Poem: The Twilight Dawn, Souls of the Morning

Story by Tigz Cerberus Spirit on SoFurry

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Poem: The Twilight Dawn, Souls of the Morning

Flow from the morning, the birds sings within their harmony words, seeing the visions of anew day and the dreams of never ending life.

The lions dance through the earth's forest of life, wishing for their day of happiness to come, knowing their day shall be soon within their memories.

The winds flow throughout time, leading the birds of tomorrow through the trials of hope, revealing the true nature within the world's everlasting heart called Love.

The tomb which otters dance within the unknowing seas reaches out, leading the fishes of tomorrow throughout the never-ending flows of hope within their hearts, the sharks wishing within the hearts of many, wanting the visions of heart's lust to reveal the path of life.

The flows of life spread, revealing the paths not yet known, but seen by the wise of beginning.

The lights of peace radiant through time, leading the lost souls of yesterday onto its smooth warmth, its peaceful nature which seems endless throughout the everlasting songs of new, their time now but certain within the lights of sun's kingdom of life.

The aired path showing the everlasting stars which know no end, the wolves howl throughout the lands of old, calling onto the souls which know no rest.

The oceans breath throughout the seas, calling its love to reach the stars of new, visioning the dreams of peace which harmony's love cannot speak within.

The walls of life cry within their loving souls, knowing soon all shall remain, yet none left within the doors of dreams, the air calming, listening for the cries of old who yet to exist in their hearts.

The foxes cry, wanting to be one within the gates of lust, wanting to be within their soul mates hearts forever, leaving their once loved home to reveal their true love once more.

The path of new shines of beginning which no fur speaks within the lives of old, the hearts of all cry out, revealing their hidden love which once was taken yet now revealed from the harmony of peace within.

The bears open the gates, reaching out within the warmth to reveal the everlasting hearts of new.

The souls of many travel within the roads of peace, leaving behind the hidden lies of old, leaving behind the hate which blinded their eyes, leaving the past memories which none can speak within, the flows of time beginning once more, yet only for those who truly created the paths of new within their lone hearts, the path now revealed as the path of love, the path of friendship, the path which none is left alone in the roads of new, for those who believe within shall never fade within the roads of new...

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