Episode 6: Puzzle
The vessel bucked as it's shields were hammered by several different phaser hits. "tactical, target the main shield generators. all ships, on my mark, prepare to fire again.
Poem #37: Rights
Turned upon you the very shield you construct becomes a weapon to destroy you.
The Legend of Zelda: The Totem King- Ch 4 Rescue
The old man gave me the plastic bag and a wooden shield. i slipped the shield onto my arm. "the one your looking for went down the middle/right path. go, before they get much farther!" i put the bag in my pack, and stepped on epona.
Chapter 2: Vengeance
Her weapons met the shield again and again until, finally, they were driven through fur, through flesh, through bone, and directly into the cat's heart. "noooooo!"
"guardian's light" a shield surrounded around them and seemingly saved them from being burned alive. once the flame moved beyond them. vaati floated astounded. the two rabbits arising surrounded by a blinding light of a shield.
Plain-walker: Chapter 1
Set large and high on a far back-wall and polished to a glistening brilliance was a shield...but not just any shield. ruik found himself instantly drawn to the monstrous armament.
All Aflame
"i'd prefer 'with shields' to 'without shields'." "you know, there used to be a time when there was no such thing as shields. and furs still went out into space ... if they could do it, so can we."
The Song of the Slayer - Prologue
So upon the wooden walls he stalks, spear in hand, shield in the other, his presence pronounced with the heavy thud of his mailed step. he carries no torch; he does not need a light to see.
Towers of Seshin: Part 3
The wolf instantaneously pulled his shield from his back, the blow landing with a loud clang of metal on metal and a giant cloud of dust kicked up off the ground, causing alex to need to shield his eyes until it finally receded.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Seventeen
It didn't question and quickly breached through the shield out into open space. through the blast shield, a.j. watched the creeper flee, but the moment it was clear form the ship it erupted in a explosion of fire.
The Feral Four File
He also often wears a collar and energy shield generator (see below). **energy shield:** another piece of repurposed equipment, this one confiscated from the super villain tanker.
Chapter Twelve -- Island Idyll
"you've been shielding your thoughts since you got home," aiko accused her mate gently. "what happened at the expo that upset you?" miyatsu glanced at her with a slight smile. "you know me too well. i wasn't shielding intentionally.