The Legend of Zelda: The Totem King- Ch 4 Rescue

Story by Iden Moonfang on SoFurry

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#4 of The Legend of Zelda: The Totem King

ch four

I half expected this to be a big joke, that Zelda'd jump out and say, "Syke!" But everyone was so dead serious, not because of the missing princess, but because they thought I was nuts. I jumped up out of bed, and pushed past the crowd. I went to my room and put on my hunting outfit, the one that Zelda and I'd made based on Link's outfit. We'd made this outfit sort of as a joke, y'know, because of my name. She'd even made a wardrobe based off of Zelda from the legend's clothing. It made me keep remembering her. Because the longer I stayed here, the more I was beginning to believe them, that she realy didn't exist.

I strapped on my quiver and my short-blade, and grabbed my bow off the wall. I turned for the door, and there was my mother, looking every bit as worried for me as the others. "You can't stop me," I said, in absolute certainty that she could turn me around with a single word. But she nodded, and said, "I don't think I should. This girl you were talking about, Zelda, does, did, she cut her bangs short and wear clothes like the legend, but more modern?"

I nodded. "Then you'd better take this," she handed me a shoulderbag, "And leave before you loose her completely. Just keep remembering her."

I took the bag, grabbed my skateboard, and ran out the door. I focused my mind, and I began to see things in my tracker sense. Tracks were outlined in my mind, and I could identify people's specific scents(don't question it, it's an elf thing). I went to the training field, and looked around. Zelda's scent was faint, but I folowed it to where it was strongest, and looked at the ground. There were the shifting footprints of a struggle. I let the scene play out in my mind. She was grabbed from behind, and that's when she screamed. She spun, and struck her attacker's face with her elbow. The big man reacted, and she ran a short distance, and was caught by another. She was struck, and the seccond big man picked her up. The first two men united with a third and fourth. They went west into the woods. I started after the tracks.

I kept on folowing the tracks, but suddenly, the tracks split off. All four men started off in separate directions. There was a small shack next to the trail, a fire going out front. Whoever lives there might have seen something. I dismounted, and approached. Suddenly, I saw someone trying to sneak up on me. I spun around, sword drawn.

There stood a very threatening... kitten.

I sheathed my sword, and knocked on the door. "Hold on! Just a minute!" I took a step back. The old door creeked open, and an old man with a ponytail, a goatee and a large grin said, "Well, son, what can I do for you?"

"Yes, um, can you tell me if you saw four men, one carrying a girl, and if so, which path did the one with the girl take?"

He rubbed his chin, like he was thinking. "Well, I may, or I may not. I may remember it more if you buy some merchandice." I smiled and shook my head. This guy. I think I like him.

"So what do you have?"

"I'm glad you asked. We've got Mountain Honey, Reeses Cups, and wooden shields. I've made these all myself, amping up the good properties with a little magic. Each costs just a dollar."

I handed him three dolars, and said, "I'll take all three." The old man looked like he might faint. "I'll, I'll just get your items. Thank you! Thank you!" He hobbled back behind the counter. He was so flustered, he put a lot of extra Mountain Honey and reeses in the bag.

The old man gave me the plastic bag and a wooden shield. I slipped the shield onto my arm. "The one your looking for went down the middle/right path. Go, before they get much farther!"

I put the bag in my pack, and stepped on Epona. I started down the path, as fast as I could go. The brush started getting thicker, and I couldn't get much farther without tripping up, even with my magic skateboard. I dismounted, and slid Epona into my bag. Starting out on my own, I began looking closer at the tracks. Apparently, Zelda'd woken up, and she was fighting her captor fiercly. I hurried down the trail.

Close to dark, I saw a camp fire, not too far ahead. I snuck closer.

"No one's comming for you, princess. Our employer made it so that they don't even remember you."

"That's not possible. I've left too much there to be forgotten. Besides, you really shouldn't have knocked Link out. Amnesia Spells only work on the concious mind. And he's comming for me. I can feel it." She looked right at me.

Now, I thought I heard her say. I leapt into the camp, sword drawn. Zelda was tied to a stake, next to a big, burly goon. I wasn't surprised that this was the same guy I was fighting on the training ground. "Who are you again?" I asked Zelda. "Not funny. Beat this guy up and untie me."



"No. There's something going on. I need to find out what. Besides, this guy's right. No one remembers you. We need to release the curse on Hyrule. We need to go to the Forest of Totem"

At the sound of those words, the brute stiffened, and a small glow came from his pocket. "How, how do you know that?" I smiled. "When you knocked me out, I was visited by the wolf spirit of Link. He told me that the only way to save Zelda is to go there. And you're gonna take us."

He sneered. "I ain't taking you nowhere." He drew his sword. Too slow. I already closed the distance and slashed down through his chest. "Why'd you do that?!?" yelled Zelda, "He's the only way to get there!"

"No," I replied, "He's not."

I reached into his pocket, and took out a small disk. "Forest of Totem," I said. It started glowing slightly, then a burst of energy exploded outwards. I saw a clear path through the woods that wasn't there before. "Come on," I said.