Tokyo Tension

To boot, so many of them were unfamiliar: different chemicals in riders' detergents, different foods in their diets, even what he assumed were cleaning chemicals were different.

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The Life of Another - Chapter 2

"yes, it will heal but you should avoid talking for a few days and you'll need to be on a soft diet too. i'll change your antibiotic prescription to liquid so you don't have to choke down pills.

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"The Thin Line," Part U

Most of us were of the view that he probably had stuffed his uniform pockets, so the bread-and-water diet there likely would not faze him.

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A Ponyville wedding

Over the next months they went through the roller-coaster of pregnancy together, the mood swings, the strange changes in diet - all of it. the foal was due any day now and they had everything ready.

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Destiny for Two Pt 5

Looks like we are on a berry diet for a little while." taking a sniff of the air i caught a hint of some greppa, watmel, and pinap berries not far from where we were. "ok i think we need to find an area to set up camp.

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Entertainment of the Gods: Chapter 5 Learning to Hunt

He had eaten the last of the dog like lizards legs the day before which had been getting a bit ripe in the hot and humid air, and he felt much better on his new all meat diet.

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Racers Edge

"sounds good" the two walked over to the burger stand and ordered 2 cheeseburgers and 2 diet cokes. they made quick work of the track food. walking back to the car jake looked over at kar. "you should start racing for pink slips." "maybe."

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The nanites also help cleanse their system of any contaminants and impurities that may be lingering around from a poor diet.

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Arora: The Hungry Wolves Chapter Two

Difference in stature, fur coloration, one or two irregular body parts, or even something trivial as diet can separate a feral varg from those that occupy the highest tier and being able to enter into the highest positions in society.

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 14

Sam took a sip from the diet coke the waitress had brought him. "nah. fresto said he isn't allowed to reveal personal information or something like that." "mystery man, huh?" sam smiled. "or mystery woman!"

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[SFW] Squirrelly Days #009 - Lina

Any~way i don't know... generally our "punishment" for something like eating refined village food would be going through a strict cleaning diet, but i doubt that'll be it since your body isn't even used to wild food yet.

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The Spark Of Life - Chapter 01

On the left was eurynomos (it/its), a similarly saggy flesh thing of a blueish hue, smoking what could be its 50th back to back cigarette as it holds its cards, all in service of trying to mask the corpse based diet on its breath.

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