The Ride to Work (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The morning's blending of the last wisps of Winter chill and flat dampness of Spring's dour slammed into the coyote's face as he turned down the town's main road. A stubbornly rising sun flickered against the horizon, putting a bit more urgency into...

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Ariving at Nowhere Hotel

Looking in the saddlebags of my bike it looks like i was going camping. i have a tent, a flashlight, a bow and a knife. i pick up what i can and tie it to my body. i can't tell where i am, the road is foggy. i smell salt in the air, a can hear birds.

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Detail Practice: Moto Mania

Now, Froxy was getting too busty for her bra. She was the secretary of Boxenfree Motors, but she acted like the lady overlord of her boss Stan Pete Boxenfree's life. It all came to a head when she decided to challenge his driving. "You drive like an...

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Chocolate-Dipped Strawberry

Somewhere behind them, the marines ride their bikes without a words being said.

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A limo driver and five bossy boys kidnap a bike messenger

Pulling up on to the sidewalk, he leaned his bike up against a fire hydrant, and looking around him, he quickly placed his hand on the bike seat and his lips moved quickly.

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Sleepover at Jake's

And with that the three friends mounted their bikes - friendly on his big blue bike, jake on his smaller blue bike with silver training wheels, and timothy on his little red bike with black training wheels - to have a new adventure together as a trio. --

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Friendly's New Friend - Chapter Four

Timothy ran outside and instantly got on his beloved red bike. friendly went and got his blue bike and also got a bungy cord he could use to pull timothy along if the path got too muddy for the raccoon's bike.

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The Guardians Shadow ch15

Without warning the bike quickly kicked over, revved it's engine once, then sped forward and ran over my bike.

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Timothy's Vacation

Any further thought was interrupted though as the raccoon suddenly felt his bike tipping over sideways. "woah!" cried timothy, trying to restabilize his bike but ending up landing tummy-first on the lawn, his bike resting on top of his feet. "ow!"

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Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter One

I thought we'd never get to ride our bikes!" said friendly "that was a splendid lunch though" answered jake "let's ride our bikes!" said timothy "yay! yes! i love to ride my bike! come on art!!

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Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Three

"timothy, art is going to load your bike, he's very good at carrying things while he is riding his bike" timothy stopped trying to pedal his bike and sniffled. "i always get stuck in the mud" "hey, come on timothy.

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