Kaiju ga Gotoku 8.3 - Rebirth

"alright, well," sano nibbled through his lunch, "i'm gonna head off to the arcade after this-oh, yeah, how's the new dragon quest?!"

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Five Nights At Furry

"so do i" freddy looked at sakusaro with an arch brow, "i was a child when i first came to the pizzeria, i was going through a hating phase that whatever the kids like i hate so the arcades and such weren't really fun for me until foxy started talking.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 3.6 - Red Eye

To shake off their blues they spent the rest of the day in the arcade in chinatown, not going back to the zombie shooter but instead losing themselves in sega rally championship ex millennium, which now had anti-gravity tracks for mind-bending fun.

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Hollow Bodies - Surface Tension

Wanna hit the arcade again?" "feh, why not?" they were right though. for a while, he just wanted to lay low. see things from a different perspective. but that vanity of his... it made him envy that big bastard.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.5 - The Deadliest Game

That said he was surprised any sort of engagement would be going down in the midst of this weather, despite the rain now starting to taper off as he approached the stega arcade.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.3 - Gordon's Big Day Out

"maybe the arcade?" "ahhh, too loud...ooooh, the uhhh, ball place." he motioned the swing of an invisible bat. "really?" gojirama grinned wide.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.3 - The Guardian

Stepping out of cafés and fast food joints, from cinemas, gymnasiums and arcades, a throng of creatures soon swelled in the streets. more and more dissent would come, from which office workers up high could see the thronging masses.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 8.6 - A Brother's Revenge

"so, i talked with this fortuneteller, and they told me to go to the arcade and finish this game for them, and there was this guy going full shit on a crane machine and i learned this whole new tech from what he was doing!"

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 7.6 - The Empire Strikes Back

"they've been growing their reputation in the arcades but only recently been branching into consoles. if you're more of a homebound creature i recommend the mega drive."

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.4 - The Final War

"i'm meiji and this is gen-hey, you're the kid from the arcade!" "wait...yeah!" leonardo tapped his head. "outrun dude, wait you were in the yakuza?!"

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