Just Living Chapter 4

It was silly and a childish offer at that, but he closed his eyes and brought the back of his head atop of her thigh and onto her lap.

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The Forgotten Wolf Chapter 4: Prelude to Problems

Kunari nodded, looking charity in the eye... the innocence... that childish look in her eyes made kunari look away, blushing and ashamed. he walked closer to aniu and charity, looking down and asked, "are you alright, sister?"

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Breaking Point: Chapter Two

This isn't cool, its childish, sit down and shut up!" this had the desired effect as red had a temper and none of the arguing party wanted to be on the receiving end of his wrath.


Blood Rose-7

"just jason," before she asked his last name, "i'm not sure of the rest of it." he explained, finding it easier to talk to the childish version, rather than the more adult version.

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Banana Pancakes (Summer Adventure 2014)

The lizard'sfather had a goofy smile on his face, his eyes filled with childish excitement. he opened his eyes and was greeted with a view to behold: the rest of the suburb beneath him. it was quite the sight.

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He glared with a childish grin. "scout's honor, moose." i saluted him and returned the smile. \* my canoe drove through the water across the lake. the deep blue water sparkled under bright blue sky freckled with clouds.

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A new beginning: Home at last

.** the rest of the day had flown by as the young dragons played, both of which filled with the childish glee of there youth. both dragons were more than content with just being with the other.

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More than Kin, Less than Kind: Chapter Four

It was a small voice, childish in its intonation, quavering a little as if tinged with shyness or fear. "can you hear me?" the voice grew louder, as if its owner were coming nearer. "are you hurt?" chara groaned and opened their eyes.

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Ch. 15 -- Kidnap

"you and your childish pranks." once shannon was in her bedroom, dro snatched up his bag, fluffed the cushions on the couch, then silently made his way out the door of her apartment.

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Rubber Ducks and Sad Songs

Colt never liked to game alone; his childish nature was sweet. though always seeking approval from nikolas. another question slipped his lips. "unless you wanna go hang out at their place?"

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Lonely Oak Chapter 126 - The Meadows

Hupp would probably think he was being immature; letting his imagination childishly loose. he took in a breath. "there's... this place that the kids here call gently ouly's meadow," he explained. "i know about it," ms. hupp told the tiger. "oh..."

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The Cat's Stroll 06

Kyu cao eyes were constantly twinkling with a mix of academic curiosity and childish excitement. his tail merrily waved behind him. "that..." after some time, he saw something behind the foliage ahead and strode over.

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