Face Your Fears
"the hill is over here." he said. he lead me to the hill. when we got to the top. he was right! the view was amazing! the way the stars reflected and refracted on the water! the water wasn't moving, like nothing disturbed it.
The Fairy
At the bottom of the hill there is a small hollowed log that jessica notices. "that will work, she will never look for me in there."jesica says aloud before running down towards the log.
Selfish Death
Walking past the open entrance, i made my way up the steep, snow-covered hill. the bouquet of white flowers safe in my arms. the journey to the top of the hill was somewhat like a race.
The Flower of Scotland
Closing the door, i walked down the hill until my grandpa's house was out of sight. then i sat down on the grass and looked out over the waters of cape wrath.
A Bronze Rising: While he was Gone
Unfortunately, the hill itself was largely clay as i'd discovered early on with my futile attempts to dig out a subterranean domicile.
Subtle vibrations travelled beneath his paws once he set them on the bedroom carpet, moving in tandem with each of those guttural groans from beyond green hills.
SENTIENCE - Chapter Seven - Chase
I bounded up a shallow hill, waiting for it to follow. slowly we got away, into a depression in the ground atop the hill. the valley would bring them around rather than up. hr'salacs were predictable in that way.
Draw to the Heart (teaser)
You might get a good view if you're driving up a big hill, but even if you leave the city there's still a lot more hills and, well, trees everywhere you look." cindy chuckled and turned off the brights of her truck as they arrived in the town.
Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 16
Ander slowly started to make his way down the hill, back the way he had come, carefully looking over every bush and tree big enough to hide a middle-aged vixen, her scent growing stronger with every step he took.
All's Fair - Part 4
I just let my footfalls jar through my body for as long as i could, until the city faded back into those peaceful hills and the hills faded into forest and climbed into mountains.
Superiority Chapter 7
They reached the bottom of the lookout hill, and began climbing. "how far away is this lookout?" asked richards?" "just at the top of this hill," replied bill. almost slipping a few times, all three wolves reached the top of the hill.
Journey to another world ch46
I can't ride down that hill with the two of you on the bike so your both going to have to stay in your balls until we reach the bottom of the hill." jenavee turned to me. "what about those trainers?