Kingdom Hearts: The new holder of the Keyblade part 2

Story by Tsumesakamea on SoFurry

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#2 of kingdom hearts

Tsume: what the...?

Jake: what wrong

Tsume: I uh got a text from someone

Jake: let me see

Tsume: no , it's nothing so don't worry about it

Jake: -sign- ** OK**

Tsume: want to go play

Jake: how? When the power is off

Tsume: yes true but our DS ** aren't**

Jake: oh yeah. But wait the only game we got is kingdom hearts and I really don't want to play that game no more

Tsume: hmm, yeah you're right

N1: then Tsume phone went off again and saw another text saying (you will never come back alive don't open it!)

Tsume: ok now I'm really starting to get freaked out

Jake: why?

Tsume: I don't know why but I'm starting to think silver is behind this.

Jake: behind what?

Tsume: behind this weird texting

Jake: got the name and number

Tsume: no it's unknown. I'll be in my room

Jake: ok

N1: before Tsume could leave the kitchen her phone went off again and it read (DON'T GOT IN THE ROOM OR YOU WILL DIE)

Tsume: -sign- your game is getting boring silver

N1: Tsume took another step and the phone went off. (PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU DON'T GO IN THE ROOM!! IT WILL COME FOR YOU)

Tsume: it? What's it?

N1: Tsume was half way near the hall way and heard sounds coming from her room and heard a low growl before slowly backing away

Tsume: Jake! Get over here now

Jake: - walk up to her- what's wrong scared of the dark?

Tsume: shhh!

N1: both of them look near Tsume room and heard the growl getting louder and then saw a flash of yellow eyes

Jake: uh what the F was that?

*N1: Tsume was too afraid to say anything as she watched the yellow eyes stare back at her from the darkness. Tsume and Jake backed up some more, then her phone rang and it was the unknown number tsume had no other choice but to answer it *

Tsume: h-hello?

Voice: listen to me and listen fast ,you two have to get out of the house now or you will both die!

Tsume: w-who is this??

*Voice: No time get out of there! It's after you and your bother *

Tsume: what is? What's going on?

Voice: get out of the house now!


*N1: Tsume gasp as the flash of lighting shine throw the window just in time to see it as her and her brother eyes widen in fear *


Tsume: HOLY--

Jake: RUN!!!!!

N1: Tsume and Jake ran to the door and outside in the rain and down the street with the thing hot on the trail

Tsume: oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap

N1: the monster jump in front of them stopping them from running

Jake: what do we do now?!

Tsume: good question.-click the speaker button- uh Mr. creepy voice it may be a good time for you to tell us what to do

Voice: I need you two to fight it

Jake/Tsume: WHAT?!?!?!

Tsume: are you crazy?!

Jake: you're crazy bit-

Tsume: not helping Jake!

Voice: it's alright you guys can do this


Voice: then you'll just die if you don't fight

Tsume: -bit bottom lip-.....OK

Jake: what?!

Voice: in your pocket there you will find your weapon

N1: Tsume and Jake dodge the attack of the beast and made another run for it and hid from the monster until they could catch their breath. Tsume pulled out from her pocket a key chain


Tsume: a key chain?


Tsume: Jake!

Jake: what? You think this will help what we need are some good A.k-47's-

Voice: with power of this keyblade I unleash you from your eternal slumber

N1: a glow came from the key and appeared to be bigger and heavier

*384488_394363063962792_1104035944_a.jpg Diamond Dust Keyblade *

Tsume: this is sooo pretty and so my style -grin-

Voice: I knew you would like it....that's why it was made it for you

Tsume: huh? What are you talking about? And how are you

Voice: all will be answered until you kill that thing

Jake: why?

Voice: you need to beat it so you can unlock the gate to kingdom hearts

Tsume/Jake: kingdom hearts?

Jake: wait isn't that just a game , and why does it feel so normal to me

*Voice: -light chuckled- things aren't always what they seem Jake *

Jake: hmm,...Tsume I don't trust him

Tsume: jake you didn't even trust your gold-fish after it died , and this guy seems to know what's going on so we have to trust him


Voice: loud and clear Jake

Jake: where is my weapon?

Voice: I thought you said I was a fake

Jake: -low voice- dick

Tsume: -giggle- I'm pretty sure you'll get your sword if you ask nicely Jake

Jake: fine....can I please have my keyblade to

Voice: -chuckle- I didn't think you would scoop so low to get a keyblade

Jake: why you little-

Voice: it's in your pocket

*n1: Jake pulled out his key chain *


N1: Jakes eyes widened in happiness as the voice said the words again and it changed right before Jake's eyes


Jake: I HAVE THE POW--errrrrrr!.....hey what's the big deal how come she gets a kick ass keyblade and I don't?!

Voice: that's cause Tsume has been through this before a long time ago.

Jake: she has?

Tsume: I have?

Jake: -deep goofy voice- NANI?

Voice: I know you don't remember, but you,Tsuki and Julian have been in Kingdom Hearts.

N1: Tsume look down at her keyblade lost in thought

Jake: but that doesn't make any sense.

Tsume: yes it does...later in the house before the light went out I had a flash back of me and Julian in kingdom Hearts and Tsuki was there too

Jake: what?......WHERE WAS I?!!?!?!

*Tsume: with mom at *

Game Stop

Jake: oh yeah

Voice: you may want to hurry it up you two its coming back

Jake: sweet potato's

Tsume: I'm too scared to fight...I never fight a monster in my life

*Voice: no, but when you were in kingdom hearts you were known as the best fighter *

Voice: it is now

N1: the ground started to shake as Tsume felt the monster coming closer and closer

Jake: -crying voice- we're gonna die

Tsume: don't worry, we can do it. Just remember this is all a game

Voice: -chuckle- you'll soon learn how a game works in reality

N1: there was aloud roar from the beast as Tsume and Jake got ready and just as it walked past them Tsume and Jake jump out from their hiding spot and started to attack the monster. It wasn't easy at all when it came to fighting as they were thrown on the wet ground and thrown into walls. Ending up with lots of cuts

Jake: -trying to get up- I can't move

N1: Tsume got up but only to be thrown again by the monster to a wall making her drop her phone. Tsume heard the monster roar again as she tried to move again but couldn't She could hear her brother calling out to her as her hearing was soon silent and everything got blurry and before Tsume passed out she saw something shoot the monster as she watched it go down in flames. A person in black came up to her and keeled down next to her. She couldn't make out what the person was saying and soon everything went dark.

Kingdom Hearts: The new holder of the Keyblade part 3

**Ten hours later)** **N1: Tsume could hear her brother Jake yelling at someone and there were other voices, Tsume turned her head to look at who Jake was yelling at 3 people in the room 2 boys and 1 girl** **Jake: YOU GOT MY SISTER KILLED YOU...

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Kingdom Hearts: The new holder of the Keyblade

A year ago three kids got sucked into the game of Kingdom Hearts, and the only way to get free was to fight and beat the game. But it soon done on them that just cuz it was a game to them didn't mean you can't die in the game as well. Once the three...

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