Journey to Another World pt2 ch51
#1 of Journey to Another World pt2
Journey to Another World 4 Ch. 1 IF YOU'VE BEEN KEEPING UP WITH THE STORY SO FAR, JUST JUMP AHEAD A FEW PARAGRAPHS. OR IF YOU'VE FORGOTTEN SOME THINGS... (Author: Welcome back to the Journey. First I would like to welcome back the readers that have stay faithful throughout the past 50 chapters. For those of you that have jumped in, well you've missed quite a bit in the last 50 chapters. So lets recap for a moment shall we. While a young man is playing Pokemon Diamond on his DS he is struck by lightning and is thrown into a coma. What he doesn't realize is that the information form the game has been directly imprinted into his mind and is now traveling through the Pokemon world in his mind. While this is happening in his mind, his body remains in a coma in the real world, our world.) (Along the way he rescues a Ralts from a Mightena that becomes his first traveling companion, who he name Jenavee, later he rescues an abandoned Riolu from it's trainer and come to call her Rena, yet even further along they come to a river and come to meet up with their next companion a Feebas. The four friends go through many trials and face off against Team Galactic time and time again. At one such time as our companions are dealing with Team Galactic they rescue a Ninetails that is being used for breeding purposes which is given the name Kit. So instead of four companions traveling through the Pokemon world, we have five.) (If you want the full details of their many trials and travels, you'll just have to go back and read them, now wont you. And now on to chapter 51.) I throw open the sliding glass door and quickly run out to the balcony and take in deep cleansing breaths of air. ‘What the heck was that smell. It was like someone released an aphrodisiac in there.' I look over my shoulder and can see that Rena and Jenavee are both talking together. ‘I think it best to probably stay out here until my mind finally clears and that scent gets out of my nose.' I lean my back against the railing of the balcony and look up at the slowly passing clouds, allowing my mind to finally get back to work. ‘Wait a minute.' The fog in my mind was finally starting to dissipate and I was able to form coherent thoughts again. ‘That smell. Don't tell me it's...' ‘Oh crap. Not again.' I slap my right hand against my forehead. ‘I realized that Rena goes into heat since she's part dog, but I didn't even think of what Kit really was. Now I've got to deal with two girls that go into times of induced sexual frenzies.' I close my eyes and shake my head. ‘It must be time for her to go into her heat. But wait a minute...' I open my eyes and see Rena and Jenavee go into the bathroom, then close the door behind them. ‘If Kit is really going into or is in heat, what did she do to prevent it from taking over her mind when she was with that kid...that breeder kid...darn it, what was that kids name?' ‘Oh well. Can't deal with remembering names right now, while my head cleans out the remains of that aphrodisiac. I've got to think of what to do now.' I stare at the closed bathroom door. ‘Oh I know...' An evil snicker escapes my lips. * * *
(Inside the Bathroom)
- * * "Are you saying what I think your saying Jenavee?" Rena asks as she kneels down on the floor and begins to finish washing Kit who is still in the tub. "I do not care what Jenavee thinks." Kit says in her own Ninetails language. She shakes off Rena's hand and glares at the two girls. "I want Donovin to wash me. Not either one of you two dirty girls." "Shut it! You minx!" Both Rena and Jenavee say in unison. "We are not going to allow your scent to overpower our master, so that you can have your way with him...Kit." Jenavee says in a superior tone as she leans against the bathroom door with her arms crossed. Preventing any escape from the anxious fox. "Jenavee is right Kit. Our master is sensitive to both our scents. So we have to be careful about when we go into heat. So just hold still and let me finish washing you." She says as she pulls Kit back to her and begins scrubbing under her tail. "That still does not explain why you have to..." Yip. She cries out. "What the heck do you think your doing washing back there." Kit instantly swats Rena's hand away with one of her tails and covers his rear with the rest of them. Rena straitens up on her knees and places the back of her paws on her hips. "Well, excuse me Ms. Minx." She grabs Kit's tails and tries to lift them, but finds it difficult since Kit is fighting her. "" She says as she struggles with the many tails. Just as soon as she's got one or two up, she has to deal with the rest that still cover her. "A little help here Jenavee." Jenavee pushes herself off the door and places both her fingertips together and her eyes start to glow their usual purple color. A purple glow starts to form around the tails but then quickly fades. "Actually I have a better and simpler idea." She says as she kneels down next to Rena. She looks over to Kit as she places a hand on the shower knob. "Hay Kit. Remember how cold that Croconaw's water gun was." Kit's eyes go wide. "That is right. I can make the water that cold or even colder. So if you do not want an ice bath or shower, then do as Rena says and lift those tails." Kit lets out a deep throated growl but stops when Jenavee starts to turn the cold shower knob on and a few beads of water start to show from the shower head. Slowly Kit lifts her tail and allows Rena to finish her job. Jenavee get up and walks over to the counter and sits on it. The look that Kit shoots Jenavee is one of, ‘I'll get you for this' but Jenavee just ignores the look. "So tell me Rena. Why exactly are you washing back there anyways?" Rena finishes with the wash and places the cloth in the water to wash out the soap that's inside it. "Oh come on Jenavee." She looks up at her over her shoulder. "You should know about where the scent of our heat comes from." Jenavee just shrugs her shoulders and leans in a little. "Why would I know something like that. I am not a dog type like the two of you remember. I do not go into heats like the two of you do. Though..." She places a hand on her stomach. "I have been feeling a little...strange...lately." (Author: I don't know much about dog's heats so if your wondering about that, then look it up) "Oh so that is how it is." "Glad that you finally understand." She reaches over to the shower head only to be snapped at by Kit. "Oh, just calm down. I just need to wash out the soap is all. I am not going to use cold water on you." So when Rena reached around to the nozzles, Kit allows her to. With a quick twist of a knob the warm water started showering down on Kit. Effectively washing away the remnants of soap in her fur. "By the way Jenavee, what were you going to say before Kit interrupted us?" "Oh that. I was going to say, that if you were thinking that we were all going to have one big go at Donovin then you are greatly mistaken. As I do not think that he is up to something anywhere near that, since he is still recovering from his time in the hospital." "Yuck. I hate being wet." Kit slowly spreads her stance and quickly begins to shake herself. Effectively catching the other two girls in the room completely by surprise and showering them from the water in her fur. "Kit stop it!" Both the girls say in unison again. Kit's shower doesn't let up for quite a while, or at least until Kit is free of the water in her fur. Once she's done, water drips from everything and everyone in the bathroom. Both Rena and Jenavee look at each other and both nod. "Payback you minx." With that the cold water knob glows purple and quickly turns. The shower turns on ice cold and Kit lets out a long whine and yips of displeasure of being given a ice shower. * * *
(Outside the bathroom)
- * * "What exactly are they doing to Kit in there?" I ask myself as I begin to hear strange noises coming from the other room. I walk back into the room after the fogs finally been cleaned out from my head, pick up my pack, sit down on the bed, and start going through my supplies for the girls. ‘I have the brushes for Rena and Kit's fur, then the one for Jenavee's hair, the shampoo's are in the bathroom already so when it comes time for Rena and Jenavee's shower I don't have to make double trips.' Just then there is another loud yip and I quickly jump to my feet and run to the door. When I open it I have to bite my lip from laughing at what I see. The whole room is covered in water, both Rena and Jenavee have water dripping from them, and Kit looks like a giant puff ball. They are all either around the tub, in the tub, or soaking in it. From my point of view, it looks like they were all wrestling in the tub. Though to someone else, they look to be in a certain position that would certainly arouse some, male hormones. "Do not say one word Donovin." Was the response from all three girls at once. I have to nearly draw blood from my lip to keep from laughing. "It..." Snicker. "It looks like you girls will be needing some towels." Snicker. "I'll just see if the nurse can..." At that point I can't hold it in anymore as I let loose with a loud laughter. "Oh no you do not." Jenavee quickly leaps at me but I quickly side step out of the way. Then turn and watch as she slips on the floor and lands on her backside with an audible thump sound. To which causes another loud bout of laughter from me. "You think we look funny all wet." My eyes go wide as I realize that I forgot that there are more girls in the bathroom then Jenavee. "Let us see how you look all wet." An hour or so later, all four of us are laughing at each other as we splash each other over and over again. The bathroom now has at least a good amount of our splashing on it and my cloths are completely soaked. Another hour and a phone call later, we have fresh towels and are drying ourselves off. "It's been so long since I've had such a great water fight, that I forgot how much fun it is." "You are right Donovin. That was a lot of fun." Rena says as she drops the soaked towel into a basket near the door to the bathroom, then picks up a fresh one from the bed and starts on her head. "It may have been fun for us, but I know that it is not going to be fun when the nurse finds how much water we splashed on this rug tomorrow." Jenavee says as she also drops a towel into the hamper and picks up a new one and uses it on Kit's tails. "If you keep moving those tails of your's Kit, then it is going to take that much longer until you are dry." "Well then hurry up and finish drying me Jenavee." Kit says in her language. "After all, it is both of your faults that were not dry yet." She looks up to Rena then back at Jenavee. "If you had not used that cold water on me, then Donovin would not have come in and laughed at us, then that prompted the whole water war." "Alright you three. We've had our fun, now lets get down to the pampering." I said as I tied off the bathrobe's rope around my waist. "Since your knew to the family Kit. I think it only appropriate that you're the first to get brushed." Kit let out a happy yip as she leapt up to the bed and started waving her tails around. "Next is Rena." To which she happily smiled and nodded to Jenavee. ‘I guess that makes you last Jenavee.' Rena said in a mocking tone just to her. ‘Go ahead Rena. Yuck it up.' She replied in an equal sour tone. "It just means that he is saving the best for last." She looked over to me and clasped her hands together. "Is that not right Donovin?" She asked in a pleading tone. "Um...ya. That's it." ‘Oh great. Not another power play.' I picked up Kit's brush and started on her fur. ‘At least Kit has the decency to not participate.' I thought as I worked on her back, effectively missing her stick her tongue out at the other girls. ‘But she is right. I do have something special planned for her, or should I say that it's something that's been coming and has been denied for a while now.' I thought as I looked Jenavee up, only to see that she was scowling at Kit with her arms crossed. ‘This might take longer than expected.'