Show Me Your Teeth: My Hands
This is a side story for Show Me Your Teeth. It also takes place a bit into the future of the actual story and introduce 2 characters that will appear in the next chapter of Show Me Your Teeth. I hope you guys like it :)
I wake up in the morning. I don't need my alarm clock to wake me up; I'm just tired of sleeping. First thing I do is make my bed... alone. I get in the shower and start my day anew...without him.
I drive to the mall and enter through the back door to my job at Bath and Body Works. I love working here; to meet all sorts of furs and people and to be surrounded by all those wonderful scents. Only the nicest smelling of fragrances stick to my dark, lion fur. People say I look like Kovu from Lion King 2, except for the spiky mane. My favorite fragrance is the Japanese Cherry Blossom.
The day goes by rather normally. Customers come in, try new items, by their favorites, and leave happily. However, today would prove to be a bit more interesting.
At around noon, a lone, male pet came in without a master or a leash. He wore average high school-er clothes and a collar with a light purple neon stripe. He looked like a small wolf, maybe with some husky in him. He had silver-gray fur with a patch of white on his face. His eyes were the same color as his collar's stripe. He walked up to me and said, with a shaky voice, "Do, um, do you h-have something to give me a strawberry smell?" He was blushing underneath his shiny fur.
I smiled and chuckled inside my head. I told him, "Of course. Follow me." We walked to the other side of the store. As we walked, I decided to ask some questions. "So, is this for you or your master?"
The small canine blushed deeper and said, "W-Well, my master loves the smell of strawberries and thought it would be a nice surprise for him."
"Oh." I said, a little shocked. "He doesn't know you're here?" While not against any laws, it was unusual to see a pet without a master, let alone somewhere without his master's permission or knowledge.
The pet shook his head. "No, he lets me go out during the day. If I don't return before he gets back at 3:00, then I have to do whatever he wants me to, usually sexually, no matter how much I don't want to." It sounded like his master was nice but knew how to discipline his pet.
"So, do you want something that lasts for a long time, like all day, or something that loses its strength over time?" I asked.
He thought about for a while and said, "I want the one that fades over time." I brought him up to the counter with 3 bottles of strawberry scented items: a shampoo, a body wash to reinforce the smell, and a body mist. We have a special deal where you buy 2 items and get 1 free. I ran the normal schtick of "would you like a rewards card." He declined, as most people do.
After I rand him up, I took off $10 of his purchase. He noticed and thanked me over and over again. He left with the biggest smile on his face, knowing how much he would please his master I bet. I just smiled and waved.
"Hey! Vira!" I heard someone calling out my name. I turned to see a blue eyed husky weari ng a red, non-slave collar.
My eyes widened and I put on a smile, a very fake smile. "Oh my God! Adobe! It's so good to see you!"
"I know! It's been, what, 3 weeks?" He said.
I laughed, also faked. "Yeah, just about. How've you been?"
"Not bad, just getting some shopping done." He said while pointing to his shopping bags. "What about you?"
"I've been good. Work is a drag, though." I tell him, trying to keep my tail from lashing. I haven't heard anything being knocked over so I think I am successful.
"Yeah, I know how it is. Well, it was nice seeing you again." Adobe says as he turns to leave.
"Likewise." I say while waving good-bye. I hear myself growl when he is out of earshot and my dark brown mane starts to become frazzled. I head back to the employees only room to fix my mane and get back to work.
After 4 and a half more hours of work, it's time for me to head home to my apartment. The drive back is nice and peaceful. I hear some of my favorite song on the radio. When I finally arrive home, I try and call some of my friends to see if they can hang out or do something. Most say they are busy, others don't answer. I just decide to go inside, watch some TV and go to bed.
I get through the door after a pretty good day and the same damned thing happens every god damned time. My paws start to shake and won't do anything I tell them to do. They don't want to understand, they don't want to let go, they don't want to be without him.
Soon my body can't handle it anymore and I break down. I fall to my knees and cry. The floodgates open and once I start crying, nothing can make me stop.
I heard someone knock on the door after half an hour of silently crying. I still haven't been able to stop. I told them to go away. They knocked again. I got up and somehow found a way to unlock and open the door with my shaky paws.
On the other side was...him, the black wolf who my paws have yearned for. They want nothing more than to touch him again, but they stay where they are, still shaking. "F-Fang?" I said, telling my paws to wipe the tears out of my eyes, but again, they did nothing.
He stayed silent for a second, and then said, "Adobe said he saw you today." Adobe was his roommate. He didn't know that about 3 weeks ago, Fang broke up with me and that's why I haven't seen him since.
I was going to say something, but before I could, I was pulled into an embrace by his strong arms. I began to cry harder. "I am so sorry I left you, Vira. It was the dumbest thing I have ever done."
I heard myself say, "Do you know what I've been through? Every day since the break-up, I would think I would be okay and I was always wrong. My paws wouldn't listen to anything I told them to do. They would just shake because they wanted to touch you again."
"I-I am so sorry, Vira. I promise I will never leave you again. I have been so miserable these past 3 weeks. I don't even remember what reason could have even come close to good enough for leaving you. You were and are perfect in every way." He began to cry too.
My paws finally did something I wanted them to do. They wrapped my arms around the wolf and hugged him.
He asked, "So...So will you please, please , take me back, Vira?"
"Yes, yes, of course!" I said, crying while smiling.
He tightened his grip and said, "Thank you! Thank you, baby!" He kissed me deeply and passionately. This stopped my crying. "I love you." He said.
"I love you too." I said. "But, if you ever hurt me again, I will kill you." I said in a joking tone and while laughing.
He laughed too and said, "Okay, then I guess I'll have to stay with you forever."