Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 29
Or maybe she was just crying. it wouldn't surprise her. she cried every day. she could hear her tears falling into the pot of vomit, one by one, a soft pitter-patter. "it's okay, baby, you don't need to be sorry. here..."
Starlight Pack Chapter 2: New Beginnings Part2
"please don't cry not anymore. it kills me to so either of you cry." "okay, but how are you gonna figure out your answer?" "well' like this. alex will you go out with me?" "so is that your plan go out with me until you know who to pick?"
Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter One
cried biro, happily. (end of chapter one)
Fairyland Magic
She locked the door and threw herself onto her bed and cried and cried and cried and cried until there was nothing left.
A Day In The Woods by Theo Winters
The changing hawk let out a new cry, his voice growing deeper as his neck started to swell. he tried to cry, to beg to stop the changes, but no words came. from his beak, only a growl that echoed through the woods.
A Day in the Woods
The changing hawk let out a new cry, his voice growing deeper as his neck started to swell. he tried to cry, to beg to stop the changes, but no words came. from his beak, only a growl that echoed through the woods.
Show Me Your Teeth: My Hands
I fall to my knees and cry. the floodgates open and once i start crying, nothing can make me stop. i heard someone knock on the door after half an hour of silently crying. i still haven't been able to stop. i told them to go away. they knocked again.
Raiyev Part 15
He cried out, yelling the question over and over again as loud as he could, tears streaming down his face, pounding for anyone to come.
Comfort Creature
After a few minutes his cries began to die down, he had burnt himself out, his cries had been reduced to weak whimpers.
Hell for Horses
But as we started to follow the donkey angel i suddenly heard a cry from far away. i stopped and listened, straining to hear it. it was the cry of a horse, and i could tell it was in pain. it was cry of fear and anguish, of loneliness and terror.
A Raven's Emotion's
Finally, he cried, wailed and screamed. screeched, but most of all he cried, the pain of a hundred or thousands of years finally caught up to him.
Orrys cried because he felt so unloved by those who were supposed to love him most. he cried because no one really wanted him around.