Poem #37: Rights

#38 of poetry a poem about injustice in the world, and how its important to understand that equality isn't always perfect, just like everything else in life.

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Fenris Chains - Dromi

"what has lady injustice hired us to do?" kaarlo asked as pehr basked in his victory. "ironically, she wants us to rob a museum." i said. "no problem.

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The killed dragon's descendant

"this night is the only night in the year when i come to pay a visit to my ancestor, to remind me of that pact and remember the injustice we had to suffer." hans now was limiting himself to listening to the dragon, in silence.


Heaven and Hell: The Hero From Limbo Ch. 2

Those who were unjust in their ways, and embrace their injustice, they are left to wander the novo strada until they properly and objectively weigh their injustice.

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Make Me Like An Irishman

Against all forms of injustice, and all the powers of hell! and when we drink in celebration, lord, keep us safe from harm, whether we find a sober driver, or stumble home arm in arm.


The Sisters of Vengeance

If no one else hears or remembers the cries of the slave they will count the injustices. they will wait till they're repaid. oh mercy is needful. let me never sully its name. but mercy can't bear to admit when there's someone to blame.

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Tears of the Oryx

He is the hatred and loathing that burned through my veins at all the injustice in my life. he is the pain from my past that i never quite managed to express. he is the embodiment of my darkest places.

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The Anger Poem

They could not bare injustice these titans punishments they must deliver right now! - one unfaithful day, they erupted bright columns of lights shot out of the fissures trembles! trembles! their rocky skin began to crack and fall tumbles!

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I Think About Revenge Most Every Day

#18 of poetry if 2020 accomplished anything, let it be the gravedigging of the idea that revenge is a worse injustice than that which is avenged.

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Eight Minutes and Forty Six Seconds on June Twelfth, Two Thousand Twenty

Witness, we beg you, the injustice here in these our rain-soaked, silent latter days. allow no one to edit it away. after this moment, i will once again return to voting, speaking, fighting, and if necessary, running for my life.

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Second Time Around

There are worlds out there where the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream...etc etc...somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice. somewhere the coffee's getting cold. come along, aria, we?ve got work to do.?

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Vignette: Snow

I've written thousands of words from cecina's perspective, but these are the first i've uploaded, which is a substantial injustice to her. "you know, hervie, today is a good day," cecina said with a smirk, her arms akimbo.

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