Regarding Carrion Diets

On a Tuesday like any other, a ginger-furred tomcat and red-eyed crow met at their favorite coffee shop to shoot the breeze and discuss the business affairs of the company they worked at. Their conversation had started out pleasant and civil enough,...

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Lost Into the Past Chapter 11

Nathan nodded and took the carrion as thurston sat on the couch as well, they both soon started eating the carrion. "so..." nathan began. "how do you know mr. conductor?" he inquired.

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SENTIENCE - Chapter Seven - Chase

It showed me how it brought me that first mangled carrion by using its inexplicable light-image tool. the image showed it carrying it in its small mouth, bringing it to me.

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Civilized Nature

Factions **tanka no. 3 (autumn)** the loosening leaves in an evening force of gust -- beneath the full moon darkening chills overcome the wanderer in the woods **tanka no. 4 (winter)** once frost-bitten wings on lethal birds of the skies -- becoming carrion

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Waiting to be Human

To sniff the scents of nighttime: pine, waterfalls, deer carcasses-- sweet carrion, and bugs. each pip of a resting bird and every touch of a leaf's fall-- against the ground, though light meets their tufted fancy ears.

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Lost Into The Past Chapter 2

carrion. at first, nathan was very hesitant, but once his nose got a whiff of it, it actually smelled... good! really good!

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SENTIENCE - Chapter Two - Contact

During the day, i sought out small creatures i could rarely capture, and carrion. during the night, i hid from those more dangerous than me--a list that was growing--and attempted sleep. this night was no exception.

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Dynasty: Origins, Act 04: Racing Out of Debt

Flying north, bernie and i made record time getting to the carrion speedway due to very little people risked using flight mode.

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Pre-Determined: A Creation Theory!

_ all three filled became him and the cosmos shrieked in protest as he slid his hands deeper into the carrion blackness of his mouth.

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The Wailing Moors

The two of them look up and sees a figure hobbling up to them slowly, carrion birds flying overhead. they begin growling and barking, the figure gets closer. "it's a wolf?" the black lichen infested wolf collapses to the ground with a groan.

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Who's Cackling Now?

The rustling pine trees and cawing of carrion birds melted into white noise. they could only hear the tense thump of their own hearts, and the coursing of blood through their veins.

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