sad but i know you're somewhere better now so i await the day i can rejoin you so until then in my heart

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Kingdom Hearts: The new holder of the Keyblade part 6

#6 of kingdom hearts donald looked in side and looked around for the heartless donald : where did it go ?

yay the coliseum !

#19 of kingdom hearts sora: but i've gotta talk to hades ! hades: what was that? tsume: this guy is pissing me off jake: me to, let beat him into submission !


#18 of kingdom hearts sora: heartless ! tsume: oh my god with the heartless jake: finally some action ! n1: as they ran to help her the heartless dogs ran away jake: wait !all i wanna do is just kill you !

off to the Olympus Coliseum !

#17 of kingdom hearts ##### as they followed sora back to the ship tsume and jake stopped ##### ##### ##### ##### tsume: um sora ... ##### ##### ##### ##### sora: (turn to look at her) whats wrong ?

Kingdom Hearts: plan B ... STILL AWESOME !

#16 of kingdom hearts shan-yu: now you'll bow to me jake: hey ugly ! your fight is with us !

Kingdom Hearts: plan B ... AWESOME !

#15 of kingdom hearts yao: stand back ling: we'll handle this jake: you know , im tired of you 3 showing your faces !

Kingdom Hearts: plan A ...BAD

#14 of kingdom hearts yao: hey , you ain't half bad ling: a men among man ping: thanks then the 3 walked off some were as tsume saw ping looking worried ping: but the caption tsume: you mean the one that's coming are way ?