The Struggle Within

Who knows what powers he could gave, telekinesis, lightning bolt, shadow ball, and he's just an eevee! can you imagine if he evolved?" "too bad there's no other way to get rid of him other then this.

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Paradise Redefined

It dawned on mattheiu that he had used telekinesis without thinking. he tried to speak, but could find no words. sunset grabbed him and hugged him tightly. "here." she whispered. "let me try again."

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Playing With Magic- Ch2- Dreams

The reporter was talking about the uses of telekinesis. "so you see folks, telekinesis is useful inside and out of battle. say you want a cup of tea, but you're too tired to get it..."

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Chapter 8- The Raccoon

Now here's a little girl with telekinesis and he's no longer alone. "that's amazing," kayden whispers. emma slowly sets it back down and her ears dim. "you mean you're not afraid?" emma asks. "of course not.

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Revised Psionics Write-up

While it can be useful in some ways, telekinesis is less of a defensive or offensive ability and just more of a utility.


Pd la telekinesis existe es un hecho cientifico y es muy sencillo solo se practica reiki y se mueve una psiwheel español:para mi los vampiros son simples humanos con colmillos nada mas, sin embargo de eso se inspiran los dragones, basicamente los

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Transcendent Pt.2

After a couple seconds it begins to float in the air "i have telekinesis?" i wonder but then i say "maybe i could escape here..." but i'll get killed... i'll wait and see what happens tomorrow... let's hope it's better than today...

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Transcendent Pt.4

Testing you can't let them discover that you've exceeded average... tomorrow should be one of the last testing days... so you can escape" "how did you know i wanted to escape" i ask him "i just know... now... when they inject you with the substance use your telekinesis

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2: The Exoself and Divinity

Eventually the direct manipulation of reality becomes possible, such as telekinesis, matter manipulation, and teleportation, and at the final stage is a fusion of the exoself and physical body into a hybrid form that exists beyond both - the stage where immortality

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Gods Don't Automatically Do Miracles

Gods have lived among humans for pretty much the entirety of known human history, and yet people often assume that the gods in question will automatically manifest massive powers of persuasion, telekinesis, and telepathy.


The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 11

To Hunt a King "I suspected as much." "What's that?" "You don't fool me, Scylla. There's no way a slave can have that much knowledge on the remote. Keen eyesight is not enough to determine the system. You must be either an ex-slaver, or...

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Warm Up | 20 - A Good Lesson In Love

Or maybe something more moderate like using telekinesis, or disassembling it from the tree and reassembling it at the palm of his hand, wowing rev in the process. or maybe he can turn the tree to a bunch of apples, but the apple into a tree bark.

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