Playing With Magic- Ch2- Dreams

Story by Sithris on SoFurry

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#2 of Playing With Magic


The light that managed to find its way through the canopy of leaves didn't do much to light up the path before him, but he couldn't slow down. The glowing red eyes behind him were slowly getting closer.

Seeing a clearing ahead he burst through some vines into a well-lit glade, nearly crashing into a small bluish creature. The triangular face turned around slowly, a look of fear plastered on it.

"Kan...?" came wearily from the small creature, before it turned and hopped quickly over to a tall brown figure. The mother Kangaskan turned and glared, her Joey now tucked safely in her pouch.

Not wanting to pick a fight with a protective Kangaskan, Tom slowly raised his hands in a non-threatening way and began to back off.

The angry mother began to walk towards him, making the ground shudder with each step.

An exposed root caught at Tom's foot, sending him crashing to the ground. The cold, heavy foot of the mother pushed down on his bare chest, crushing the air out of his lungs.

The foot pushed harder, denying him any air he had left. Red dots exploded across his vision, his lungs screaming for air. He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping to block out the pain, somehow make it end. Tears started running down his face as air refilled his lungs, the pressure on his chest lessening.

Waking with a start, only the darkness of his room met his eyes. There were no Ghastly's haunting him, and no angry Kangaskan threatening to suffocate him.

I must have slept for longer than I wanted to... He thought, noting the stars out his window. Relaxing back into bed, he noticed that the pressure on his chest had not subsided fully.

Reaching behind him to turn on the desk lamp, he couldn't help but smile when the cream and red fur of Vye's head came into view.

The fox pokemon was using his chest as a pillow, with her upper half on his belly and her legs off to the side.

She hasn't done this in a while... Tom thought to himself. Must have had a bad dream.

He began scratching behind her ear, causing her to nestle her cheek into his chest. After a few minutes, a shiver ran down her body. Must be cold. Tom thought, gently rolling her off and tucking her into the bed next to him.

Letting sleep retake him, the last thing he noticed was the pair of furry paws wrapping around his arm.

The sunlight strained against Tom's eyelids, rousing him from sleep. His right arm and chest were surprisingly warm. Cracking an eye open, he saw that Vye had climbed back onto him and was hugging his arm. Careful not to disturb her, he gently extracted himself from her embrace, slipping his pillow under her head, wrapped her up and gave her a light kiss on the nose.

Softly closing the bedroom door behind him, he yawned and stretched, heading to the kitchen. He put two slices of bread into the toaster and flicked the switch on the kettle. Getting two cups out, her poured some cocoa and sugar into them, cursing how loud the kettle whistled. Two slices of buttered toast later and he had set breakfast up on the little coffee table.

The sound of nails clicking on wood drew his gaze over to the hallway, where a sleepy looking Vye stood, giving him a tired smile. She came over and sat next to him, taking the offered cup and taking a sip, lightly sighing as the warm liquid slid down her throat.

Tom gave her a playful nudge. "What do you think you're doing, crawling into bed with me last night, eh? Or should I say into bed _on_me last night?"

Vye cringed and turned her head away, her legs fidgeting while a slight pink tinged her cheeks. That's odd, Tom thought. We shared the bed tons of times when she was a Braixen, and she never acted like this...

"Hey," Tom said, putting a hand on her shoulder, genuinely concerned. "What's up?"

She turned back, her cheeks now a bright red. Her eyes darted down to her lap and stayed there. A faint feeling of hesitancy began to invade Tom's mind. He put a hand on her shoulder.

"Alright, it's fine if you don't want to talk about it, but I'm here if you do, ok?"

Appreciation and relief filled his mind, and a smile graced Vye's face.

"That's a cool little trick you're doing by the why." Tom complimented.

Vye tilted her head to the side, and a wave of confusion flooded Tom's mind, making him slightly dizzy with all the rapid changes in emotion.

"The thing I'm feeling in my head, the different emotions..?" Tom suggested.

Surprise crossed both Tom's mind and Vye's face, and all at once the emotional link was cut off, leaving a surprisingly empty feeling behind.

Figuring to leave her to her thoughts for a while, Tom went back to eating breakfast, turning on the TV for some background noise.

There was a reality TV show on; something to do with a group of people surviving on an island without any pokemon.

What a boring world that would be... Tom thought, flicking over to the move channel.

A Kadabra was standing on-screen, its spoon floating in front of it. The reporter was talking about the uses of telekinesis.

"So you see folks, telekinesis is useful inside and out of battle. Say you want a cup of tea, but you're too tired to get it..."

At the reporter's gesture, the Kadabra pointed at a mug of steaming liquid, which promptly lifted into the air and floated into the reporter's hands.

"It's as easy as that!"

Tom laughed, pointing at the TV.

"Hey Vye, you reckon you could lift my cocoa up to me?"

She turned and looked sweetly up at him, distracting him long enough to swing a cushion into his face.

"Oh you cheeky girl," Tom chided, laughing. "I'll get you for that!"

Tom half fell, half play-tackled onto her, causing her to let out a shrill squeal. He grabbed her wrists and pinned her arms above her head, using his lower body to lightly pin her legs down. He watched her squirm for a bit before pushing his nose against hers, locking their eyes together.

The movement under him stopped instantly, and Vye's eyes widened. The colour flooded her cheeks until her face was bright red. Why does she keep doing that...? Tom wondered. He lifted his nose a little, and Vye turned her head to the side, squeezing her eyes closed.

Tom sighed, letting up on her. "C'mon girl, let's get back to your training eh?"

She seemed to lighten up at that a bit, the colour slightly fading from her cheeks. Tom gave her a small smile and headed off to his room to get dressed. What to wear... Tom wondered, picking out some casual clothes. He only planned to go back to the park, so he didn't need anything formal.

He picked out a small pink bow for Vye and headed back out into the lounge room. She was staring off into space again, both of her hands tucked between her legs. He walked over to her and tied the bow around her ear, something he learned she enjoyed since she was a Fennekin. She looked up at him, her eyes a mixture of emotions he couldn't quite discern.

"We're having a talk this afternoon, ok? I need to know what's going on. But for now, let's go to the park, eh?"

The walk was uneventful; Tom said Hi to the few people they passed, and Vye seemed to be happy for the fresh air. The park was empty, and the large clearing in the middle that was used for battles had been cleaned up from yesterday.

Tom found a nice little area with a few twigs in it and set up the rug he had brought along. Vye began picking at the twigs, comparing their size and weight. She found one she was happy with and sat down on the rug. Tom took it and held it between his fingers.

"Alright Vye, let's see what you can do" he said, holding his hand up.

Vye sat across from him, pulled out her wand and concentrated on the stick. There was a slight tugging sensation on Tom's hand, and it went all tingly.

"Woh," Tom laughed. "The stick Vye, that's my hand."

She muttered some kind of purr as an apology, and re-aimed her wand. The stick vibrated slightly in Tom's grasp, and it seemed to become warm between his fingers. He slowly let go and lowered his hand, smiling when the stick stayed in place. Shuffling over to Vye, he leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Several things happened at once; the stick that was floating in front of them began to glow a bright purple, and seemed to become almost transparent. Vye froze stiff, letting out a small yelp, and the emotional link in Tom's mind was re-established, flooding him with surprise and affection.

"Wow, look at the stick Vye!" Tom cheered. "Keep it up."

Renewed vigour crossed Vye's face and she raised her wand at the stick. She guided her wand to the right, and the stick, after shaking a bit, began to slowly follow suit. Vye turned in a slow circle, guiding it around her as she turned. Tom watched on, his mind slowly filling with pride, both his and Vye's.

Once she had done a full circle, Tom leaned over and gave her another kiss on the cheek. A fresh burst of affection spread through his mind, and Vye's cheeks coloured a little.

"Very good girl," Tom beamed. "Now, see if you can lift it up."

A look of determination set on her features, and she slowly raised her wand. The floating stick however, remained in place. Tom put his hand on her shoulder encouragingly.

"Come on Vye, you can do it."

He leant over and gave her a kiss on the top of her nose. A happy squeal followed the colouring of her cheeks, and her eyes began to glow a slight purple. She lowered her aim back down the stick and concentrated. This time, the twig began to slowly rise with the motion of her arm, until she had lifted it a metre or so.

Tom gave her shoulder a light squeeze. She turned to him, a smile on her face and a drop of clear liquid running down her cheek.

"Vye!" Tom exclaimed, worried. "Are you okay?"

She tilted her head and confusion filled Tom's mind. He was about to point out the drop when something wet fell on his nose. He looked up and saw the grey clouds that had gathered overhead.

"Oh," he sighed, "I just got worried about you"

Vye smiled and flicked her head in a gesture of home

"Yeah," Tom agreed. "We can do some more work at home."

They packed the rug up and began heading home, arriving at the door just as the rain began to pour. Tom let Vye in and closed the door, regretting it instantly as Vye shook herself off, all over him.

"Vye!" Tom shouted, shielding himself with his arms.

Vye looked back and put her paws over her mouth, trying unsuccessfully to not giggle. Tom wiped himself off and tapped Vye on the nose.

"Watch where you dry off next time will ya?" he playfully chided.

Vye murmured an apology, her ears drooping in mock sadness. Tom gave her a pat and headed into the kitchen.

He turned the kettle on and called Vye over. He grinned when uncertainty crossed his mind, and Vye slowly walked over.

"I need a cup Vye," Tom said. "Could you get me one?"

Vye rolled her eyes and pulled out her wand, aimed it at a nearby mug and concentrated. It began to glow, slid towards the end of the counter, and rose.

"That's it girl" Tom whispered encouragingly.

The mug slowly moved forwards, drifting off the edge of the counter.

A slight twinge of shock flicked in the back of Tom's mind, and the purple aura surrounding the mug flickered before disappearing, letting the mug fall to the ground with a crash.

Disappointment, regret and sadness all invaded Tom's mind, leaving him feeling sad himself. Vye just looked at the shards of the once-mug, before hanging her head.

Tom kneeled in front of her and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Vye, it's alright, it was just a cup. I'm not angry."

They stayed like that for a while, the sadness slowly being replaced by affection. Tom smiled, happy she was happy. He ducked his head down to kiss her nose, but as he did, she opened her eyes and looked up at him.

Their lips met, causing them both to go wide eyed, colour racing to Vye's cheeks. Surprise kept them still, both unaware of what to do.

Vye's lips twitched, before her eye's slowly drifted closed, and she leaned a little more against tom, her paws resting on his chest.

This... feels... weird..._Tom thought. _But... not bad weird... He looked at Vye, pure bliss on her face. Oh well, if it makes her happy...

He wrapped his arms around her waist and began to kiss her back.


=^.^=Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did writing it. Romance is so much fun.