A Dream Chp: 14 The Animal Inside
#14 of A Dream
A Furry's Dream Chp: 14 The Animal Inside
Folvos' POV
I feel 2 impacts against my body, one for the soldier's body, one for the floor. I've held him to the ground and I can feel him realising what's happed, I pull up one of the chains from the bed and wrap it around his neck. Pulling tight I hear him start to choke and I hold him pulling the chain tight and glaring through that faceplate. "YOU!" I loosen the chain a little but I can hear the animal side telling me to just kill him, "DO NOT!" I use my spare hand and punch him in the chest plate hearing something crunch, "HURT HER!" I feel a pain jabbing into my thigh; I look down to see a cut on my thigh and a knife in his hand. "You can do a lot more to me than I'll let you get away with her." I feel hands wrap around me and pull me off of him before I look up and notice everything fading into one of the hologram rooms that I was allowed to play around in before. "Where is Rose?" I glare around at the people trying to hold me down as much as possible before I'm strapped to a bed and wheeled into one of the scanning rooms. "WHERE IS ROSE?!?" I growl at the people around me, I start shaking against the straps but they are harder to break than those holographic chains. "WHERE IS SHE, TELL ME OR I'LL GET OUT AND..." "And how would you do that? The bonds that are holding you are near... Unbreakable..." A gruff voice calls out from over a speaker by the sounds. I push hard against the straps holding my arms and legs down and I hear them start to rip.
I glare at the people surrounding me and start to count. "You have 5 seconds to tell me where rose is, 5..." I look around and watch the nervous glances that the doctors exchange. "4..." One of them looks like they are about to faint so I rattle against the bonds again startling him and making him jump back. "Tick tock, enjoy living while you do. 3..." I growl at them loudly before I hear that same gruff voice from before, "Quick! We need to sedate him! Soldiers fire stun guns, WE NEED THIS ONE ALIVE!" I growl again and rip open the bonds. I shoot up and hit one of the lab people on the head. I start to turn before the gunshots, adrenaline shoots through my system and I embrace the animal inside. My parents always warned me not to embrace it, there had been many a person who hadn't been able to come back from the transformation but I needed to save Rose. I thought of how much Polybius hated these humans and what had been done to him, even in my animalistic state of mind I quickly decided that they would be useful and to get his help. The fastest way would probably be to save his girlfriend. Time feels and looks like it's a lot slower. I see the bullets about 30 centimetres away from me. I look closely at the electricity coming off these 'stun rounds,' "Hit the bullets away and charge the soldiers!" My instinct screams, thirsty for blood. I fight against it not wanting to feel the electricity 'till next week, instead I decide to move rather than hit them away. I leap to the side, almost hitting the unfortunate doctor who was there before leaping to the nearest soldier. He is starting to bring his gun around so I growl at him and grab the gun. Time is starting to speed up again as the adrenaline runs out leaving me feel a little more vulnerable. My body starts to move on its own and I know it's the animal that's controlling me. My arms are being jerked around and I feel like I'm here just keeping an eye out for any major dangers to us.
"KILL, KILL, KILL" it screams at me. "Do it," I say in response "Leave the scientists alive and knock out the cameras first though, don't want them to catch on too fast if they haven't already." I imagine him snarl and then I let go of my body, retreating to the confines of my mind as 'it' deals with the soldiers. I hear sounds around me but I shut them out and allow my mind to go to happier times. "Rose..." I state, looking down at her in my lap. My hand moves to her head and start to play with her soft fur.
'It's POV
I grin menacingly at the soldiers that are in front of me before letting loose a big howl. 'This will be fun.' I think. I charge the soldier in front of me and bowl him over, landing on top of him I frown. 'This one was too easy.' I bring a claw up and slice his neck clean open and causing blood to pool in his throat. I noticed that by this time the other two soldiers had raised their weapons and taken aim at me, I had to move fast. I leap from the corpse right before the bullets start to ping from the metal area around his body. Glaring at the remaining soldiers I hide behind some of the machinery. "Now you too will be more fun won't you?" I ask them in a slow, sing-song and childish sort of voice. "Well we can't have fun if you are too busy being chicken." One of the soldiers mentions before crackling with laughter. I start to move around ducking behind machines and looking for panels. I spot a panel that looks easier and plunge my hand through it, feeling around I cut a few wires. Don't know what they do but can't hurt to have done that. "Aww, but I didn't want to scare the true chickens," I tease before I hear a door open partial and jam. "And if anyone tries to leave you'll be first." I grab part of the panel that's now in pieces and fling it in the general direction of the door over my shoulder. "Well if you really wanted to 'have some fun' then why are you hiding from us?" a guard states, I run around the room and move behind the guards, "I'm not hiding," I jump from the cover and land feet first, the guards must've heard me because they have turned to face me and are about to start firing bullets at me. It takes a split second by Folvos's standards but I know where to go, I move towards the guards at an angle. With one in front of the other that limits the weapons I need to worry about so I charge the guard, he's started to fire and by a miracle all of them miss me. I know it won't hurt much but he's here now. "Let's Dance." I say and throw a punch to his face which he blocks promptly. "That's all you've got? This_will_ be fun." He mocks me then attempts to head-butt me and I barely dodge.
I feel his helmet connect with my shoulder and grin "AHHH," I mock the soldier, "That hurt so much." I continue to mock the soldier and he just grabs my shoulders and brings a knee up into my stomach. "Uph," The air gets forced out of my lungs before looking into his visor, "That tickles." His visor stops moving and I do my best feral grin, glaring into his visor. He shakes his head slightly, "My turn to lead?" I jeer at him. Smiling I bring my arms up from in between his hands forcing him to let go and his arms to swing wide. Reacting fast I bring a paw up and force it to hit his chest plate sending him staggering back and causing him to lose the grip on his gun. His friend stands there behind him and gets pushed over when the first soldier falls into him. Quickly the soldier starts climbing up and the first one grabs a knife from a pocket around his waist. "COME HERE YOU DOG, I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR ATTEMPTING TO HURT MICHAEL J. CABOOSE!" He attempts to charge me and thrusts the knife towards my stomach. I manage to parry it to the side and get behind him. I smile before kicking the back of his knee, "ARGH!" he screams going down to the ground. Quickly I kick his butt, literally, forcing him to the ground and I jump onto his back. Holding him against the ground I grab the knife from his hands and hold it against the back of his helmet. "I'll give you this, you were more fun than your friend," I say absentmindedly. "Hands in the air fur ball!" something hard and cold is pressed against my head; I guess it's a gun. "Aren't you only supposed to only take me hostage without killing me?" I ask the soldier behind me. I hear him shuffle a little uncomfortably, "Only if that means the security of our section..." I hear a voice in his earpiece, it sounds rough and angry. I hear him shuffling lightly and his gun moves down to my back. "Aww, it's more fun when I'm at gun-point." I spin around pushing the knife hard against the soldier's helmet; I hear metal bending, a muffled scream and my other clawed hand swipes blindly towards the gun. There is a short sweet sound of metal being scraped and groaning before there isn't any resistance against my claws. I continue in the spin and move my hand with the knife so it'll graze the soldiers arm. 'No sense in letting the fun end soon' I think to myself. "AHH!" he cries as the knife slashes against his skin. I stand over him and smile at my handy work. The gun had been cut across the barrel and looked a little rough... 'Man I really gotta sharpen these claws at some point' I think looking towards my claws. "What are you?" the soldier glares at me and asks.
"Me?" I ask confused, "I'm the thing that goes bump in the night, I'm the thing that you hide from and I'M the big scary alien that you've experimented on. I'm the animal that's inside." I spit that last part out slowly walking towards the soldier and glaring at him through the faceplate. "I'm the big bad wolf." I say quoting the hologram guy from before snarling and lunging at the soldier intending to kill him and end it. He surprises me by bringing up his arm and I accidentally bite into that instead of his helmet. He screams out in pain and I let go of his arm. "Why do you just prolong the inevitable?" I ask the soldier curiosity piqued. "Because I know I can win!" He brings his hand down and I see him holding a hand gun. He jabs it into my stomach and I look at it before laughing. "What, What is so funny!?" he screams, slightly agitated and terrified at the same time I judge by the waver in his voice. "You think you can kill me with a handgun? You think you can win with that?" I ask him, glaring into his visor slowly I lean in. "I can see your arm trembling; I can see the amount of blood you've lost. Let's face it, you're already dead!" I smile like the feral I am and in a blur I've got a claw digging into his throat and the other pushing the gun to the side. "Night Night." I say to the soldier. 'You done in there?' Folvos asks. I know he can see everything but he likes to double check. 'This power, this freedom I've got, I need it! You can't take it from me!' I bark back at him. I feel as if something grabs my shoulder and as I go to turn around something hits me hard across the head.
Folvos' POV
'Well now I know why I can't do that too often.' I state plainly. I start looking over my body to see if there is any damage but he seems to have kept me in one piece. I spin around and see 2 scientists hiding in a corner, they start shaking as I approach them. "Well, if you want to live then you need to help me." I glare at them and they get the point, one can't respond so he just nods slowly glaring at my claws which I 'forgot' to pull back inside my paws. Oops. "W...what d...do you need?" the other asks and I grin at him. "02," I say plain as day and turn back. "And I think you'll want to help me get her as soon as you can." I grab a knife from the soldier that is laying there and twirl it in my figures before turning to face the scientist. "Hint, move now, HINT!" I throw the knife and it embeds its self into the solid metal wall a fair distance above the scientist head but they get the idea. Quickly they get up and start trying to open the door which seems to be jammed. I stand over watching them and grin to myself in my head, 'Can't believe the knife stuck, thought it'd never stick in a million years!"